My brain is still spinning on rusted, heavy wheels after the weekend in Helsinki, but fun days and sleepless nights always take their hard toll. The weekend was made of treasure hunting, burlesque, a small bootcamp and veggie sushi to name a couple of things, but also a carnival of glowing lights. And that's what this post is all about.
These pics are from the Carnival of Light in the local amusement park that was just around the corner, and we went to absorb some of that warmly gleaming atmosphere in. I have a thing for Ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds (preferably abandoned) so I felt extremely excited to visit that place after so so many years! Chilly autumn air, circus lights, screams of excitement and fright all over the place and a slightly tipsy head in a good company went surprisingly well together.
(I also felt damn lucky that not even a single clown crossed my path, you can't even begin to imagine the terror in my eyes if one of those red-nosed monsters would approach me..)

These are my dear siblings (one brother is missing here), and I kind of wish I had won those cute brown eyes in the gene lottery too!

The pictures aren't too great due to my little camera's capacity and the amount of natural light (and the lack of concentration, thanks so much red wine), but I wanted to share a glimpse of the enchanting ambiance in the park. :) I hope you enjoyed these pics, by now all those lights have shut down for their winter sleep.
Wow, upeita kuvia jälleen kerran :)
ReplyDeleteKiitoksia kovasti :)
DeleteOlet todella upea. <3 Voi että, pellet ovat minunkin painajaiseni! :S
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitoksia <3 Ja pellet, huh. En käsitä miten joku voi nähdä niissä pohjattoman traagisissa ja kammottavissa hahmoissa jotain hauskaa, hrrr..
DeleteThose pictures are fantastic! :o)
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you! :)
DeleteIhanan syksyisiä ja tunnelmallisia kuvia <3 Pidän tosta sun asustasi, mukavan rento ja lämpimän oloinen ja ehdottoman tyylikäs. Luonnollisesti myös ihastelen laukkuasi, hassua, mainitsin siitä just tänään blogissani xD
ReplyDeleteKiitoksia! :) Oli kieltämättä rento ja lämmin asu, juuri sopiva kylmään syysiltaan. Ja laukku on kyllä ihana, on ollut joka pennin arvoinen!
DeleteWhat a beautiful scene in the last picture! Reminds me of Prague which I visited last week, the lights in the night are incredible.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever been there? I think you would like the old town with its narrow and labyrinthine alleys and the castle!
Thank you! Nightly Helsinki looked beautiful, the photo was taken in a high tower in the amusement park.
DeleteSadly I must admit that I've never been to Prague, although I'd like to visit it. But we've talked about going there some day with my boyfriend, I'm sure it's a beautiful place! :)
Mistä olet löytänyt noin ihanan takin? :O
ReplyDeleteSiskon kaapista lainasin. :D
DeleteSun postauksissa on aina jotakin taikaa! :)
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos, ihana kuulla! :>
DeleteI really like the last photo ♥
ReplyDeleteI'm also terrified of clowns, so I totally get the feeling! :S I don't have a problem with clowns that are supposed to
ReplyDeletebe scary but regular clowns just freak me out. I'm doing clown makeup for a Halloween fashion show as kind of
a therapy. :3
I agree, the clowns that are supposed to be really scary kind of ruin the whole fright. It's the "normal" smiley clowns that I dislike the most, hrrr.
DeleteI also completely relate to that therapy part! I have the films "IT" and "Killer Clowns from Outer Space" in my DVD collection, it does feel like therapy to watch them. :D Although I still really hate the part in IT where Pennywise says "we all float down here"..get's on my nerves every time.
Heh, itse huokailen ihastuksesta siinä(kin) kohdassa. Tim Curry on vaan niin ihana. :) Ja se ääni saa kyllä kylmäväreet kulkemaan, mutta hyvällä tavalla... :P
DeleteHui, en vaan voi käsittää. :D Tim Curry pääsee jotenkin aina noihin pahimpiin rooleihin, heppu oli melkein Pennywiseakin pahempi yhdessä Criminal Mindsin jaksossa, huh.
DeleteKävin tuolla myös ensimmäistä kertaa viime sunnuntaina - ei kovin monessa paikassa voi sanoa tuntevansa oloaan kotoisaksi, mutta tuo tunnelma oli jotenkin niin lämmin ja satumainen, että en olis halunnut lähteä pois ollenkaan! Kaikki ne varjot ja valot, karusellit, musiikki ja oudot otukset <3
ReplyDeleteKuvausolosuhteet tosiaan oli mitä oli, mutta nämä ainakin on onnistuneet hyvin :)
Mekin riekuttiin tuolla ihan viimeisiin minuutteihin asti, tunnelma oli aivan ihana vaikken laitteissa käynytkään, vain näköalatornissa. Ja kiitos, kiva kuulla että kuvat on ihan ok! :)
DeleteSuosittelen, jos ikinä Linnanmäelle seuraavan kerran eksyt, älä koskaan mene Taikasirkus-laitteeseen. Se jos mikä on pellefoobikon painajainen. Nouset koriin, joka tuskallisen hitaasti menee läpi muka-iloisen taikasirkuksen, jossa on psykoottisen näköisiä pellenukkeja, liikkumassa kankeasti edestakaisin radoillaan. Pahin on lopussa, jossa on tykki, josta pitäisi tulla pellen esiin, mutta valitettavasti katsoja myös näkee, kepin, jonka nokassa pellen pää liikkuu edestakaisin tykistä ulos ja sisään.
ReplyDeleteErehdyin kerran. Toiste en mene.
Härregyyyd mikä painajainen! Kiitos varoituksesta, vältän jatkossa laitetta kuin ruttoa. o_o Karmeinta kaikista olisi olla peilitalossa kahdestaan pellen kanssa joka heijastuisi joka ruudulta, huhhuh.
DeleteOhh, but your natural eye color is very beautiful too! :D
ReplyDeleteThe pictures are great! The event surely as amazing, I wish I could have been there! In my home country we have a traditional fair every November in many large cities, and the feeling is quite similar. Though it's mostly rather young people who go there to get drunk, which sometimes kinda ruins the mood when they start to pick fights etc. But fairs like this just have a special feeling to them :D
I like my green eyes too, but brown is just so cute! It makes the eyes look like buttons or puppy's eyes, awww.
DeleteI'd like to visit a fair like that, sounds pretty lovely (if you don't count the drunk youngsters). :)
Nyt on hämmentävä olo, musta tuntuu että mulla on samanlainen takki kuin sulla tässä! ^^
ReplyDeleteVoi hyvin ollakin! Siskon takkia lainailin :)
DeleteHello there ^^
ReplyDeleteIt seems that cold weather is there already (winter forgot my country!:P) and i love when i see photos with people all dressed up with warm clothes, scarves etc ^^ You have to give a big hug to your parents for all the wonderful characteristics you and your siblings have :) You are the only one with green eyes? Little envy for that but i have two bronw eyes if you want :P Great pictures and i never had the chance to comment you on your previous post and i have to say that it was a pure magic! Both gorgeous and elegant it made me cry :') Have a wonderful day/night and have fun in Halloween too :)
Thank you for your lovely words Magda! <3 Yes, I'm the only one with green eyes and my other brother who wasn't seen here has pale grey eyes, it's weird how the genetic code works!
DeleteWinter is landing here already and I love it when there's a touch of frost in the ground. :) But autumn fades away too quickly, I'd love it if it could linger here a few months longer.
Hi!, I must admit that I love your blog, and I'm happy when I see a new post. As always great pics. I'm mexican and I would love go to your beautiful country.
ReplyDeleteGreetings. Ary
Thanks so much Ary, I'm happy to hear you enjoy my blog! I'd love to visit your country too someday. :)
DeleteLovely photos, I can almost feel the vibrant ambiance! :) May I say, you and your siblings share the same beautiful genes, you all look very pretty and kind! :)
ReplyDeleteAwww, thank you sweetie! ^^
Deletetosi hienoja kuvia :)
ReplyDeleteKiitoksia :)
DeleteYou look beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteTätä kommenttiani kirjoittaessani, Yle Teemalla pyörii elokuva, jota voi verbaalisella tasolla kuvata parhaiten adjektiiveilla "Huikea", "Mykistävä" ja....ööh....."Erilainen". Kyseessä on eepos vuodelta 1965 nimeltään Orgy of the Dead.
Oliko kyseinen elokuva entuudestaan tuttu tai satuitko jopa katsomaan tämän täysin aiheetta paitsioon jääneen mestariteoksen? :D
Haha, se on mulla nauhalla! Odottamassa oikeaa hetkeä eli nousuhumalaa :-D
DeleteHello, I recently found your blog and I love your style. I thought I would post a link for you to Heavy Red Clothing. I am not sure if you are familiar with them but they have a gothic Alice in Wonderland costume and some other things you might like. Though maybe you have already seen it? Anyway, here it is;
Thank you! And yes, I'm well aware of Heavy Red. :) I've lusted after their clothes for many many years, but somehow I've never really ordered anything.
DeleteI got one of their corsets (cincher $90) and was shocked at how well made it was. It's very thick and sturdy, and very well sewn. I felt like it was a steal, and would definitely buy a corset from them again! Anyway, I will continue to enjoy your blog, I'm fascinated since I know very little about Finland!
DeleteI have "cute brown eyes" and believe me, I would swap for yours in a heartbeat :)