I was supposed to post these pics after Friday night's roller derby practice, but Halloween and fatigue took their strong hold of me before I made it to the computer. Anyway, here's a couple of late views on Friday's rolling horror workout! I loved to see how everyone had dressed up so neatly, covered in different types of make-up and gore, but I have absolutely no idea what my own costume was. I ran out of time so the result was some kind of a long lost lovechild between Alice Cooper, a jar of glitter and Beetlejuice, go figure. :D
(My main costume of this year was slightly better, and I'll post it soon!)
yeahh <3
ReplyDeleteHeei, miten sä voit näyttää noin hyvältä urheilun jälkeen?? Itsehän näytän lähinnä punaiselta, hikiseltä ja hapsottavalta. :D
ReplyDeleteMut onhan nuo meikit jo vähän rapistunu tässä kuvienottovaiheessa, ainakin mun mielestä? :D Ja oi kyllä, mäkin olen ihan yhtä punainen ja hikinen kovien treenien jäljiltä. Nää after-kuvat on otettu heti kun pääsin kotiin eli oli ehkä pikkasen jo pahin kuumotus tasottunu, ja myös tuo polaroid-efekti tuppaa vähän pehmentämään kuvapintaa. :)
Deleteoh you are so beautiful all my compliments :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much :)
DeleteYou are fat
ReplyDeleteIs that supposed to be an insult? I love women with meat on their bones <3
DeleteLovely answer. :)
DeleteSeriously, this is what your sweaty after practice face looks like?! Life isn't fair... ;)
ReplyDeleteYep, but I guess that the redness had cooled down a little before I got home and took the pics. :) Plus the polaroid effect smooths it out a little!
DeleteMenikö entiset hajalle, vai miksi uudet luistimet? :)
ReplyDeleteEi menneet, venyivät vaan aivan liian isoksi mun jaloille niin tarvitsin uudet. :)
DeleteEt ole kyllä läskiä nähnytkään! Mistä nuo ihanat sukat? :)
ReplyDeleteNooh, trollit jaksaa aina laukoa kaikenlaista. :) Sukat on muistaakseni Leg Avenuen merkkiä, ostopaikka taisi olla Morticia, siitä vaan on niin älyttömän monta vuotta etten tiedä saako niitä sieltä enää. Mutta ebaysta luulisi löytyvän!
DeleteLovechild of Alice Cooper, Glitter, and Beetlejuice is a good look on you. :)
ReplyDeleteHello sweetie. I don't want to sound wierd. But I really enjoy your blog and style. Some people say that we have someone exactly like us, living the way we do, with the same tastes we have, in other parts of the world. And I think you are a improved version of me. Hahahahaha.
ReplyDeleteI'm a graphic art student as well. And if i could've chose, I'd probably chose to born in finland and have your wardrobe. Hahaha.
You are the best! ^^
Thanks so much, I'm so glad to hear you enjoy it! <3 I think there are much more than just one person like that, with same tastes and lifestyles, but everyone's an individual so there's no one exactly the same out there.
DeleteFinland is usually a pretty great place to live in, but it has some BIG downsides too. Like the long, extremely cold winter and high taxes, I bet you wouldn't like to have those. ;)
Yeap, I think that as well. It's something like soul friends or something like this.
DeleteYou're really such a pleasant person, congrats!
Oh, trust me, I really would like to experience living in a place like Finland. Brazil is also a good place to live, indeed. With all the nature beauties and friendly population. Despite of it all, we have a extremely hot weather in most parts of the year that ends up being harmful to health. And sadly, we have high rates of poverty, precariousness in the education system of the consequences of an archaic political infested with corruption. =/
Hahahah mikä kuva! :D Siis toi ryhmäkuva :D Onneksi muumiona saa näyttää ihan pihalla olevalta! Ja sain noissa treeneissä ekan derby mustelmani! Kiitos karkin ryöstö :D <3
ReplyDeleteHaha, en yhtään ihmettele että sait siitä pelistä damagea, onnea ekasta mustelmasta! ;) Ja sulla on ihanan jumiutunu katse tuossa kuvassa, hienoa rooliin eläytymistä :--D
DeleteHuippu kuva! Karkinryöstö oli kyllä suhteellisen vaarallista hommaa, mutta eikös nuo rosvohommat yleensäkin ole. ;) harmi kun ei oo sellaisia action-kuvia oikein.
ReplyDeleteWell I' loving your blog: your style, your good taste and on top your a derby girl? Awesome! I'm a derby girl also. Another reason why I'll keep reading you. Keep reading you.