27 February 2013

Weekend rollings!


Last weekend was a roller derby weekend! Needless to say it was a blast in more than one way, I'm still covered in nicely purple bruises from neck to toe. We had a scrimmage workout with our own team on Friday and a more formal scrimmage game on Saturday, against a group of lovely Rollin' Ragdolls from Jyväskylä. The final score was 252-75 on our scrimmage team's (Pilluminati) favour, yayy! 

I even scored a few points myself, jamming is just often so nerve-wracking that I prefer hitting and blocking other ladies. Although I'm really working on my zen peace, I'd love to do more jamming just because I love speed so much! None of that speed was present on Saturday though, the floor was new to us and slippery like hell on my hard wheels. Now I know how Bambi felt on ice, damn I need a pair of wheels with some more grip!

Unfortunately there's not so many photos I can publish right away, so the jumping group pic and the after party outfit will have to do. :) There's many games and even a couple of bootcamps coming up in the months of spring, so there's loads of derby pics ahoy!

Outfit was captured by my friend, thanks hon! 


  1. Oh my, I don't want to be rude, but Girl, you have a nice figure and especially your bum.

    1. Hehee, thanks so much! I feel pretty honoured to hear that :)

  2. Congrats on this amazing weekend!
    The fact that you were eagerly scoring, hitting and blocking sounds very fun! I'd love to see you in action. ♥

    1. Thank you! I don't have decent pics from my actions, somehow roller derby pics usually come out so that it looks like no one's doing anything. :D But I'll definitely post some more active pics in the future, if I get my hands on those!

  3. You look beautiful as always,
    have a wonderful Burlesque weekend : )

  4. Hahaa, te olitte niin hyviä, oli ihan mahtavaa! :D Jammaaminen on ihan parasta, tosin vähän kyllä jännitti kun piti lähteä jammeriksi heti ekaan jamiin, varsinkin kun valkoisten joensuulaisvahvistukset ehti ennen pelin alkua pelotella teidän Lara Kraftilla. :D Kyllähän se aika kammottavan nopea oli sillä saippualattiallakin.

    En kestä kuinka täydelliseltä tuo Selkie näyttää sun yllä, upea!

    1. Lara on kyllä huippu! Saippualattia oli ihan kammotus, mulla on vielä joukkueen kovimmat rullat niin ei auttanu asiaa kyllä yhtään. :D Yleensä menen tosi kovaa mutta nyt oli ihan Bambi-efekti käynnissä, ärr. Ihanaa kun kävitte vierailulla, me tullaan sitten bootcampille vastavierailulle!

      Ja kiitos paljon kehaisusta! <3

  5. Minkä niminen tuo teidän roller ryhmänne on? :)

    1. Joensuu Rolling Rogues, löytyy Facebookista :)

  6. I miss the games! My was last month :(

    Congrats to your team! Are playing with the new rules already?


    1. Thanks Dani! Yes, we're playing with the new rules. :) I think they're better than the older ones, but I should just read the new rules more to really absorb them.

  7. You are so unbelievably beautiful.
