25 June 2013


Some parties rock, but some parties rococo. 

I believe some of you might remember my old dream to take part in a masquerade, and now I finally have! These photos (mine and others' alike, please don't steal them) tell a story of a sunny Saturday and the night that followed. A pastel-hued dimension that took its place a little over a week ago.

Sweet and beautiful Ida was our birthday lady, our queen (or khaleesi) and the sole ruler of the night. ♥

Find the ghost from the pic ♥
Blogging mollies! From the left: Leena, me, Lady Satin and Sasetar
-"You fight like a dairy farmer!"
-"How appropriate. You fight like a cow."

Chandeliers cast our shadows on the walls and excited chatter filled the rooms as people made their acquaintances. With bows and curtseys, naturally. I love parties with new faces, and it made it all even better to see how much people had put effort in their costumes! Gorgeous lords and ladies filled the damask-covered rooms. Besides the delicacies, the historical drama and the nearly civilized drinking, there was also some extra nice entertainment involved. 

A duel of swords and wits à la Monkey Island! Treasure hunting! Burlesque show by Lunar Madness! Oriental dance of sabers! Troubadour ballads! Rococo disco! Gossips and photo shoots! And above all, such scandals that only the mansion walls can whisper of them.

I made my dress at the eleventh hour, completely from second hand ingredients. I found a ghastly 80's polyester creamy dream wedding gown with nearly legendary puff sleeves, and turned it into something that resembled a rococo dress. It was quickly made and it looked nice enough, but I was honestly surprised to hear such lovely compliments about my outfit! I even won the costume prize for Queen's Favourite, I felt so honoured! 

My noblewoman's title was Countess Morella Augusta Vladimira von Hexenvogel
After each glass of wine it became harder to remember that.

Thank you Laura for the pics! ♥

The day had a shakespearean charm to it, we walked and danced as if in the mists of some fae magic or a parallel universe, open for just one night. And in the strikes of the chilly morning hours the spell vanished, leaving lush memories and happy souls in its wake.

My sincere thanks and love to every lord and lady, the old friends and the new! 

Photo by Henry Söderlund photography. You can *click* it larger!

(photos 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 & 26 weren't taken by me. 
They're from Ida's blog (Shadow Selves), Laura Koski, Maria Maunula and Henry Söderlund.)


  1. Wow. It looks like tons of fun :) And everyone looks so pretty :)Wish I could attend a party like that someday too.
    I really love your hair piece.

  2. Mä jo ihailinkin näitä kuvia Idan blogissa, mut ei noita kuvia voi vaan olla ihailematta vähän lisää! Ehkä mäkin vielä pääsen joskus juhlimaan vastaaviin juhliin, todella kiehtovaa, kun jokainen voi juhlan ajaksi enemmän tai vähemmän verhoutua maskin ja roolin alle. :) Voin kuvitella, et tommosten pippaloiden jälkeen tuntuu tosi oudolta palata taas kirjaimellisesti "tähän maailmaan"!

    1. Kieltämättä pari seuraavaa päivää tuntui aika utuiselta! Toivottavasti pääset vielä osallistumaan tällaisiin juhliin, maskin alle verhoutuminen on niin ihanaa ja pukujen hankinta täysin kaiken vaivan arvoista. :)

  3. That is so beautiful! I would so like to participate in a masquerade. It looks so fun! You look stunning in that dress and that make up. I love it.

  4. Oh lord! Won't you stop being so pretty? ^^

    Here in Brazil there's a group called "victorian picnic". http://picnicvitoriano.blogspot.com.br/
    A group of revivalists appreciators of Victorian Era and other historical periods from the Middle Ages to the Edwardian Era. They conduct a series of activities like Victorian picnic, afternoon tea, evening parties, photographic tours etc. Usually they meet at some park or historical-cultural area. The events are open to all interested parties. It's such a beauty to see!

    Have a nice week, dear!

    1. Aww, thanks so much! ^^

      Victorian picnic sounds absolutely wonderful, it's definitely one of my favourite eras! I'd love to attend a happening like that sometime.

    2. When it happens in São Paulo it's a lovely thing to see, most of them happens at old cafes and libraries. If you saw those pictures, you saw some of the places.

      It's so nice to talk to you! *-*

  5. Oih miten upea ja hienoa nähdä että kaikki ovat panostaneet! Oma ystäväpiirini ei olisi läheskään valmis pukeutumaan milläänsäkään jos vaikka minä tai joku järjestäisin jotain pukujuhlaa, ja se on harmi :/ Näytät ihanalta, hienoa työtä puvun kanssa !:)

    1. Kaunis kiitos kehuista! Harmi ettei kaikki ole yhtä innostuneita näihin pukudraamoihin, pitäisi joskus järjestää joku ihan yleinen, valtava pukutapahtuma mihin kaikki innokkaat pääsisi osallistumaan. :)

  6. You look all so beautiful! I love masquerades

    1. Thank you! Masquerades are pure love. ^^

  7. What an amazing idea with this masquerade. You all looked gorgeous!! I'm jealous of how beautiful you looked. I was waiting for your post everyday and finally it even exceeded my expectations :)

    1. Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! <3

  8. Replies
    1. What does it mean? :)

    2. Marianne, eikös vain! Oli ihanaa! ^^

      N: "Mykistävä" means kind of dumbfounding, often something positive that leaves you speechless. :)

  9. What a wonderfull theme for a party! And you all look fantastic! Congratulations with winning, your outfit looks stunning!

    1. Thank you! There were two costume contests (well four really, both for female and male participants), the queen's favourites and the voted favourites of the public. The beautiful lady in the green costume won the vote! :)

  10. WOW.
    Such nice costumes and looks!
    It must have been an amazing and breathtaking party.
    Such a great atmosphere :)

  11. Oh my.. That's such a wonderful and noble party! I wish I could have been there. All this people look absolutely gorgeous. Like another universe full of beautiful people. :)
    You definitly deserved the price. Your dress is amazing. ♥

    1. Oh, thank you Sarah for you kind words! <3 The night felt like a parallel universe, I hope I'll get to experience that feeling again. :)

  12. What and amazing fiest!! Completely Roccoco!:) You all look so tasteful.

  13. Henkäisin ihastuksesta jo ensimmäisen kuvan kohdalla. Ja vielä enemmän scrollatessani alaspäin ja tunnistaessani paikan! Mielettömän upeita pukuja, minäkin tahdon tuollaisiin juhliin!

    Nyt bloggarit, perustakaa kimpassa lukijabileet teemalla, nyyttärimeiningillä. ;)
    Minä ainakin tulisin, haha!

  14. My name is Ida too and it's a very rare name here where I come from. Is it common in Finland? It feels great to know that this beautiful lady has the same name I do.

    1. It's not really a common name here either, I wonder why. I think it's a beautiful name. :)

  15. Olenkin jo ehtinyt ihastella näitä juhlia Idan ja Maaritin blogissa, ihana oli lukea sinunkin tarinasi juhlista ^^ Ja mitä kuvia.. <3 Tuo lohikäärmeen muna on todella upea, eikös se ollutkin jonkun itse tekemä?

    1. Ihana kuulla! Mun postaus tuli hieman jälkijunassa, ei ollut missään välissä aikaa syventyä kuviin tarkemmin. :D Lohikäärmeen muna oli mahtava, ja oli tosiaan yhden vierasparin luomus.

  16. Oh I thoroughly enjoyed these pictures! What an enchanting party to be invited to! All the lace, satin, velvet, frills and spectacularly coiffed hair! I can only imagine spending an evening in such fine company! Your dress looks absolutely wonderful for something that was put together at the last minute, you have so much talent in your fingertips! I'm glad you got to go to your fairy tale ball :) ♥

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed the pictures! I hope there will be many nights like these to come. ^^ And thank you so much, at first I wasn't so sure about the dress but it didn't fail after all. I just hope I could have had the time to make the hem more puffy, now it didn't feel rococo enough but who cares really. :D

  17. Oli mitä upein juhla <3 Puku seuraaviin juhliin jo vahvasti mielessä valmiina ja en malta odottaa että olisi jo ensi vuosi <3 Tämän vuoden skandaalit olivat kutkuttavia kyllä. Ja en edelleenkään ymmärrä, miten pikaisista DIY projekteista saa usein jotain noinkin näyttävää. Pitää selkeästi alkaa harrastamaan sitä itsekin useammin..

    1. Kannattaa ehdottomasti! Käytettyjä kankaita ja pieni kiirepaniikki, siinä vasta luova yhdistelmä. :D Mäkin odottelen jo kovasti jatkoa, mutta epäilen että mekko tulee silloinkin jäämään viime tippaan..

  18. Juhlat oli kyllä mitä mahtavimmat! ♥

    Puku onnistui kyllä hienosti, sai ajan henkeä ja kokonaisuutena aivan mahtava. Se ei ole aina se pelkkä puku, vaan se, miten sen kantaa päällään. ;)

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

    1. Sepä se ;) Sun mekko oli myös aivan upea ja hienosti ommeltu, kävi sulle ihan täydellisesti!

  19. Oih! Hieman kateellisena... Mutta upeannäköistä!!!

  20. This is incredible and everyone looks so gorgeous! I've always wanted to attend a masquerade party...

    1. Thanks so much! It was my dream too, I was so happy to see it come true. I hope you get to attend a masquerade too!

  21. Oh mein Goth, what an atmosphere! Wow!
    You all look amazing, wish to be a part of something like this someday :)

    1. I'm sure you will be! :) And thank you, everyone truly looked amazing. It was so great to see how much people put effort in their costumes!

  22. Such an epic party!
    I also love how you have turned secondhand materials into a great dress! One would have never guessed that it was something else before!

    1. Oh thank you! I was supposed to snap before and after pics for the blog, but I was in so much hurry with the modifications that I forgot the whole thing. :D

  23. looks beautiful and magical! You look gorgeous as always, beautiful dress!

  24. Your gown is truly amazing! And this little birdie in your hair - charming ♥
    I can tell you've worked hard on your outfit :)

  25. I fell in love with you. <3

  26. Ihan uskomattoman näköiset bileet! Voi kun itsekin pääsisi joskus osallistumaan moisiin... :)

    1. Uskomattomat oli bileet muutoinkin! Toivottavasti pääset joskus vielä naamiaisiin, kaikki pukujen eteen nähty vaiva on todellakin sen arvoista. :)

  27. Olet kyllä ehdottomasti yksi kauneimmista naisista joita oon koskaan nähnyt!Sun tyyli on hyvin ispiroiva,ja olis kiva päästäkkin penkomaan sun vaatekaappia ;) Upea puku,ja kampaus <3

    1. Voi apua, kiitos hirveästi ihanista ja hurjan piristävistä kehuista! <3

  28. How beautiful. Love it! I wish I could go to a masquerade too, but we do not have this in Brazil. It's a pity.

    1. Thank you! You can always arrange a masquerade there? And a reader just linked the Victorian picnic that is in Brazil, I guess it's close enough? :) http://picnicvitoriano.blogspot.com.br/

  29. Olet todella kaunis nainen, jolla on persoonallinen tyyli. Näitä Siun kuvia katsellessa sydän sulaa.

  30. Voi eiii, en voi kuvitella mitään upempaa tapaa juhlistaa kuin kunnon naamiaiset, varsinkin tähän tyyliin. Kunpa minunkin kaveripiirini järjestäisi tällaisia juhlia tai voiskohan joku järjestää semi-avoimet kutsut...? :D Olisi niin huikeaa päästä osalliseksi!
