26 September 2013

The Raven

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"But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered - not a feather then he fluttered -
Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.'
Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'"

I was asked to photograph and portray a few designs by a doll Etsy seller, Dahlia Deranged. Being an old customer of hers my answer was a resounding yes! There's something so bewitching in the mix of dark silvers and bird skulls that makes the more material chambers of my heart beat rapidly, and so these grim birds (and one ghostly bumblebee!) flew across the Atlantic ocean to perch upon the pallor of my skin. 

As you might have noticed, I have a thing for ravens and the rest of the corvid family. 
Obsession, perhaps. When I was in high school I used to sketch bird skeletons everywhere, and I knew most of Poe's most beloved poem by heart. Some verses I still do. The raven spread its wings on my thesis and one even sits inked on my skin, and more of its inked kind will some day appear on other parts, no doubt.

Needless to say, I love these pieces!
The simpler ones go wonderfully with more graphic outfits and the more decorative ones 
match victorian and vintage tinted outfits beautifully.

"And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!"

If you enjoy these designs I recommend checking out Dahlia's shop!:

(You can also find her on Facebook)


  1. Oijoijoi aivan ihania koruja! Pakko ostaa yksi kun opintotuki tulee taas :D

    1. Ihana kuulla että korut iski makuhermoon! :>

  2. Beautiful jewelery... I love this shades of obscurities, and also this bird skulls and the bee ghost. I'll visit the Dahlia Deranged's website and maybe import some of this awesome stuffs.

    Off topic: How goes the Roller Derby? I practice derby too and I love to hear news about it.

    I love your blog Moth.

    Wild Foxx

    1. Happy to hear you like these pieces! And thank you <3

      To be honest, I haven't paid much attention to roller derby lately. I've been so busy with more important things and the lack of real motivation for competing has also taken its toll. But I do miss skating very much!

  3. This bracelet is great and I would really want it for myself, other things are really nice too. I like your dress, you look in it like princess of darkness but with grace and passion. :)

    1. Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! <3

  4. Oh i love the bracelet, it's stunning!
    Everything looks beautiful on you, and i'm curious to know if you like the oldschool romantic goth style? *alot of velvet, lace, candles and long walks on the cemetery* :p
    I hope you don't mind me asking this!

    1. It is stunning, I've had lots of compliments while wearing it! And yes, I do love the old school romantic goth style! I do personally wear bits of velvet and lace (just in different style), burn too many candles and take long walks in the cemetery, but the genuine old school goth style isn't really my thing. :)

  5. Oih! ♥ ♥ Nää on aivan törkeen upeita! :D
    ..sopii muuten sulle niin mahtavasti..ja iihania kuvia, olet niin kuvauksellinen!

    Mulla on myös kiinnostusta paljon hopeisen sävyisiä koruja kohtaan, tummia ja myös kirkkaita. Niissä on vaan jotain ihanaa. ♥

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

  6. Oh dear, nuo designit kyllä osuu ja uppoaa erääseen Poe-fanityttöön aika lujaa, ja ihan yhtä lailla olen varislintuihin tykästynyt. Kyllä kokoelmistani löytyy sentään yksi korpinkalloriipus, mutta lisää soisi kyllä löytyvän, ja kelpuuttaisin Poen muotokuvankin johonkin vaatteeseen tai koruun ihan mielelläni...
    On muuten tuttu nide sulla tuossa kuvausrekvisiittana, sanoisin, että ihan sama versio löytyy omasta hyllystä. Ja mitä tulee Korppi-runoon, osasin sen joskus kymmenen vuotta sitten kokonaan ulkoa, suomeksi tosin. Ja hyvin osasinkin silloin, nyt en enää niin. :x Englanniksikin osasin kyllä suuren osan, mutta ehkä siinä on pituudestaan huolimatta se, että siinä on melko loogisesti etenevä tarina, niin on aivoillakin aina jotain koukkuja, joista tarttua kiinni ja siten helppo oppia.
    Mutta on nuo korut vaan niin upeita kyllä. :o~

    1. Voi hyvinkin olla sama nide! Omani sain äidiltä monia vuosia sitten, uskoisin että on ihan Suomalaisesta kirjakaupasta kotoisin. Olen samaa mieltä, loogisuus ja helpot riimit auttaa muistamaan noita pidempiäkin runoja, ainoa vaikeus tuntuu olevan se että säkeistöt menisi aina oikeaan järjestykseen..

      Ja kiva kuulla että korut uppoaa makuun! :)

  7. I'm not that interested in the jewelery but in your dress! It looks so good on you. Do you remember where you got it?

    1. Thanks so much! I got it from my mom, and I have no idea where she got it. It was just lying there in her wardrobe and she gave it to me. :) But I've modified the dress after that, I added that long "cape" fabric in it.

  8. Love! Is what I feel when I see your photos! Gorgeous rings and necklace!

  9. Vau, miten joku voi olla noin upea!! Miten saat kynsissä tuon valkoisen ja mustan rajan tehtyä noin siististi? Ja miten ylipäänsä teet nuo kynnet?

    1. Kiitos ihan hurjasti! Yleensä nuo puolikuumanikyyrit tehdään tarrojen avulla mikä tekee asian helpommaksi, mutta itse teen ne ihan vapaalla kädellä. Voisi kai tästä tutoriaalinkin väsätä! :)

  10. You won't actually believe the coincidence: Today, this morning during stats lecture, I read this poem -Raven- for the very first time.

    1. Wow, that's quite a coincidence! Hope you enjoyed the poem :)

  11. Beautiful necklaces and rings ♥
    love your new look blog :)

  12. Excuse the question. but
    Do you use any belts or figure modeler based on your wardrobe? If silhouette is great. :)

  13. Awesome jewelry! That's totally your style :)

  14. olet niin jumalaisen kaunis<3 :)

  15. Your so beautiful. I love your outfit!
