Happy belated Valentine's Day!
I spent the Valentine's evening travelling to watch my dear friend and other dazzling ladies perform on burlesque stage. Drinks, glitter clouds and a freezing night walk in fishnet stockings, the usual pattern. Melting at my brother's place, watching movies while waiting for the Sunday bus home.

dress / DAY Birger Et Mikkelsen (second hand) shoes / Minna Parikka (from a friend)
ring / Blood Milk heart pendant / Moon Raven Designs

This outfit is from Friday, when we celebrated Valentine's at home. I went over the top romantigoth with black lace, heart pumps and pink hued eyeshadows, the occasion must have made me soft as pink is usually something that triggers my gag reflex. Dressing up to a theme is always fun, but I still felt slightly alienated in this look, as I nowadays tend to incline more and more to minimalistic forms.
The vintage sofa is all but minimalistic though, and I love it! It's one of the best second hand finds in ages, I can't even recall how long I've wanted a couch like this to modify as I please! I plan to rip it open at some point, repair the springs, change the fabric and paint the woodwork, but only after I've finished some more pressing projects.
What a great post! I love the shoes, sofa and makeup the most!
Thanks so much!
Deletethe sofa is so pretty, but you....you are waaaaay beyond beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteI like the shoes, they are nice romantic goth shoes :)
Thank you so much, I don't know what to say! Always amazed to hear such compliments <3
DeleteThe shoes actually have a little extra touch of gothiness on them, as the designer named them Siouxsie. :)
Oh, so lovely shoes! <3 :-)
ReplyDeleteThey are! Quite a pain to walk in for a long time though..
DeleteMiten ihana uusrokokoosohva! Passeli asukuviin ja sohvaperunointiin. Minusta on siistiä että yhdistelet sisustuksessa tummia ja vaaleita värejä keskenään, kuten valkoisen ryijymaton sohvaan. :)
ReplyDeleteKiitoksia! Sohvaperunointi on vähän liiankin kutsuvaa tuon sohvan vuoksi, onneksi keskeltä on pari jousta niin uusintakunnossa ettei tuossa koko aikaa viitsi makoilla. :D
DeleteJa kiitos, tykkään sisustuksessa siitä että on valoa ja tilaa (ahdistun liiasta tavarasta. mikä on pienessä asunnossa ongelma), ja tosiaan tummia kalusteita yhdistettynä vaaleisiin pintoihin. Pitäisi kenties joskus tehdä postauskin aiheesta. :)
Upea asukokonaisuus! Ja tuo sohva, ohhhh.... <3
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos paljon Sara!
DeleteI love the little hearts on the ties on the shoes :)
ReplyDeleteMe too!
DeleteLovely outfit and you look very cute, as usual! I am just a bit impressed by the second hand couch, I mean, this kind of furniture are used by other people many years, and only God knows what kind of dirt you can find on it, even when you can not see it or you try to clean it in a rudimentary way.
ReplyDeleteI came to think of fur beetle larvae because we have them and they're EVERYWHERE, it's disgusting. Though of course there's not so much to eat in a couch as in a closet with clothes of wool.
Delete1st anon:Thank you very much for the compliment!
DeleteYou're right, there can be surprises but I'm used to second hand stuff since about 95% of my home decor is thrifted from antique shops, recycling centres and even dumpsters. :D I do check everything I drag home and clean it thoroughly, as I don't wish to encounter any nasty surprises! I plan to refurnish this couch completely at some point, so it's not a biggie if it has a little hidden in it. But it seems to be in very good condition! It may have some animal saliva/dandruff particles as I'm the only one who sometimes sneezes while sitting on it..
2nd anon: Oh no, poor you! Critters are cute in nature, not inside your closets so I feel your pain. Have you tried getting rid of them, maybe aromatic cedar blocks would work? They're known to repel moths (not me though, heh), I used to have a couple of them in my first apartment but I got rid of them, whether the wee things just died out or the cedar blocks really worked.
Cedar blocks would be useless, because I live in an old house and the critters live mostly somewhere beneath the floor boards and behind walls. It would probably help some if the wooden floors were covered with a plastic mat, or if every apartment in the building would be sprayed with pesticides at the same time. I don't actually keep much clothes in those closets that are fitted in to the wall or if I do, I put them in plastic containers. And I never leave my woollen socks on the floor. Or any socks. :D
DeleteThose devious little things! I'm sorry but I chuckled aloud with your last phrase, I was imagining them munching away all your socks like in a cartoon. :D
DeleteAre you sure the blocks wouldn't work? I mean I do take your word for it, but my old apartment was in an old house too and some of the other apartments had the same problem, and it still worked for me. Maybe I was just lucky, I don't know. But I'm sure the hardcore pesticides would work too, if all the other tenants agree to the spraying.
Haha. :D
DeleteWell I guess I could try the blocks, at least they might limit the area where the "worms" decide to crawl into daylight. :) Cedar blocks and woodsprays are somewhat expensive though and have to be replaced from time to time, if I remember correctly. But I do like that they are more natural than nasty pesticides (latter have been tried too, actually, but just in my apartment, not the whole building).
v-a-u! oot kyllä kaunis. :) kotinne näyttää ihanalta myös!
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos paljon! <3
DeleteI am always happy to see when you post. I love your pictures!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Sylvie! Glad you enjoy my photos. :)
DeleteThat sofa is jaw droppingly gorgeous! What an exquisite find - I too have longed for something aged and very similar for as long as I can recall.
ReplyDelete♥ Jessica
Thank you! The design isn't spot on (I have a veeery particular sofa design in mind) but it'll do fine for now. :) And it was such a bargain, I couldn't say no. I hope you find your sofa someday!
DeleteAivan ihanat kuvat ja erityisesti kengät! ♥ Hieno on sohvakin, ja ihan kaikki. :)
ReplyDeleteVoi ihana, kiitos! :)
DeleteI actually really love the pink makeup on you it's something more subtle that works really well with the black clothing and show's your sweet side. The sofa is really pretty I could imagine it in a deep vampire red or really dark purple with shiny black wood work although it is perfect as is even in it's original coloring. Always love your posts I hope this note finds you well. <3
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you! It's just that I'm more of a grayscale kind of person, and feel alienated in colours. Sometimes I've tried to wear red or purple but nowadays it feels plain awful. Same thing with decor, the sofa is brown hued (it looks colder in these photos than in person) and looks nice on its own, but something inside me pleads to turn it grey. I used to have red in my home but one day I just HAD to get rid of all of it. Sounds pretty ridiculous, I know, but it makes me strangely comfortable to wash out all colours!
DeleteYou´re the most beautiful woman in this world :-)
ReplyDeleteEeh! I'm always equal parts amazed and grateful to receive such nice comments, thank you so much <3
DeleteI love those shoes! I've meant to buy black AND white raquel's but never got into that. Instead I've bought several others, haha. But I love your Jaqueline's. That couch is also very adorable. How much did you pay for it?
ReplyDeleteHeh! Actually they're an older design called Siouxsie, although Jacquelines are fairly similar. :)
DeleteI paid 80€ for the couch, delivery included, I felt it was a bargain for a piece in this condition. Although once I almost snapped a couch like this for 10€, but someone was faster than me..
Lovely as always! The sofa is a true gem. I think it's wise to let it be for a while during the time you think of what to do with it. I think its hard to paint a undamaged woodwork, but that's my personal thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThank you linnea-maria! You're right, it is hard. The woodwork would need days of delicate sanding before it could be repainted and varnished, if one wants a lasting result. I'm not too eager to start the project when I watch all those wooden details. :o
DeleteOf all your different looks, for me you look the prettiest in black lace. It looks so delicate and beautiful in you. Although anything black looks good in you, you were born for it. Also those shoes are to die for!
ReplyDeleteI am a fan of dark eyeshadows, but the pink tones complement your skin a lot, it adds a really nice touch when you're wearing all black.
I'm happy that you're posting a little bit more often :)
What a wonderfully nice comment, I thank you! <3
DeleteBeautiful! Totally love your style!
ReplyDeleteThank you dear Sylwia!