Some dark clouds have invaded my life's sky lately, so blogging hasn't been a tempting option. I've had too much on my mind, including various work-related projects and some ill news from Frau Doktor. Sickness is never a merry nor a welcomed guest, but it's funny how it reminds us that we're not invulnerable superheroes. I'd sure love to be one, though.
So now I'm on my very first sick leave and will be for the rest of this week, then it's back to the thesis with me! Six summers I've wandered the isles of the boneyard, picking dead petals and brushing the dirt and cobwebs off the tombstones, descended six feet under and hid the bony parts that rise from the times gone by. I know that cemetery by heart, and I even know where the Ghoul-Gate is (if you've ever read Neil Gaiman's Graveyard Book then you know what I'm talking about. :> I tried reciting the magic words but it didn't work..!).

Toivottavasti sairautesi ei ole mitään kamalan vakavaa ja että paranet pian!
ReplyDeleteIhanat nuo kengät kyllä ovat, vaikken itse jaksaisi noin helposti tarttuvia korkoja :D Asusikin on tosi söpö, ihanat shukat ♥
Kiitoksia! Aika optimistisesti yritän tuloksia odotella. :) Ja kiitos asukehuistakin, pakko kyllä myöntää että korot tarttuu yllättävän helposti ja ärsyttävästi karvamattoihin ja muuhun ympäristöön. :D
DeleteHahaa olen lukenut kirjan, itseasiassa ihan vastikään (olipa ihana) ja tuo ghouliportti nauratti kovasti xD Ehkä sanoit sanat jotenkin väärällä tavalla, koska Eikkukin kovasti opetteli lausumaan sanat tietyllä tavalla.. Ihanat kengät <3
ReplyDeleteSepä, ei ikinä voi tietää oikeaa ääntämistapaa kun kirjasta lukee. ;) Ja kiitoksia!
DeleteI love those shoes and they fit You perfectly!
ReplyDeleteBest regards from Poland <3
Thank you! ^^
DeleteTuli muuten välittömästi mieleen yksi nukke ja sen kengät.. :D
Hui apua miten creeeepy :D Nuket aiheuttaa kylmiä väreitä..
DeleteItte en kyllä helkkarissa uskaltais huudella yhtään mitään ghoul-portilla, mun tuurilla ne sanat vielä toimis ja siinä oiskin sitten mukava soppa keitettynä pään menoksi :'D Ei sitä ikinä tiedä...
ReplyDeleteHaha :D Mutta olihan sieltäkin omat niksinsä ulospääsyyn! Oli pakko riskilläkin kokeilla, mutta hauta ei reagoinut mitenkään. Ehkä olin väärän kiven kohdalla, hmmm..
DeleteI'm sorry to hear you're not feeling quite yourself, being under the weather is never fun, when I'm ill I don't even feel like blogging so at least you made it onto the camera and looking beautiful as usual! I adore those shoes, I've seen them on Bones and Lilies blog and they're just too dreamy! I am useless at walking in heels but they would make an awesome ornament with their creepylicious spiny heels! Definitely a conversation piece!
ReplyDeleteI just recently came across some amazing Alien/Giger heels on Etsy which you might like to look at - http://www.etsy.com/listing/105343206/alien-giger-heels-custom-handpainted?ref=sr_gallery_8&ga_search_query=alien+heels&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=ZZ&ga_min=0&ga_max=0&ga_search_type=all
Aren't they awesome?! ~♥~
Oh thanks so much! It's true that blogging isn't in the top of the to-do list when you're ill, and bloggers shouldn't even feel guilty about that. Health always comes first!
DeleteI've seen these spine heels around the internet too, and they were too dreamy to miss out. They're pretty comfy too, so you might be able to walk in them even if you're not too used on high heels! And the Alien heels are supercoool! Great idea! ^^
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling quite yourself, being under the weather is never a fun thing - when I'm ill I don't even feel like blogging so at least you made it in front of the camera and looking beautiful as usual! I adore those shoes, I've admired them on Bones and Lilies blog in the past - they're just so dreamy! I'm useless at walking in heels but I bet they'd make a great ornament with their creepylicious spiny heels! Definitely a conversation piece!
ReplyDeleteI recently came across some Alien/Giger inspired heels on Etsy which you may want to have a peek at - http://www.etsy.com/listing/105343206/alien-giger-heels-custom-handpainted
Aren't they awesome?! ~♥~
This shoes are amazing <3
ReplyDeleteAnd comfy too!
DeleteI love this shoes. Even though they are copies they look gorgeous – I guess no one would notice the trick ;)
ReplyDeleteSad to read that you are not feeling good, I hope you will get better soon.
Thank you so much, I hope so too! I still feel a tiny bit bad about the replica thing, but these are good shoes so I'll let it pass this time. :)
DeleteOih noita kenkiä! <3
ReplyDeleteJa ei tää nyt niin hirveää ole, vaikka ei armasta suomenkieltä enää löydykään. Tuleepahan vähän opiskeltua tässä blogiasi lukiessa samalla. :)
Gloomy moon blogissa olisi sulle haaste... :)
Voin luvata että tietyissä postauksissa sitä välillä pilkahtaa, yksi on ainakin julkaisun alla jo. ;) Mutta suurilta osin englanniksi nyt naputtelen, kun on paljon mukavampaa oman elämäntilanteen kannalta. Hyvä ettei se oo ihan huonokaan homma jos kielikylpyä saa samalla. :> Ja kiitoksia haasteesta!
DeleteSäikähdin, kun ilmoitit muuttavasi blogin englanninkieliseksi, mutta kirjoitat todella kauniisti vieraallakin kielellä! Oi :)
ReplyDeleteOi ihana kuulla, kiitos! :)
DeleteMistä nuo on ostettu nuo kengät O.O Minä haluannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
ReplyDeleteTääääääääältä! :> http://www.arrogantminnie.com/
DeleteWhen are you going to answer all the questions? I am getting bored!!!
ReplyDeleteCalm down sweetie. :) I wrote that I'd publish them in a few weeks time, so soon. I've got more important things in life atm, so I'm not going to take any stress from this.
DeleteOhhhh! You have a lot of more important things to do... Sorry... I hope you have a great time at the graveyard. You are starting to be as boring as deads...
DeleteRead the post, dumbass. The more important thing that she mentioned is her HEALTH. And btw, it's not 'as boring as deads' but 'as boring as the dead'. But hey, since you can't obviously read, I'm not surprised that you fail in grammar as well.
DeleteSome people are so rude! MothMouth can take all the time she needs, I know it will be worth the wait! ~♥~
DeleteFeel Better Soon
ReplyDeleteYou presume to be stylish but you're always copying other people's blogs. For example, you copied that shoes from Evil Fate Eternity blog...
ReplyDeleteWait, what? :D I know many wonderful people who own these shoes, but I'm hardly a copycat if I'm inspired by the same design, a design that I spotted about two years ago. It's impossible in the mainstream and the goth world alike to always have completely unique clothing, the important thing is that it fits your own personality. :) I'm sure we all get inspired by different sources!
DeleteWow, Anon, you must be quite a special little snowflake if you anly like things that have never been done before. o.O
DeleteI can't believe the nerve of some people, seriously... Please don't let stupidity get you down, you are wonderfully creative and have exactly the right attitude about this remarkably dumb comment. I hope your health gets better very soon. Wishing you all the best. :)
Anon you are being super rude.:/ Many people have these same shoes.And let's say she had seen these shoes in Insanity's blog and fallen in love of these shoes.So?What's your point anyways?If somebody likes the same things it doesn't make anybody a copycat.I think your intension was just to be mean and disrespectful.Well you succeeded.Gongarats!
DeleteOMG! Where do you buy these boots? I need them <3
ReplyDeleteI bought these from ---> http://www.arrogantminnie.com/ , but as the commentor below said, you can get these also from ebay. :)
Deleteebay sell these shoes.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful as always.:) I love such outfits - simple, with one outstanding detail (this time shoes).
ReplyDeleteYour hair has amazing volume here - do you tease your hair or is it naturally? Anyway, I envy it so much. ^^
Thank you so much! My natural hair isn't half this puffy so I tease it to get some extra volume. :)
DeleteYou are looking gorgeous as ever - and I am longing for those shoes - I've seen them also at Bones and Lilies - I think about to buy them too - if they are so comfy, I need them immediately :D
ReplyDeleteHope you get well soon <3
Thank you so much! <3 Go ahead and buy them, I think they're worth every penny.
Deleteaivan upeat kengät!
ReplyDeleteKiitti! Yksi vanha pappakin kehui näitä kaupungilla, ihana. :D
Delete:( Paljon voimia sinulle, toivottavasti paranet pian! Ja aivan ihanat nuo kengät, sun tyylis on vaan niin täydellinen! ♥
ReplyDeleteKiitos hirmusti! <3
DeleteIhania nuo kuvat, siullon tosi kauniit hiukset! :) Siistit kengät kyllä, vaikkei ihan omaan makuun passaakkaan, mutta siulle soppii.^^
ReplyDeleteHuvitti kieltämättä hieman tuo aiempi kommentti, ihan kauheeta jos jollain toisellakin on samat kengät ;) Hyvä vastaus siulta, näitä kenkiä ja goottityylisiä vaatteita kun ei tehdä sarjatuotantona.... :D
Voi kiitos paljon! Ja eihän sarjatuotettuja vaatteita/kenkiä tietenkään saa kukaan ostaa. ;) Huvittaa vaan välillä tämä naisten hysteria (usein erittäin väärin oletetun) matkimisen suhteen, ei mua ainakaan itketä yhtään että 100 muulla naisella on samat Minna Parikat tai Pennangalanit, eihän sillä ole mitään väliä. Eri asia tietysti ihmiset jotka alkaa kopioida koko elämää, kun niitäkin raukkoja on, mutta on se kamalaa jos on samat kengät, hui. :D
DeleteNo voi harmi. Sairastaminen ei ole kivaa ja erilaisten tulosten odottaminen on aina yhtä hanurista. Toivottavasti lääkärillä on hyviä uutisia, koski ne sitten mitä tahansa.
ReplyDeleteNoi kengät olisi aika superit niiden Super-Saatana kalsareiden kanssa :D
Koita parantua söpöläinen.
Kiitos <3 Ja toivotaan parasta, odottelua on vaan vielä parisen viikkoa edessä ja sehän se hirveintä on. Mut tuskin mitään vakavaa löytyy!
DeleteJa kengät on kyllä ihan pakko joskus parittaa pirukalsareiden kanssa. :-D
Wow o.0 The shoes are stunning
ReplyDeleteI agree! They're quite a magnet for stares too, I can tell you.
DeleteOh so sorry to hear:( hopefully you start feeling better soon, I too have black clouds on my head currently and I know it takes all of my strengts.Get well soon!
ReplyDeleteThank you! <3 I actually just caught the common cold so I'm feeling even worse, but hopefully it'll pass in a few days. I hope your clouds will disappear soon! :)
DeleteGet well soon! Health is really one of the most important things in life (I know how it is to have problems with health). I hope that you soon feel better!
ReplyDeleteThe shoes are really brilliant and I don't think that you copy some other bloggers (like you wrote inspiration isn't he same thing like copying).
Thank you so much, I hope so too! Health is super important and it draws most of my energy and attention right now, I hope I'll come back to blogging soon.
DeleteAnd I by no means intended to "copy" other bloggers, these replicas caught my attention before I even saw them on anyone, but just bought them much later. And I don't mind at all that many bloggers have the same ones! :)
I can certainly understand taking a break from blogging to focus on health. It is essential!
ReplyDeleteI have admired those shoes for years, but alas I cannot walk in heels.
It truly is, but it suprises me how many people don't understand that. Well, at least in my books health comes before blogging. :)
DeleteThe shoes are really high but the hidden platform helps a lot! I think they're quite comfy to walk in, they might even suit people who aren't used to wearing high heels.
oo oletpa upea :o
ReplyDeleteKiitos <3
DeleteYou are so amazingly beautiful! And the shoes are fabulous. But I want to ask about those heels... are they sturdy? Because to me they seem so fragile that if I would put those shoes on and started to walk I would fear that they break! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kind words! The heels haven't snapped yet and they feel sturdy enough, but they get easily stuck on things. Especially furry carpets and such :D
DeleteOi upeuksia,sinä, kengät ja kuvat :) Toivottavasti voit jo paremmin!
ReplyDeleteKiitos paljon :) On jo parempi fiilis, onneksi!
DeleteHello! I am always reading your posts just was kind of shy to say Hi.
ReplyDeleteI hope that you get better soon! Your blog posts have been missed but health is something never to play with.
Those shoes are to die for!
Here's to wishing you a better health situation & that the stars start to shine brighter for you. <3
Thank you so much Sophie! <3 I feel much better now, and I miss my blog too. :( My life is super busy right now and can't update as much as I'd like to, I hope the situation will change soon.
ReplyDeleteLöysin vasta tänään blogisi ja jäin heti koukkuun. Olen tässä viimeiset 3 tuntia lukenut postauksiasi. Mahtava blogi !
Nämä kengät nähdessäni jäin vain kuvia tuijottamaan mitään sanomatta. UPEAT.
Ajattelin tilata itselleni samanlaiset. Minkä kokoinen jalka sinulla on? Itselläni korkokengissä on 36/37, kannattaako tilata mieluummin pienemmät vai kuinka tiukat nuo ovat?
Toivottavasti paranet pian !!
Oi ihana kuulla, kiitos! Haleja takaisin ^.^
DeleteMun kengänkoko on tarkalleen 37,5, mutta yleensä käytän nilkkureissa ja saappaissa kokoa 38. Nämä kengät jäi vähän väljiksi kun arvelin että 37 olisi liian nafti, mutta pohjallisen avulla ovat sopivat. :)
I really love your blog... really, it's fabulous, you're gorgeous and your style... terrific!
ReplyDeleteI'm changing my wardrobe into black, white and other dark shades, a long process but satisfactory (I haven't had the opportunity because of my job, but now is the momento to be who I want to be), and you inspire me A LOT.
I follow you and I've added you in my "blogs that I read" section :)
Wow, thank you for your lovely words! I'm very happy to hear you enjoy this blog!
DeleteIt's so great that you're finally able to dress up just the way you want, it's sad that so many jobs require strict dress codes. I'd love to see more darklings and other personal styles in the working life! Wish you all the best. :)
Hello. Love your blog immensely!
ReplyDeleteYou wrote that you ordered the shoes from Arrogant Minnie? How long did you have to wait for the parcel to arrive? I myself placed an order on an other pair of shoes from there. It seems that my parcel got stuck in a postal centre in China.
I live in Sweden so I guess it wont be such a big difference on the shipment time.
I would be very happy if you could find the time to answer and maybe calm down my nerves and worries.
Love // a devoted reader!
Hi there! And thank you, so glad to hear you like this blog! ^^
DeleteMy shoes arrived in about 2-3 weeks, I thought it would take much longer so I was a bit surprised. Sometimes the parcels from China can get stuck somewhere but most of them arrive eventually. If there's no sign of your package within a month, you should probably contact the shop for further inquiries. And if you paid with PayPal then there's an insurance on your shoes and you'll probably get a refund. But I'm sure your shoes will arrive safely in Sweden, don't you worry! :)
Siis aivan ihanat sukat! Saanko udella et mistä oot ostanu? :-)
ReplyDeleteKiitti! Ebaysta aikoinaan ostin nuo, niissä oli rusettien päällä cameo-korutkin mutta ne lähti aika nopsaan irti kehnon liiman takia.
DeleteFirst of all ... your Blog is great! Actually it's the only Blog that I consistently read! ;) And if you wonder why I'm posting this comment in such an old blog entry ... it's because i have a question about your shoes! I totally fell in love with them when i first saw them, but since I'm kinda tall i just wasn't sure if i should order a pair! But now I decided to order them, and since you are the only person I "know" (not actually but i hope you understand what i mean ^^) who ordered shoes from arrogantminnie.com I just have to ask you if their shoes are tailored rather small, big or normal? I really hope that you can find some time to answer my question and i also hope that my English is understandable! :) have a nice day!