There were so many questions about my hair in the Q&A post that I decided to make a separate post about it. So here we go! If an additional question pops up in your mind while reading this, feel free to ask. :)
Q: Do you use/wear any extensions?
A: Nope. But I do have a pair of purple clip-on streaks somewhere in the darker corners of my closet, I might wear them some day. :) I love purple hair!
![]() |
(This is my hair in it's natural state, no dyes, teasing or styling products.) |
Q: Is black your natural hair color? Do you dye your hair?
A: It's very close to black. Although I wouldn't call it black, I prefer the term schizophrenic. In some lights it gleams in black shades, sometimes it looks a bit purplish and in the sunlight it has a distinct red glow and brown undertones. Go figure. :D
And about hair dyes: I do use mild dyes that wash out in a few weeks (like StarGazer) about 2-3 times a year, the last time was in April. I can't use permanent ones since I don't want to get caught in the endless circle of dyes, and because they are toxic and my sensitive skin can't handle those harsh chemicals. Pitch-black hair is gorgeous and I'd like to have that all the time, but health overcomes vanity in this case. I don't think hair dyes are safe at all, PPD and especially black dyes are a huge health risk and I think people should be more aware of that.
Q: Are your bangs clip-on?
A: Nope! I really wondered about this question, it popped up so many times. :D They are natural, and the length varies so much because my hair grows like crazy. (I suspect that Totoro might have put some growing spells on my scalp while I was sleeping.)
Q: How do you get your bangs out of sight?
A: Twist it, pin it, hide it. Simple as that!
Q: I have the same length hair that you do, how do you get it so puffy?
A: Lots of teasing and hairspray is the key! Dry shampoo increases the puffiness so I highly recommend trying it. And you might have to fix the teased roots during the day, since as you know, long hair weights like a little blue whale and straightens out easily.
Q: Did you cut your bangs yourself? If so, how did you do it?
A: Yes, I just took scissors and cut the thing right off. No magic tricks there, practice makes perfect! And in some cases, like mine, you get uneven results even with years of practice. :D

Q: What does your hair care routine look like?
A: Mm, the basics: shampoo, conditioner and leave-in conditioner! Sometimes hair masks or natural oil treatments to nourish the hair. I cut my bangs at least twice a month, and my mom or one of my friends cuts about ~15cm off my hair per year. I knooow regular cuts would be better but nah. :D Hair dressers are way too expensive for me right now, plus I don't have too many positive experiences about the previous visits..

Q:How long have you grown your hair?
A: Since I cut my dreadlocks off, so about six years? I don't really grow my hair on purpose, it just grows so damn fast and I don't have the heart to cut it off. I've been on the brink of shaving one side off for about a year now, but just can't do it. :')
Q: I'm wondering could you maybe give some tips for hair care, and some of the products you use?
A: Here's my current products on the hair care front, ta-dah! Styling products vary all the time since I still haven't found the perfect ones, but that shampoo and the dry shampoo in the picture have been around for a couple of years. I think I'm going to try some more organic shampoos in the future, I'll let you know how that goes!

..And some tips! Nutrition is the key to everything, also for healthy hair, so add more vitamins and natural oils like avocados and virgin olive/coconut oil to your diet (or use them as a mask) and you'll know the diffference! The bonus effect is that your skin will love those nutrients too. :) Dye as little as you can (I'm sure this won't help most of you gothlings, sorry), and don't distress your hair too much with daily backcombing (and this certainly won't help 80's batcave lovers). I love puffy hair but sometimes it's better to let it be and tie it in a loose bun or a braid. It's also good to keep some days off from styling products. And a VERY important thing: get yourself a good quality hair brush, there is a mindboggling difference! I've used Kent's brush for a few months and I'll never look back. And no, they didn't pay me to say so. :--D
Ostin noin pari kuukautta sitten tuon saman hiuslakan ja se on kyllä paras, minkä olen löytänyt! Itse värjään tukkaani ja tupeeraan tukkaani jatkuvasti ja silti se on ihmeen hyvässä kunnossa. Kyllästyin pitämään tasapaksua suoraa tukkaa, vaikka se kaunis toki onkin. Tykkään nykyisestä tukasta tosi paljon <3
ReplyDeletePitänyt itsekin tehdä vähän postausta hiuksista, mutta en ole vielä saanut aikaiseksi. Tosin eräs hiuksiin liittyvä juttu odottelee minua postissa, joten ehkäpä teen postauksen, kunhan saan sen noudettua ;)
Joo, tää on kyllä aika tujua kamaa, pysyy yllättävän hyvin tukka kuohkeena! Sulle käy muuten ihan älyttömän hyvin tuo uusi leikkaus, tärkeintähän onkin että löytää sen itselle sopivimman tyylin. :) Mua vain himottaa se sivukalju vieläkin mutta en vaan uskalla sheivata niin isoa tukkoa pois kun liian moni kampaus karsiutuisi sen myötä pois, nyyh.
DeleteEn minäkään olisi uskaltanut, mutta kun oli tullut nautittua poikaystävän kanssa useampi lasi viiniä ja sen jälkeen mies toteaa "oisit niin pantava sivukaljulla" niin olihan se pakko ajaa tukka veks :DDD Loistavat känni-ideat osa 134/5694009945487. Mutta en kyllä ole kertaakaan katunut :)
DeleteHahah! :DD Meillä kävi miehen partakone surisemassa jo aika lähellä yksi ilta, mutta jotenkin vaan jänistin pois alta. Ei ollut selkeesti tarpeeksi viiniä elimistössä. ;)
DeleteHiusten paksuudessa ei loppupeleissä hirveän isoa eroa edes tullut, vaikka molemmat sivut ajelinkin. Eli siitä vaan rohkeasti! :)
DeleteAntaa palaa vaan, sanon mä! Mullakin tosin piti ensin leikata koko tukka lyhyeksi, sitten sivulle siili ja vasta sitten kaljuksi :P mutta kertaakaan en ole minäkään katunut, ja ilmeisesti jos sulla tukka kasvaa niin nopeasti mitä annoit ymmärtää, niin nopeasti saat sen poiskin, JOS jostain syystä et innostukaan :)
DeleteJenny: Hui, en kyllä uskaltais kumpiakin! :> Mulla kyllä varmasti tuntuisi ponnarin paksuudessa jo toinenkin sivu, kun ei tuo tukka mikään hurjan paksu ole.
DeleteLilith: Sehän se, tukka kasvaa aina takaisin ja on uusiutuva luonnonvara. :) Joku päivä saatan napsauttaa irti mutta ehkä ei oo vielä sen aika, jäisin vaan haikeasti miettimään kaikkien ihanien vintagekampauksien perään.
I'm always so surprised that many don't seem to know that natural hair dyes like Henna and Indigo can be used to dye hair into all natural colors from red to all shades of brown and black!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't cause allergies so it can be used as often as you please AND it actually repairs the hair instead of damaging it. :) It's also easy to find in Finnish stores these days, so it's a brilliant option for chemical dyes and I recommend everyone interested to take a look into it!
Oh, but I do know about Henna and Indigo dyes! :) There's just so much contradictory information about those dyes that I haven't tried them yet, some say they trigger allergies and effect especially on body ink, but those might just be special cases? I hope so, I'd like to give them a try some day. Many times I've rolled a package of black henna in my hands but I've been too scared of allergic reactions to take it home with me. And Henna & Indigo are permanent dyes, if I remember correctly? That's a little problematic, but it would be ok as long as the root growth wouldn't be monstrous. :D Anyway, thanks for reminding me and I'll have to look into this more deeply!
DeleteIt does all seem quite baffling, because the natural dyes are different than chemical stuff and there are a lot of common misbeliefs spread around. Which is sad, because it is actually the safest method of hair dyeing. :/ I've dyed my hair red with henna for four years now, and I'm always trying to spread around how great it is! :D
DeleteApparently the allergic reaction only occurs with knock-off black henna which has artificial ingredients added in, and that harmful stuff is used abroad in those tourist tattoos... Natural hair dyes that are sold here in Finnish shops have purely botanical and safe ingredients (mixtures of henna, indigo and herbs), and people with allergies for chemical dyes can use them too. :)
The natural dyes are indeed permanent, but it fades just like regular dyes unless you use it consistently to layer the color on. So it won't really result a rich, very permanent color on a single try (so there's room for trial and error! :D)
A friend of mine swears by these two information packs, they seems to be the best ones around:
I wanted to mention henna and indigo as soon as I started to read this article :) You don't have to be afraid of allergies - the key is to get a good quality product without chemicals. Some of henna hair dyes may contain nasty ingredients and they are the ones who cause allergies, not henna or indigo itself - they're just plants. There might be some people who are really allergic to these plants, but I suppose it's very rare. Anyhow, you can always put a little of the product on your skin (your hand etc.) and you'll see how you react. I always look at the list of ingredients and if there's something I don't like, I just don't buy it :) Henna and Indigo can wash out over time, but not completely - they're permanent in a very natural way.
DeleteYes, before buying the dye always make sure the ingredients are 100% natural, that it only includes herbs, plants, henna and indigo. The most common brand used here in Finland is Sante, which is reliable and has nice range of colors to choose from. :)
DeleteI think if you have already a chemically dyed hair, the natural dye washes off easier (because it doesn't stick as well as into un-dyed hair). I personally dye my roots with chemical dye, then couple weeks after I use henna to the rest of the hair. So you can consistently use both kinds in turns, if the colors are very similar and you're not planning a radical color change anytime near in the future. :D
Anonymous1: Thank you so much for the effort of linking those sites to me, I'll definitely read them! I thought that those allergic reactions must have been a misunderstanding, I've heard many sad stories about those black tourist shack hennas. Good to hear that the dyes they sell here are safe! Also very good to hear that those colours fade a bit if not layered regularly, they sound like my kind of dyes. :)
DeleteRegn: I always test hair dyes before the final applying so it wouldn't be a problem at all to do so with henna too. And I'm a sucker for ingredient lists as well. :D I'm really pleased to hear that Henna and Indigo wash out gently over time, I prefer only slightly darker shades than my own hair.
Anonymous2 (if you're not the same as the first one? :D):
It's good to hear that Sante is safe, it's the exact same package I've rolled in my hands at the drug store. It's news to me that you can use both henna and chemical dyes, most people say those two don't mix!
Hehe yes, I'm the same Anon. :)
DeleteHenna and chemical dyes shouldn't both be used if you have a light to medium colored hair. I think it's because if you have a light colored hair, there might be some unexpected results if the henna hasn't faded away properly. Like the chemical color may not stick to the areas where the henna hasn't faded yet, so the color could then end up very uneven.
But this doesn't really apply to dark or red hair. There really can't be any discolorment problems because the the hair color is dark (or otherwise richly pigmented) to begin with. :) At worst, the henna or chemical dye won't stick because the other hasn't faded enough.
Oh, and since your hair is so dark, you could just let the dye sit in the hair only for an hour or two at max. This is because after longer time, the hair would get a subtle reddish glow from the henna...
DeleteIt's because Sante's black is a mixture of colorless henna and blueish black indigo, and it's the henna that creates a warm glow the longer it sits in the hair. But if you let it affect just for an hour, you should be able to get a cool glow instead of a reddish one. :)
Hello! May i ask if you have some asian blood or something, thus you have naturally nearly black hair?
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm sure there's no Asian blood flowing in my veins (though I'd love that!), but I think there's some Karelian blood in my family and maybe even some genes from Russia, or that's what our family has suspected. And who knows, there might be some genes from Lapland as well, many people have darker hair there. But all I know for sure is that I got my dark genes from dad, he has the same hair type. :)
DeleteThere are indeed some random black haired Scandinavians around! I have 100% Finnish family lines but still have quite a few relatives who have black hair. :) My dad also has black hair, but still I have blond hair so go figure... :D
DeleteAlso dark/black hair with porcelain complexion and pale blue eyes has always been really common in British people!
Uuu! Lemppari postaus pitkään aikaan!<3 Kiitos kaikista vinkeistä! 8)
ReplyDeleteEnpä oo pitkään aikaan kyllä postaillutkaan, hih. ;) Nuo vinkit on sellasia mitkä istuu mulle, mutta ihmisten kuontalot on niin erilaisia ettei toimi varmasti kaikille. Toivottavasti sulle oli kuitenkin apua tästä! :)
DeleteTotta. En olisi kyllä tuota otsatukka-temppua keksinyt omin päin! Sinun sileällä tukalla kun näyttää niin luontevalta.
DeleteIt is an amazing hair btw,
ReplyDeleteI wish i could follow your tip on "no more dyeing" but I'm just too in love with red, I've been dyeing it so long that i do not know how it would turn if i stop doing, probably some light brownish redish thing :P
On the other hand i do braid it a lot and just let it be, at least on time on every week, i just wish mine was so straight.
I agree, red hair is fabulous :) I was wondering recently whether to get back to my natural colour, but eventually red dye won.
DeleteSkeletonOrchid: Thank you! Those tips work for me but they might not work for everyone, in the end it's just best to go with your own gut feeling. :) You should definitely dye your hair if it feels good! Hair dyes are a great way of expressing yourself and I love different kinds of shock colours, but they just don't work for me. I'm far too busy (and lazy!) to dye my hair all the time so they definitely wouldn't suit my life style. But I still dream of hairs of different colours, sigh. I should get a wig. :D
DeleteBtw, I think red hair is gorgeous! But I'm sure it's a tough job to keep it vibrant?
N: I agree with both of you! I'd love to have red hair sometime, but it would be such a struggle to keep it looking good. I mean the black roots would look pretty hideous. :D
It's true, red hair it's a pain on the ass to maintain, but even black on my hair washes out so fast, that i just have to keep it going, on your cause, it's quite diferent, cause you have such a gorgeus colour, that black, that on light looks like autumn dark red, it's amazing, you should be really proud
DeleteHoly Mother of Goth, you are perfect! <3
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to react properly on comments as lovely as these, so I'm just going to send you some hearts! And thank you! ^^
Your hair is beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteYou have beautiful hair! I have hair a bit longer than yours but I do dye it because I am not happy at all with my natural hair colour. To make sure it looks still good I do not back comb, use heat, any products such as hair spray and only use shampoos and conditioners wihtout silicons :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I think everyone knows best what's good for their hair, hair dyes are a great way to get the wanted look. Whatever makes you happy is good. :) You seem to have a great hair care style, I'm sure your hair is in a gorgeous shape! I have a bad habit of ratting my hair and I use perhaps too much of hair spray and heat stylers, but in that way I get the look I want so why wouldn't I use them. But I do keep a lot of days off from all styling to compensate that. :>
DeleteBlogisi pitkäaikainen lukija täällä ilmoittautuu. Siis.. olen taas ollut vähän hölmö ja vaikka olen ihaillut hiuksiasi iäisyyden, en tajunnut kuinka upeat ne ihan oikeasti ovat. Pure love <3 Voi mitä antaisinkaan yhtä pitkistä ja tuuheista sekä samanvärisistä hiuksista, mutta kaikkea ei voi pieni ihminen saada. Ihailen hiuksiasi jatkossakin, mutta tyydyn samalla tähän äidin ja isän perintöön, joka on liruista liruin, vain polkkamittaisena hyvännäköinen ja tylsähkön ruskea. Värjäyskierre tässäkin päässä loppunut jo pari vuotta sitten, on kyllä ollut hyvä päätös se!
ReplyDeleteLisäkommenttina vielä, että olet aivan upea ilmestys ja ihailen tyyliäsi aivan mielettömästi <3
Voi kiitos hirmuisen paljon! <3 Välillä tuntuu että ihminen itse ei ole ikinä tyytyväinen hiuksiinsa, ottaisin itsekin kernaasti lisätuuheutta hiuksiin kun kaikilla muilla sisaruksillani on järjettömän paksu tukka. Mutta geneettistä koodiaan kun ei voi uudelleenkoodata joten ei kannata kadehtia vaan hyväksyä oma kuontalo, kaikkien hiuksissa on omat hyvät ja huonot puolensa. :) Ja lisäkkeillä ja väreillä saa aina tarvittaessa boostattua jos jotain muutosta halajaa!
DeleteMitä! Olen ihaillut hiuksiasi ja kuvitellut niiden olevan pidennykset. Mutta että ihan omaa tukkaa! Nyt tykkään vielä enemmän. :)
ReplyDeleteHih, todella moni on kyllä luullut tätä reuhkaa pidennetyksi. :)
DeleteOh my, you really have perfect hair!
ReplyDeleteOh thank you so much! :)
DeleteAhhh yes! This is the kind of post I've been waiting for! Thanks for all the great tips and advice on puffing up hair! I also don't trust the hair dresser! I only visit about once every 2 years for a trim but as usual they cut more off than I ask for! My hair grows quite quickly too so this isn't too much of a problem! You're lucky to have hair naturally close in colour to black, my hair is naturally brown but not as deep a brown as I would like so I dye it every 3 months. The things us girls do for vanity eh?! I totally agree that the right hairbrush can make a lot of difference - I'm going to check out those Kent brushes! Love your tash picture! ~♥~
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you liked this post! And the moustache, so elegant don't you think? ;> I'm sure there's loads of great hair dressers out there, but somehow I always manage to find the one that cuts too much and slices my bangs in a hellish way, no matter how precisely I describe the style I want. And the Kent brush really was a great investment, I've heard that the Queen and the rest of the Royal family use those. Not sure if that's a good side or not, but anyway. :D
DeleteYou had dreadlocks? It's really surprising since I can't imagine you having them! I do not recommend you shaving your hair because they get really messy as they grow so you either have to shave them all the time or deal with the mess and wait to grow back again.
ReplyDeleteYou look lovely as always! ♥
Thank you! <3 And yep, I had dreadlocks for a couple of years when I was younger, too bad that I made them out of my real hair instead of synthetic fibres so eventually I had to cut my locks short. But they were a fun experiment!
Deleteand the growing part was strongly on my cons list about the side-shaved hair, since at some point you have to grow them back and it would end up looking very messy.
*-* i luv u hair, it's so perfect.....and Better if is since birth! :D and not for so many chems products!
Oh thank you! :)
Deletemaybe you could use Manic panic colors to dye your hair, i think there's one called Black raven, and you can apply it on your hair, is vegan and don't cause damage, it is semipermanent
ReplyDeleteBut I've heard that those directional colours don't sink into your hair unless you've bleached it? Doesn't hurt to give them a try, but some friends have told me that those colours won't get attached on healthy hair.:/
DeleteOon niin kateellinen sun hiuksille! Ne on tosi pitkät verrattuna mun hiuksiin, jotka on vaa solisluihin asti :( Miten ihmeessä sä oot saanu noin pitkät ja hyväkuntoset hiukset? Musta vaa jotenki tuntuu, et mun hiukset ei kasva ollenkaan.. D:
ReplyDeleteÄlä turhaan kadehdi, jokaiselta löytyy jotain kaunista! Pitkät hiukset voi olla pitkälti geeniperimässä, kaikkien hiukset ei vaan enää kasva tietyn pisteen jälkeen. Ruokavaliolla ja ravintolisillä voi kuitenkin auttaa kasvua. :)
DeleteI didn't realise you had so long hair until you show the natural hair picture. Your hair seems so easy to style. I have easy hair as well but since it's longer it's not easy to do curles. I have a shaved side and like it a lot. But I think that you did the right descision to skip that thought, your hairstyle is perfect for you. I love the vintage style hairstyles you do. Victory rolls + goth = <3
ReplyDeleteThank you! :) I actually had victory rolls on my mind when I skipped the though of shaving (and many other hairdo's too), it might work only on the other side but not as well as the original style. And loads of other vintage hairs would have the same fate so I've skipped the thought for now.
DeleteDon't shave your head! (or the half of it) You have such an amazing hair, it will take ages to grow back. I'm a professional hairdresser, I would love to be your personal hair guru (:D) but I think we have like 300-400 kilometers between us :>
ReplyDeleteYou're right - nutrition is one of the most inportant things about hair, no matter how expensive or good products you use, if your diet sucks it shows on your hair. I also recommed Tangle Teazer to you! It's an amazing brush, perfect for long hair. It's the most gentle brush ever and it really shows on hair. Use Google to find your nearest place to buy it :) It costs about 15€ and it's so worth it..!
love, Martina
(Okay, I have no idea why I wrote this in English, since we both are Finnish :D I just love to use it, this is a great practise)
And by the way: one great product for you could be Color Mask from KC. And of course in the color Black :)
It nutritions the hair, gives a lot of moisture but what's the best part: it really gives a lot of colour to your hair. Still it's intensive treatment for hair, not a (permanent) hair color. I love these masks, they are a miracle and I don't know how I lived before these. You can find these in big stores like Hairstore maybe under 10€ or in smaller salons about 15-19€.
Oh, I would need a hair guru of my own! ;> I just bought the Kent brush a few months ago so I'm not going to invest on a new brush in the near future, but I'll keep the Tangle Teazer in mind for the next time. Thanks for the tip!
DeleteI have a couple of friends who swear by the name of those KC Color Masks, but I haven't found any information whether they're animal test free or not? They sound so great but I won't buy them if there's no proper information to be found. I'll have to make and investigation about this!
And heehee, it doesn't matter in which language you write your comments, as long as they're understandable. :)
Vitsit mitkä hiusket! Uskomattomat :)
ReplyDeleteMulla itselläkin värjäyskierre päättyi pari vuotta sitten ja olen ihan tyytyväinen tähän omaan maantienväriseen kuontalooni... Välillä haen lämpimämpää tai kylmempää sävyä käyttämällä kevyesti värjääviä hoitoaineita, niiden kanssa lopputulos on ihanan epätasainen :D Mulla on ollut vaikeuksia löytää sopiva leikkaus hiuksiini, sillä nämä ovat järjettömän paksut ja hieman laineikkaat. Polkka oli jees, mutta vaati liikaa ylläpitoa laiskuuteeni nähden. Pidempi malli on kanssa kiva, ja nyt on kiva hieman kerrostettu leikkauskin, mutta en juuri koskaan pidä näitä auki. En jotenkin ikinä saa hiuksiani asettumaan niin kuin pitäisi :( Kiharoita pitäisin joka ikinen päivä jos vain jaksaisin ne askarrella!
Mirssiinan Pretty Sweet -blogissa on muuten juttua noista henna- ja indigoväreistä :)
Voi kiitoksia! Mun mielestä maantienvärinen tukka voi olla hyvinkin kaunis vaikka sitä niin usein parjataan, tärkeintä on tietysti se mikä itselle tuntuu parhaiten sopivan. Kiharat saa muuten todella helposti ja nopeasti Pearl Wand kihartimella, kannattaa kokeilla jos kiharat ihastuttaa sinua. :)
DeleteJa kiitti vinkistä, pitää käydä katsomassa jos löytyisi lisäinfoa!
Moi! Toiveena olisi, jos joskus jaksaisit tehdä pieniä opastuksia noihin erilaisiin hiustenlaittotapoihin yms mitä välillä käytät. Tai oikeastaan ei tarvitse edes opatusta, mutta muutama hyvä lähikuva hiuksista eri puolilta olisi kiva, mustista hiuksista kun on välillä hankala hahmottaa miten niitä onkaan laitettu :D
ReplyDeleteMoikka! Victory rollseista olenkin tehnyt aiemmin erillisen postauksen, tutojen tekeminen on vaan aika iso prosessi (ainakin mulle) joten saa nähdä jos niitä tulee lisää. Parempia lähikuvia voin ainakin tarjota! :) Ja ihan totta muuten, mustasta kuontalosta kaikki erottuu paljon huonommin kun vaaleista.
DeleteSiullon kyllä tosi kauniit hiukset :) Ja hitsi, mie oon aina luullu et sie värjäät siun hiuksia! :D Ittellä on värjätty mustaks, en koe omaa blondia väriä omakseni. Juurikasvu vaan näyttää hieman jäätävältä, kun on niin selkeä ero mustassa ja vaaleassa. :O
ReplyDeletePitkät hiukset on miullakin, mutta mie en kauheasti osaa laittaa näitä, joten miekin toivon, että jossain vaiheessa siulta tulis jotain opastuspostauksia pitkien hiusten laittoon. :) Ois kiva kokeilla jotain uutta hiuksiin, mut mie en myöskään raaski kauheasti leikata, enkä värjätä muulla kun mustalla. :D
Voi kiitos! :) Sävytän kyllä kevyesti silloin tällöin, mutta pysyviä värejä en ole kokeillut johonkin kuuteen vuoteen, joskus lukiossa koetin kerran ja se riitti.
DeleteMun mielestä on tärkeintä valita väri joka tuntuu omasta mielestä parhaalta, kaikkia ei oma väri miellytä ja eihän siinä mitään pahaa ole! Voin vaan kuvitella miltä mun hiukset näyttäisi jos vetäisin valkeaksi vetyperoksidilla, ah mikä juurikasvu. :D Pitkän tukan hiuspostauksia saattaa tulla jatkossa jos mulla vaan löytyy fiilistä sellaiseen, mutta lähikuvia voin ainakin laittaa enemmän!
Oi hitsi että on ihanan pitkä ja terveen näköinen tukka... aloin sääliä taas omaa kuivunutta harakanpesääni, joka on kyllä pitkä, mutta aivan liian huonolla hoidolla. Muutenkin tuo sinun tyyli on niin hieno, tulee mieleen jotkut tim burtonin tms. leffat aina milloin käyn ihastelemassa tätä blogiasi.
ReplyDeleteApua miten ihana kohteliaisuus tuo Burton-vertaus, kiitos! <3 Kannattaa vaan parantaa ruokavaliota ja lisätä tehohoitojen määrää, kyllä se kuontalon kunto siitä paranee varmasti!
DeletePitääpä saman tien kokeilla tuota otsatukanpiilotuskeinoa! Itse otsatukallisena olen kaikkea koittanut kun ei jaksaisi aina samaa tyyliä pitää, mutta tuo ei tullutkaan mieleen.
ReplyDeleteHyvä jos vinkistä oli apua! Tuo on tosi nopea kikka, kun sen oppii niin ei mene kuin minuutti ja tukka on muuttunut.
DeleteThis bang-thing totally freaks me out. You just pin it back? It looks so easy. How can you hide those pinned hair under the rest of your hair without looking "puffy"?
ReplyDeleteIt's so magical!
Unfortunately it doesn't work otherwise: looking as if you'd had a bang without having one. And not mentioning putting parts of your hair to the other side of your face. (well, that sounds totally awkward)
I'm Asian so my hair is naturally black but your hair colour is amazing! I'd rather like to have your hair colour.
I'm so enchanted!
Thanks so much! I think I'd prefer an Asian black hair, but this one's fine too. :) It's a bit freaky when it starts glowing red in the sun, must be some red&brown pigments tucked away deep in my hair.
DeleteAnd the trick to hiding the fringe so that it doesn't look puffy is quite simple: just pin it down in a tight knot. I also like to create a small victory roll there so the puffiness doesn't look disturbing. And you can have a fringe without actually having one, just use a fake one!
Minullakin oli joskus muinoin takapuoleen yltävät kutrit ja ne olivat myös ihan järkyttävän paksut/hyväkuntoiset.Kaukana ovat ne päivät kaiken värjäilyn ja leikkailun tuloksena:DTuolloin olivatkin ihan luomut(aivan hirveän väriset;)tai korkeintaan jotain hennaa. Saatko hennastakin muuten jotain oireita?Siis jos ihan luonnollista hennaa jossa ei ole mitään myrkkyjä tai synteettisiä aineita käytetty(mitähän PP-alkuisia aineita olivatkaan)?Hennaahan ne ovat ainakin mainostaneet hyvänä väriaineena, mikäli myrkkyvärit eivät sovi.Itsekkin kokeilleena voin sanoa, että ihan kauhean hajuista ja näköistä mössöä^^Mutta tekee hiuksista superkiiltävät ja paksummatkin!Ainoa miinus on, että sitäpä ei sitten saa ikinä pois.Luotettavan hennan löytäminen voi myös olla työn takana.Pahimmassa tapauksessa myynnissä hennoja jotka sulattaa hiukset, jos koittaa hiuksia joskus vaalentaa hennailujen jälkeen:O.
ReplyDeleteAh, olisipa mullakin paksummat hiukset. Toisaalta ei ole tämän pahempia niskavaivoja hiusten painon vuoksi, mutta ottaisin kernaasti vähän lisätuuheutta näihin! Ja tuoltaa ylempää löytyykin jo keskustelua hennasta, en ole sitä itse vielä kokeillut mutta ajattelin testata seuraavan kerran kun lisäväriä mielin. :)
DeleteEi kyllä Suomen ja EU:n markkinoilla ole mitään "hiuksia sulattavaa" hennaa. :D Semmoisessa kamassa täytyisi olla jotakin kemikaalia korventamassa! Siis eihän Suomessa saa myydä VAARALLISIA aineita, joten ne Hennat ja Indigot Sokoksen ja Stockmnannin hyllyillä ovat kyllä turvallista kamaa, turvallisempaa kuin normaalit värit! Kylläpä on kaikenlaista urbaanilegendaa netissä, outoa kun on sen verran harmiton *kasvi*. Jos väri on Suomalaisen päivittäistavarakaupan hyllyssä, niin se täyttää kyllä turvallisuuskriteerit, ja otettu valikoimaan koska on todettu luotettavaksi.
DeleteItseni mielestä henna tuoksuu lähinnä saunavihdalta eikä mitenkään "pahalta", parempi tuoksu kuin pistävät kemikaalihuurut. :D Monta vuotta olen Sante merkillä värjännyt hiuksia, ja tuuheutta sekä kiiltoa ei voita mikään! Myös päänahka kiittää hellästä kohtelusta. :)
Voisitko joskus tehä postauksia miten laitat hiukset? :) sulla on aina niin kauniita kampauksia että!
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos! Victory rollseista löytyy jo erillinen postaus, voin laittaa muitakin kampauksia harkintaan mutta teen tutoriaaleja vaan jos itseltä löytyy niihin joskus fiilistä. Kuten parille muullekin kommentoijalle jo sanoin, voin kuitenkin ottaa parempia lähikuvia kampauksista. :)
DeleteYou cut your bangs yourself, how beautiful. It looks great. I tried yesterday for the first time, it was ok, no complete disaster ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnd hey, I had also once dreadlocks, long time ago...
Congrats! It's not as hard as one might think, and you can save a lot of money by cutting them yourself. :)
ReplyDeleteYou are a doll for taking the time to answer these questions!
Just popping by to say you are one of my biggest style crushes at this moment. You're absolutely gorgeous and seem like such a lovely, kind person to boot! Please keep up the great work, as I really enjoy reading your blog and look forward to all your posts. ^_^
Hi Marta! I'm doing the best that I can to answer every comment, they are much appreciated. :)
DeleteAnd thank you so much for your lovely comment, you made me smile! <3
Voi että. Myisin vaikka mummoni jos saisin tuommoisen tukan. : D Oma letti ei kasva lapaluita pidemmälle ja olenkin tuuminut jonkinlaisia pidennyksiä. Vaikka aitoahan ei voita mikään. :)
ReplyDeleteOletko muuten tietoinen tästä?
Hämmentävän samanlainen ulkoasu ja jossain määrin jopa sisältökin.
Apua, älähän nyt mumsiasi ala torilla kaupittelemaan. :D Värillä ja lisäkkeillä saa halutessaan samanmoisen reuhkan!
DeleteJa juu-u, olen ollut jonkin aikaa tietoinen tästä blogista kun se mulle linkattiin jo aiemmin. Kivaahan se on jos onnistuu inspiroimaan ihmisiä, mutta identtiset postaukset tuntuu lähinnä äärimmäisen hämmentäviltä..
DeleteTuo blogi on niin täydellinen ripoff tästä blogista, samanlaiset postaukset täysin samoilla kuvilla varustettuna ja siihen vielä päälle täysin kopioitu layout! Uskomatonta. Tekisi kyllä mieli käydä avautumassa, mutta kun en omaa mitään vastaavista accounteista (nimetön ei käy), en voi kommentoida. Törkeää viedä postausideat, tehdä samankaltainen banneri, valita samanlainen tausta, pölliä fontit (ainakin sivupalkkien otsikoista) sekä kuvat mm. bloglovinin ja blogilistan linkkeihin.
Enpä ole näin törkeää kopioimista nähnyt pitkään aikaan.
Taidanpa tehdä jonkun tuollaisen profiilin, ihan vaan että pääsen kommentoimaan.
Pakko kyllä myöntää että omg on se mitä itsekin tässä vaiheessa ajattelen. Hauskaahan tässä on myös se että meillä on varmaan hyvin paljon samoja lukijoita eikä muut oikein tunnu pelottavia yhtäläisyyksiä huomaavan. Mutta ei kai samankaltaisuuksia voi välttää jos on sama maku, mutta aika hämmentävältä tuntuu. :D
DeleteHuh, en edes uskalla kaivella tuolta blogista vanhempia merkintöjä kun oma omaisuus kävelee jatkuvasti vastaan samoilla otsikoilla varustettuna jo noissa uudemmissa. Jopa arvonnassa identtinen idea ja voittajalauseen fontit ja silleen, tittidii.
Great post, congrats dear!
ReplyDeleteI´ve been dying my hair for years and I found that my hair did not respond well to some products as you say, specially those with the damned ammonia. I even experienced some little allergic reactions (itchy scalp and so on). But the last year I discovered a new product that radically changed my hair routine. It is a permanent dye but it is totally free from ammonia and other hard chemicals, the main ingredients are vegetable products. When I dye my hair, it does not feel like dry anymore but nourished and shiny. It has been a lovely change and now I can retouch my hair colour as much as I want to. It is really different to get a good product in a special shop from just jump into the supermarket. Big commercial and popular brands are poor when it comes to hair dye.
By the way, I take the chance to invite you to my give away. I am currently running it for my first blog anniversary. Feel free to check it if you like to ♥
Thank you! I'm glad to hear that you found the perfect product for you, allergies are nasty business and I get skin irritation too from hair dyes.
DeleteAnd congrats for you blog anniversary! ^^ I'm trying to remember to take part on the give away!
holy shit, sun tukkas on kuin silkkii ;___; oot ihana!
ReplyDelete(mut älä sheivaa kaljua, menee iäisyys kasvattaa se takasi jos alkaa kaduttaakin :c )
Khii, kiitoksia! ^^ Olishan se aika iso riski vetää näin pitkästä tukasta osa partakoneella irti, kasvattaminen ei varmaan ole mitään herkkua. Mutta saa nähdä jos joku ilta repäisen, ei ikinä voi tietää!
DeleteI love your hair! <3
can't believe you don't dye your hair. that's so wonderful.
ReplyDeletei'd like to see you in dread locks. would you post a picture one day? :)
your hair is so beautiful.
Thank you! I do use mild dyes sometimes, but they wash out eventually. And actually there's already one picture of me in dread locks in the last G&A post I did over two years ago. ;)
DeleteMillä tekniikalla voit käyttää tuota kuivashampoota? :S
ReplyDeleteOmasta kylppäristä löytyy myös Klippoteket, mutta se värjää mustanruskean otsikseni harmaaksi. Eikä edes sellaiseksi cooliksi harmaaksi, vaan epämääräisen laikukkaaksi, jättäen ihania valkoisia hippusia. :D Tuote sinänsä kyllä toimii, tuuheuttaa ja vähentää rasvaisuutta.
Suihkuttelen vaan päällishiusten alle ja harjaan niin ettei niitä valkeita alueita tule. Tai piilotan sen valkeuden kampauksen sisään. :D Tummalle tukalle tuo on tosiaan vähän kinkkinen mutta kyllä mulla harjauksella se vaaleus laimenee.
DeleteMustille hiuksille on kuulemma joku ihan oma kuivashampoo, mutta en nyt kuollaksenikaan muista mikä se merkki oli..!
Have you considered using 2 step henna + indigo? You can get a jet blue or blue black just using herbs.