The outfit code of the last week and a half is condensed in the pixels of this photo. I've been under the malevolent curse of the common cold and have only rarely left the house, therefore cotton and comfort have been the key ingredients in dressing up (it's not my favorite style but when you're sick those matters don't count so much).
So one of you asked me if I ever wear comfy or scruffy home clothes and the answer is OF COURSE. :) There's been a post about this before on my blog, and here's some more proof. It's alright if someone wants to wear tight skirts and corsets all day long, but at home I'm a constant spiller of paint, wine or food so that wouldn't really work for this baby. :D The Actual Pain loose shirts are my favorite home attire at the moment, can't get enough of these fiendish prints!
(My love bought the snake print t-shirt as well, so it's a kind of a team uniform for us, heehee.)

I had a lot of extra seconds to list the pros and cons of being sick, and came up with surprisingly many things on the positive side! There's such a deep pool of low energy activities you can choose from! You can organize your collections (like the cd tower that's needed dusting for ages), refresh your memory of Han Solo's destiny, sink into comics and books or create something you really love, in my case some paintings and drawings. Now that I'm getting better I kind of wish I was still sick to have all that luscious free time..
What do you enjoy the most when you're not feeling well?

Oh jeeze, I've loved that Cinema Strange album back in the days! You look awesome no matter if being sick or not...I'm so envious!
ReplyDeleteIt's a good album, brings me back some memories! I still like to listen to it from time to time, love the sound scape in it. :) And thank you so much for your kind words, but please don't be envious!
DeleteI do exactly the same thing when I'm sick. ;) I also like use Polyvore to create outfits, I feel a little fabulous even though I feel (and look) like crud. Feel better!
ReplyDeleteOh, that sounds like a very good trick! I enjoy putting on a little bit of lipstick when I'm not feeling too good, somehow it cheers me up a bit. And thank you!
DeleteYou look amazingly pretty..and I love the paintings <3 I wish a post about them :)
ReplyDeleteAww, thank you! I'll try to post some more detailed pictures, if my self-criticism allows me to.
Deletemulla on yks ihan sun näkönen jakku. viininpuna-tummanharmaat pystyraidat. :D en ees tiedä, miks oon ostanut sen, kun se ei sovi mun tyyliin, enkä mä käytä sitä koskaan.
ReplyDeleteAi! Kuulostaakin kyllä sellaiselta mitä saattaisin käyttää. :D
DeleteOpeth is love. I actually prefer the old albums though I didn't listen to them as much as the "new ones". But still, all their albums are masterpieces.
ReplyDeleteYour "hobo style" (how I fondly say!) ist very chic and probably more stylish than the average party outfit of any other girl.:D
I agree, Opeth is love. I'm not so fond of the very oldest albums, my favorites are Blackwater Park, Deliverance, Ghost Reveries and Damnation, but all the albums include some golden pieces. <3
DeleteAnd thanks so much, I take that as a great compliment!
You should be the official model for Actual Pain because their clothes look awesome on you! The best thing about being sick is that nobody expects anything of you! But lazing around under layers of clothing and blankets and watching some favourite films or playing on the PS3 is the best way to pass the time. There is a certain comfort in being ill with the common cold! I'm having a massive spring, well autumn, clean of the entire house this week in preparation for visiting my childhood home for a week so I won't get much chill out time at all - BOO HISS! ~♥~
ReplyDeleteHaha, thanks! But I'm not geographically in the right place for that need, I'm afraid. ;) And oh, I totally forgot PS3 from this list!
DeleteI am so in love with your CD collection, as much with quality as with quantity. I am very close to obsessive when it comes to collecting practically anything, but CDs take the top spot!
ReplyDeleteMe too, although sadly there's some pretty great albums missing there! I'm not a great organizer of things but CDs really have to be in a neat order so that I can get the disc I want quickly. :)
DeleteOnko noi Actual Painista ostetut topit hintansa laatuisia? Kiinnostaisi myös tietää että käytätkö päälläsi xs vai s koon toppeja. Olen harkinnut tilausta tonne jo pitkään mutta, koko ja vaatteiden laatu on mietityttänyt :)
ReplyDeleteNäytät muuten tyrmäävältä vaikka oletkin kipeä!
On mun mielestä ihan hyvälaatuisia! Hintaahan näillä on vaan ~25€ per kipale (+postarit), ei mun mielestä mitenkään kauheasti näin kivoista printeistä. Nämä topit on kokoa S, halusin hieman löysempää mallia ja sitä nämä tarjoaakin, ei oo mitenkään aivan vartalonmyötäisiä vaan hitusen reilumpaa mitoitusta. Ensi kerralla yritän varmaan ostaa XS-kokoa mutta ne tuntuu olevan kaikista printeistä aina loppu.. Mut kumpikin koko on vallan hyvä, riippuu vähän millaista istuvuutta hakee. :)
DeleteJa kiitos paljon kehaisusta! <3
Joku muukin toivoi samanlaista postausta: nimittäin maalauksistasi ja välineistäsi! :) Kiitos hienosta blogista! Mukavaa luettavaa kummallakin kielellä. ;) - Susanna
ReplyDeleteYritän postata lisää maalauksia jos itsekritiikki vaan sallii! Ja ihana kuulla että viihdyt täällä :)
DeleteOh wow! I need those tops! x
ReplyDeleteThey're pretty great, I'm wearing one right as we speak! The stocks run out pretty fast so you have to be quick to get your own size. :)
DeletePlease could you like make a tutorial or put up pictures of how you cut them??
DeleteI love your blog, it is most certainly a piece of beautiful art just like you!
ReplyDeleteSaksikäsi Edward -tatuointisi on todella upea. Kuka Jokertattoo shopista on hakannut sen?
Kiitos paljon, tykkään itsekin siitä ihan hurjasti! Tuula on tehnyt kuvan, suosittelen lämpimästi. :) Täältä voi tsekata lisää Tuulan töitä---> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tuula-joka-piirt%C3%A4%C3%A4/140047526098468
DeleteAch, I too have the common cold or perhaps flu! :( I hope you have recovered and are feeling better! I am in bed reading and catching up on blogs in yoga leggings and my boyfriend's band tee! The best comfortable clothes and low energy activities! xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Zoë, I'm feeling much better already! I hope you can beat your germs quickly, happy recovering :) (Btw, I also wear my boyfriend's tees at home sometimes, somehow it feels so lovely and special.)
DeleteYour blog is amazing, and actually you look better put together in your "sick days" then me when I try to look pretty.
ReplyDeleteThank you! But I'm quite sure that's not true :)
DeleteBwahaha stupid me I thought you'd cut those tank tops I found them already gladly they are still in stock though I liked one that said "Sympathy for the Devil" I fell in love with it but sadly they are out of stock on that one oh well guess I can wait.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't call you perfect, perfection doesn't exist but you are well beyond it you're magnificent<33
Oooooh thank you Kim! <3 I don't believe in perfection either, it's a great thing that we all have flaws.
DeleteAnd I know the feeling, these tanks were out of stock for a long time. And a design that me and the other half really wanted (King of Pugs) was out of stock now, boo. Oh well, we'll get those shirts some day!
I've been lusting over Actual Pain for a while now, but I can't seem to find what the shipping costs are to Europe... Can you perhaps tell me what you paid for shipping costs? :)
ReplyDeleteIf I remember correctly, the shipping costs appear when you're at the check-out, and they were around $25 in our both orders. So not too much in my opinion. :)
DeleteOMG! Amazing, Beautiful, Stunning...