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dress ~ Skeleton Key Dress by Lip Service / trench coat ~ Asos / shoes ~ Arrogant Minnie bag ~Lindex / necklace ~Etsy (Dahlia Deranged) |

Saturday night's outfit, featuring spine heels, little black velvety dress and hair that was still partly wet after the shower. Well, sometimes there's just not enough minutes for a proper hairdo! We also had about five minutes to take the outfit pics before the dark night wolfed down what remained of the daylight.
And when the darkness fell upon this part of the world, we had a truly relaxed and fun night! Just the two of us hanging out at home couch and celebrating my birthday. With loads of delicious drinks and some great autumnal movies, naturally. Including one special favorite, Donnie Darko. If you haven't seen it, you definitely should! It's simply brilliant, the characters, the soundtrack, the quotes, the philosophy of time travel and the whole package really, I love it. And I swear that I'm going to dress up as Frank some Halloween!

This year's costume for All Hallows Eve is already decided, can't wait to put it on. It just needs a few adjustments and I'm good to go! Have you got any plans for your costume yet? :)
Upeita kuvia! Ja nuo kengät, voi että miten nastat! :) Minullakin on suurin piirtein Halloween-puku suunniteltu jo! Maltan tuskin odottaa
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos! Asukuvilla oli hirveä kiire tuon hupenevan valomäärän takia mutta mukava kuulla jos onnistuivat. :) Mulla on tuon yhden Halloween-puvun lisäksi mietinnässä pari muutakin mahdollista asua, ei kurpitsajuhlaa voi varmaan liikaakaan juhlia. Joka viikonpäivälle eri asu, joo!
Deleteooo żywiec - poland beer :)
ReplyDeleteIndeed ;) And it tasted pretty good if I remember correctly!
DeleteAnd how do you find Żywiec? I dont't think it is popular in Finland ;)
ReplyDeleteHe just bought it from the liquor store, at the imported beer shelf. He likes trying out different brands and picked this polish one this time, I had never heard of this brand before. :)
DeleteThat trench coat is fabulous and those little booties! Words Fail!! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D
DeleteI am still drooling on that colours, you said it was a matter of minutes, and it really must have been, because colours like that are quite rare on a photo and the contrast with your outfit ( which is amazing btw ) are just too pretty for words, great moment.
ReplyDeleteDonnie Darko is <3 , everytime i see it a new question pops out on my head.
This year i decided i won't do a costume, but I really wanna see what you reserved us this year, the last mummy outfit was breathtaking.
Thanks so much for your kind words! But the colours look more vibrant because I alter the brightness and contrast in my photos to make the quality better, the original ones were slightly greyer. So I enchanced the photos, but the original colours are amazing too. :) Nature is at it's best in the autumn. <3
DeleteI'm also glad to hear there's other Darko fans out there! And I've got something special coming up, I just need one little thing to make it whole. If that thing doesn't arrive in time I'll have to come up with something else instead!
Gorgeous pictures, perfect outfit and beautiful makeup! The orange leaves are so bright they're literally screaming! I love Donnie Darko, I did a painting of Frank when I did Art & Design in College, I wish I still had it but it's been lost over the years through relocating a few times! Birthdays spent with the one you love are sometimes more memorable than a house party, I much prefer a quiet birthday myself! ~♥~
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! Sorry to hear your painting got lost in the moving boxes, I hate it when things disappear like that. :/ I prefer a more quiet birthday too (although I love to party), it's wonderful to throw crazy parties for Halloween or some mutual achievements, but my own birthday is a different thing. Don't know why, it just is!
Deleteoot upee. :)
ReplyDeleteawesome as always darling :)
ReplyDeletePS: sorry bad english !!!!
Thank you! And I don't mind bad english, I'm not a native speaker either. :)
DeleteIhana asu! :) Mie tykkään kans syksyisin pitää trenssiä ja jotain vähän erikoisempia kenkiä sen kanssa, tai vaihtoehtoisesti laukkua. :>> Väliäkös sillä, hyvin istuva trenssi on aina upean näköinen kantajallaan.
ReplyDeleteKiitoksia! :> Trenssi on kyllä uskomattoman monikäyttöinen takki! Erityisesti miellyttää silmää nämä vähän oudommin leikatut mallit, tässäkin yksilössä on pidempi helma ja nyörit takana.
DeleteTell your friend that he had to try another polish beers, better than Żywiec - Koźlak, dark and very tasty in good looking bottle http://smakiwiejskie.pl/mod/77/cPath/14_70_147/pID/242/t/pP or Lady Blanche, another cool bottle http://www.alebrowar.pl/en/piwa/lady-blanche/
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips! I'll tell him about those, the bottles look great.
DeleteHalloweenasu on mietitty valmiiksi, enää pari pikkujuttua pitäisi hankkia. Halloweenin ohella juhlitaan paremman puoliskon kolmekymppisiä joten toivottavasti myös vieraat panostavat asuihinsa. Itse asiassa täytyy myöntää että olen jo ottanut joitakin halloween-koristeita pois piilostaan, muun muassa kirjahylly on nyt miehitetty hämähäkeillä :)
ReplyDeleteSama juttu täällä, pari pientä mutta elintärkeää juttua vielä puuttuu asusta. Ja jos eivät saavu ajallaan (toista juttua on mahdoton tuunata itse) niin pitää keksiä jotain muuta, mun tuurillahan käy juuri näin. :D
DeleteToivottavasti teillä tulee mahtavat bileet, ei varmaan ole parempaa tapaa juhlia uutta vuosikymmentä kuin Halloween!
I'm beginning to long for the autumn ♥
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing, and those shoes are stunning!!
Thank you so much! Autumn is the best season by far <3
Deleteso damn gorgeous, love that pretty trenchcoat and - of course everytime i see them in your blog - the great spine ankleboots... hope, I will find a pair of them in my size... one day... (most of them are available max. size 39 ... and I have 40 *sigh*)
ReplyDeleteautumn is one of the best times in the year to wear pretty coats, boots and tights ♥
Thank you! I'm sure you'll find these shoes in your size someday. And actually their sizing is quite big, so if your shoe size is more to 39,5 then the 39 might even fit, who knows. :)
DeletePolish beer :D
DeleteI see that your polish readers see only beer here... Pitty.
ReplyDeleteI adore front part of your pumps.
Well I'm sure most people would react that way, at least I would be pretty surprised to see a Finnish beer in some foreign blog. :D
DeleteSomethimes I read your bloog. I'm from Żywiec ;) Good choice. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, so it's a town too! You learn something new every day. :)
DeleteOlipa kerrassaan kummallista nähdä sun blogissa värikkäitä kuvia :D Piti ihan tarkistaa että klikkaisin varmasti oikeaan osoitteeseen.
ReplyDeleteHahaa :D Näitä kummallisia väripläjäyksiä tulee aina välillä, yleensä syksyisin.
DeleteLovely pictures of you. Those heels rocks!!
ReplyDeleteSadly I have a depression and have not the energy to think much about Halloween. I just prepare as much as I can. Can't wait to see what you are up to :)
Oh sweetie, I'm sorry to hear that. :< Depression is a fiendish visitor, I hope you feel better soon! And don't stress too much about the preparations, I'm sure the holiday will go greatly without too much pressure.
DeleteAnd thank you for the compliments! I can't wait to wear my costume, please come quickly, Halloween!
DeleteReading the comments above I see I'm not the only reader from Poland :) I also smiled when I saw that bottle of Żywiec. And that also reminded me how difficult it is for non-Polish people to prenounce the name! How funny it sounds :)
ReplyDeleteAs for drinks and names - can you tell me why the vodka and Sibelius's piece of music are called "Finlandia" (and btw so is Polish name for your country), when you call Finland Suomi? Is Finlandia also a Finnish name, a kind of old one for example?
Lovely pictures, I adore autumn. Even if it seems grey and withering. You call it ruska, right? :)
I can only wonder how it's pronounced! I had fun time trying. :D Polish sounds and looks interesting, I'm fascinated by different languages and sadly there's so little time in this life to learn everything I'd like to.
DeleteAnd for your question, I have no idea. It might be something that the Swedes called this land when it was still young, and the word lived on. Suomi is called Finland in most languages, with different variations of course, so I guess that comes from there.
And yes, it's ruska! Ugly word for such a beautiful thing.
Pronunciation of this word is a funny story. I remember our American teacher told us once a ridiculous word and asked to think what Polish word prenounced by English people it could be. After a while of silent confusion someone whispered shyly "Żywiec"? And then we only laughed, because it is indeed hard to use English rules for that.
Delete'Ż' is similar to 'j' in French 'je'. 'Y' is similar to Finnish, 'w' in Polish is always prenounced like 'v'. Then 'i-e' like in Finnish and 'c' like 'tz' in English. I know it's not easy (: So this is a name for the beer and a town where the brewery is located.
I sometimes think the same way - there's so many fascinating things we never experience in full in such short lifetime... Though immortality doesn't seem a good solution either!
Ohhhohhoh sulla on kyllä UPIA HIUS jos saan mainita. :D Ekaa kertaa kurkkasin tänne ja pakko myöntää että taidanpa alkaa ihan seuraamaan! Yleensä harmittaa kaikissa gootti-subkategorian blogeissa se, että ne on ulkoasuiltaan ja kuviltaan aika kökköä, mutta sun blogi on pjuur lööv!
ReplyDeleteAi, kiitoksia kovasti kehuista! Tervetuloa mukaan :>
DeleteBelated Happy Birthday! I also love this outfit from top to toe, this crazy shoes are so brilliant and I also love chains with bones and skeletons
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
DeleteThe heels look very comfy!
ReplyDeleteYou and your boyfriend make a great couple, huh? :)
They are! But the vertebras of the spine get easily stuck on everything and they like to gather fallen leaves, haha. And yes, I believe so. :)
DeleteŻywiec! How nice! :) xoxo
DeleteTietenki on jo Halloween asu suunniteltuna ja sitä ootan kuin kuuta nousevaa! Miten aiot toteuttaa Frankin maskin?
ReplyDeleteKiva kuulla! Frankia en toteuta ainakaan tänä vuonna, mutta ajattelin muotoilla jostain vahasta/savesta ja maalaan sitten hopeiseksi. Vaatii aika paljon puuhaa mutta on varmasti sen arvoinen. :)
DeleteEn voi olla kysymättä, että millaiset noi (kopio)kengät on kävellä? Itseäni kun epäilyttää aina että kopiot ei vaan voi olla hyvät jalassa, mutta ei mulla kyllä mihinkään aitoihinkaan rahaa ole :D
ReplyDeleteKelläpä olisi :D Ymmärtääkseni näitä kopioita on liikkeellä erilaisia, ebaysta saa vähän halvemmalla muttei ole tietääkseni aitoa nahkaa kuten AM:n kopiot, en tosin mene varmaksi sanomaan. Mun mielestä näillä on todella hyvä kävellä, olen huidellut kaupungilla tuntejakin eikä jalkoja ole kummemmin väsyttänyt. :) Sisälmys on pehmustettu ja platform nostaa sen verran ettei ole liian jyrkkä korko.
DeleteDrinking Zywiec? beer from Poland (my country)
ReplyDeleteHow do you like it?;-)
It was good if I remember correctly! Although I only took a sip or two, the beer was my spouse's. :)
DeleteAnteeksi että spämmään täällä taas mutta kohtasin taas kivan pop up-kirjan (kenenkä muun kanssa jakaisin innostuksen). Tällä kertaa sarjakuvamainen teos Draculasta :)
Oooo vau! Aina saa linkittää mutta harmittaa kun ei ole tällä hetkellä varaa tuollaisiin namusiin, äää. Ja sivuaa muuten pelottavan läheltä mun opparia, toivottavasti ei pidä muuttaa aihetta kun nyt löytyi tällainen. :'D
ReplyDeleteI luv it♥
Donnie Darko! Näin tämän leffan ekaa kertaa ollessani mahd. 7 luokalla ja tykkäsin siitä jo sillon, vaikka ehkä elokuvan syvin ei sillon auennukkaan. Luulin sitä silloin kauhuelokuvaksi :D Ja en malta oottaa että saan tietää millanen halloween asu siulla on!
ReplyDeletePs. voisit(ko) tehdä miullekkin hienon asun! :D
Voinhan mä toki maksusta tehdä! ;> Pitäis vaan ensin omakin saada valmiiksi, haha. Tuntuu että aika monikin on luullut DD:tä kauhuelokuvaksi, mutta sivuaahan se tavallaan aihetta kun Frank on niin creepy. :D
DeleteHey, always wondered what's all about in your expression or a pose with the tongue showing instead of the teeth?
ReplyDeleteWell, there's three choices. :) Either it's by accident, or my plump lips cover my teeth and so the tongue naturally shows, ooor: my tongue has a will of it's own!
DeleteI'm a bit late to the party but Happy Birthday! I always love finding out another person online is an october baby. :) Autumn is just the best.
ReplyDeleteDonnie Darko is fantastic! Which scene is your favorite? I think the one where the portals come out and he realizes what he's seeing is my favorite.
Thank you! I agree, none of the other seasons can match to autumn. :)
DeleteI have so many favorite scenes that it's really hard to pick just one. But one that comes into my mind is the lifeline lesson! And the scene where Donnie calls Jim Cunningham as Anti-christ. :D And of course, the movie theatre scene with Frank.
I love Donnie Darko! It's one of my favourite mind-bending movies. Those spine-heels are fabulous! I'll probably never be able to afford them, but I can always dream!
ReplyDeleteNeat to see that someone likes Żywiec actually x)