31 August 2012


I'm leaving all my troubling thoughts behind for this weekend and I'm heading to Helsinki! In a minute actually, since my friend's car is starting it's engines right as we speak. Nothing like a good ol' road trip with friends to brighten up the gloom, plus there's some roller derby and comics in the horizon, so I'm not complaining in any way (and I even found my long lost ID just for the trip, what a luck!). I wish you all a wonderful weekend! ♥

(And I'll just throw a little cliché song bonus here, just because it's Friday and I'm in love.)

29 August 2012

Devil's Backbone

Some dark clouds have invaded my life's sky lately, so blogging hasn't been a tempting option. I've had too much on my mind, including various  work-related projects and some ill news from Frau Doktor. Sickness is never a merry nor a welcomed guest, but it's funny how it reminds us that we're not invulnerable superheroes. I'd sure love to be one, though.

So now I'm on my very first sick leave and will be for the rest of this week, then it's back to the thesis with me! Six summers I've wandered the isles of the boneyard, picking dead petals and brushing the dirt and cobwebs off the tombstones, descended six feet under and hid the bony parts that rise from the times gone by. I know that cemetery by heart, and I even know where the Ghoul-Gate is (if you've ever read Neil Gaiman's Graveyard Book then you know what I'm talking about. :> I tried reciting the magic words but it didn't work..!). 

I've had my share of the cold grounds and I very much doubt there'll be a seventh summer, so I got myself a little farewell present!  Something I've wanted for quite some time. :) These are copies of the gorgeous Dsquared2 spine shoes, I always prefer buying the genuine designs but I don't know how anyone could afford the original ones, so copies it is. Today I'm dragging my bony heels back to my own home, I feel like I could dwell in a coma for about a month. Goodbye, boneyard.

15 August 2012

Sixth Seal, Ninth Gate

So, I'm sure many of you know about my little tendency to get drawn to dark, occultic things like a moth to the flame. Books, films, art, you name it. Luckily my other half is equally interested in these matters, and the theme of our lazy Sunday is pretty much revealed in the photos.

I honestly can't count how many times I've seen the Ninth Gate, it sure isn't the greatest of films but I happen to enjoy it very much. :) (And not the least because of Johnny Depp!) It's the film we watch when all other film options seem to fail, never tiring of it's ambience and the book detective's gimmicks. I finally managed to start reading the original book, and I'm hooked already! Therefore my social skills are slowly dying in the coffee breaks at work, since I'm trying to spend all my extra 15 minutes disappearing between the pages of this story.

leggings ~ ACTUAL PAIN   /   jewelry  ~  Fashionology  /  mesh shirt  ~   Monki   /    shoes  ~ second hand

My love snapped the pics, thank you!

And oh, speaking of the Devil: you might have noticed my new long johns. :--D Oh my goat how much I wanted these, they were sold out for a long time and finally I got lucky! There was a time when I swore that I would never buy a pair of leggings, but these put some kind of a goatling spell on me. These pants go to my "tacky cool"-pile of clothing, in other words the slightly weird clothes that make me all giggly while wearing them. :D (Not that you could see any giggling in these photos though, apparently snapping photos of your underpants is serious business!)

10 August 2012


A few weeks ago I placed an order on this mysterious pink box, and my dear sister brought it to me from the boutique when we met last week. These silver winged beauties were quietly nesting under the  sweet, pink silk papers, waiting to be unleashed and loved (under my feet, how contradictory!). I don't know about you, but I sometimes feel like the right shoes can make you create wonders and reach for more. These birdies are my power shoes, and worth every penny I invested in them.  

shoes by Minna Parikka

8 August 2012

Question Hour!

I just remembered that my blog had a birthday over a week ago! Three long year cycles to be exact. I'm not good at celebrating even my own birthday, let alone this creativity channel's birthday, so I'm just going to skip the festivities and listen to your questions! Whatever you wish to know (in certain boundaries of privacy) about my life, opinions, beautycare and whatnot. Silly things and imaginative things, whatever you wish to know about me.

I'll publish the answers in different categories within a few weeks. Ask away! ♥


Havahduin vasta nyt siihen että blogi täytti viikko takaperin vuosia! Kolme pitkää vuodenkiertoa näin tarkemmin laskettuna. En kummemmin osaa juhlia omiakaan synttäreitäni joten juhlapuheet katkeaa nyt tähän, sen sijaan tahtoisin kuunnella teidän kysymyksiä. :) Elämästä, mielipiteistä, kauneudenhoidosta, mitä mieleen vaan juolahtaa (tietyissä yksityisyyden rajoissa kuitenkin)!

Julkaisen vastaukset muutaman viikon sisällä eri kategorioissa, ja luultavasti englanniksi jos kysymyksiä tulee hirmu paljon, vähän tilanteen mukaan kuitenkin. Kysykää pois! ♥

3 August 2012

The things we love the most, Shall sour and turn to ghost, The things we inmost crave, Shall make a beautiful grave

Lähiaikoina on ollut harvinaisen sanaton olo. On paljon kuvia ja nopeita ajatustenrippeitä joita haluaisin postata, en niinkään pidempiä kirjoituksia joihin aika ei tässä elämänvaiheessa tunnu venyvän millään. Aion siis tulevaisuudessa tehdä välillä lyhyempiä fiilispostauksia ja toivon että ymmärrätte tämän muutoksen. Helpottaisi ainakin omaa elämää ja bloggaamista huomattavasti!

Muutoksia pyörii vahvasti nyt mielessä elämän eri osa-alueilla, olen mm.raivannut vaate-ja kenkäkaapistani puolet pois valtavan materia-ahdistuksen vuoksi (tästä aiheesta lisää myöhemmin! Lisäilen myös osan tavaroista nettimyyntiin kuun lopulla.). Mieleni vaeltaa jatkuvasti parantamassa pinttyneitä ajatustapoja, pelkoja ja addiktioita, muutoksia joita olen pyöritellyt päässä jo vuosia ja ottanut nyt niskastani kiinni.  Olen myös pyöritellyt hyvin kauan mielessä äidinkielen pudottamista pois blogin kirjoitusasusta, koska suomi vaan yksinkertaisesti tuntuu niin älyttömän paljon raskaammalta itselleni, miltei taakalta. Blogia aloittaessa puntaroin kielten välillä ja tuntuu että valitsin väärin. Kirjoittaminen vie myös tuhottomasti kauemmin aikaa kahdella kielellä, ja päivän ohitikittävät sekunnit ovat se asia mikä on nyt todella pahasti kortilla. Mutta katsotaan mihin asiat soljuu! Tiedän että monet teistä eivät pidä tästä mahdollisesta muutoksesta, mutta muutos on aina elintärkeää elämän mielekkäälle etenemiselle.

Vietän muuten koko elokuun lapsuudenkodissani, edellisten kesien tavoin luutarhan käytävillä ja hautojen pohjilla raataen. Moni lukija varmaan muistaakin tämän kesäisen sivutuloni, oikea kliseiden huippu synkiölle. :D Yksi viikko takana ja neljä edessä! Toivotan teille nyt ihanaa viikonloppua, toivottavasti pystyn postaamaan pian.

These pics are much like me at the moment, blurry and slightly distressed.

I've run out of words lately. There's so much feeling to post pictures and quick thoughts but no time for longer posts, so I might do some quicker posts in the future and hope it's okay with you loves! My mind is swarming with changes regarding my view of life, addictions and materia, things I've thought about for years and finally have had more courage to change them. Surprisingly enough, I really really don't like excess materia and have just cleared half of my shoes and clothes away! I do enjoy dressing up but simply don't need all those things in my wardrobe, I want much fewer things with more quality. There's so many things we don't need and still we always crave for more, but I'll tell you more about this matter some day later. :)

I've also thought about changing this blog completely in English. My English is far from absolute perfection, but I enjoy writing it, sometimes it feels more natural than Finnish. My mother tongue is beautiful and expressive, but it's getting harder and harder to write in two languages, especially when I don't have so much time on my hands anymore. But we'll see what happens!

Btw, I'm spending this month in my childhood home, working at the boneyard like all the previous summers! I'm not kidding, most of you might remember that I'm really a gravedigger in the summer months. The paycheck is depressingly poor but at least I get some extra goth points, right? ;) First week is over, four to go! I wish you a wonderful weekend, and hope to be able to post soon.