Today's calendar is about a new adventure I started exploring this evening. This particular book with a hovering little girl in the cover, wonderful and so creepy at the same time. It's an international best seller so I'm sure many of you have heard of it, but I thought about making a post about it anyway for I believe there are potential new readers here. :) It's a story about a mysterious island, abandoned orphanage and a strange collection of very peculiar photographs: Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children.

I bought the book in the springtime out of curiosity, after many recommendations from readers. The last nails to the coffin were the praises of my spouse's sister and so I placed an order. But then I forgot the book under a pile of paperwork and other stories and dust bunnies and tasks for many months to come. Do you ever have books in your bookshelf or in the piles on the floor that you've never ever read? I wonder how this happens to me, I have so many books waiting to be wolfed down into my imagination and still I often read the same ones over again.

Sadly I do not have much to say about this book for I have only read three and a half chapters, but the odd and astonishing vintage photos (which are real, I heard, with a few modifications) and the haunting atmosphere show some indication of the book's nature. I can't wait to unwind the authors web of mystery! But before that I should probably get some sleep, if only I could put the book down.

Very atmospheric. Really love it.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that :)
DeleteGOSSSH, what an interesting book! >w<
ReplyDeletei miss owning and reading novels with haunting and mysterious atmospheres :/
i wanna buy thisss ♥
It is really interesting! And didn't cost much on eBay. :)
Deleteand lovely photography! ♥
ReplyDeleteOlen itsekin lukenut tuon kirjan ja luin sen päivässä. Se vain oli pakko lukea kerralla loppuun. :)
ReplyDeleteOli kyllä vaikeaa päästää tätä yöllä käsistä! Harmi ettei koko päivä ole vapaata jotta tän voisi lukaista heti loppuun, mutta eiköhän tähän korkeintaan muutama päivä vain mene. :)
Deleteohhhh beautiful you are .... MOIKKA!!!! <3
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Strega!
DeleteLoving this post... I recommended this book to you some time ago :) I also like the covers and odd pictures.. All and all it was a good book.
ReplyDeleteI thank you for it! :)
DeleteI found the story fascinating. Still, the photos were the best part. And you know what? There is a movie coming up based on the book, and it is rumoured that the director might be Mr. Tim Burton himself <3 Should that be the case, the movie will definitely be something to wait for for us fans of both the book and Mr. Burton :)
ReplyDeleteOH MY! <3 I truly hope that's the case, this is just the kind of story that Burton masters! I just hope he wouldn't use so many computer effects in this film than in the last few films he's done. Another great option would be Guillermo del Toro. :)
DeleteUuuuuhh... I really like the spooky atmosphere of those pictures in the book. And your photos make me shiver. :)
ReplyDeleteHehe, thank you. There were a few snaps that were much spookier, these are the nice ones. :>
DeleteI loved your dress.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteThis is on my I-want-to-read list. :)
ReplyDeleteI think I'll need to buy this book too. I love stuff like that <3 And your pictures are stunning as always, you're my style icon! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Mea <3
Delete"I have so many books waiting to be wolfed down into my imagination and still I often read the same ones over again." You speak my mind, i have tones of books and i keep watching myself reading the same over and over again!! And as the Oscar Wilde quoted “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.”
ReplyDeleteThe book is, for some time, in my "wish list" cause i have to order it from online and sometimes i miss the old way, buying them from book stores!! Still, this is a wonderful post of you, as always!!! Have a lovely week my dear :)
I agree! Good books are always worth three or four reads, sometimes even more. I like to buy books from real book stores too, but I often have to order them online as I wish to read my books in English.
DeleteI hope you have a lovely week too! :)
Have to buy it now! :)
ReplyDeleteI recommend it though I haven't yet read it, seems to be a good book! :>
DeleteMy favourite pics of yours are the ones where you just sit there and read. :>
ReplyDeleteOh, that's interesting. :)
DeleteKirjahyllystäni löytyy tuo kirja ja tulin sen hankkineeksi juuri noiden upeiden kuvien vuoksi, joiden avulla kirjan tunnelmaan oli helppo sujahtaa. Itse tarinakin oli kivaa ja mukaansa tempaavaa luettavaa. Kirja on niin hienon näköinen kuvituksineen että pidin sitä jonkin aikaa kyökin pöydän nurkalla selattavana. :)Oikein ihana tämä sinun joulukalenteri-idea, on suorastaan harmi että joulu tulee niin pian!
ReplyDeleteTää on kyllä inspiroivan kaunis kirja, kokonaisuutena noiden kuvien kera mielenkiintoinen. Tarinasta en vielä tarkemmin osaa sanoa kun en ole hirveästi lukenut, mutta tenhoavalta vaikuttaa.
DeleteJa tosi kiva kuulla että tykkäät kalenteri-ideasta! Onhan tässä vielä muutama päivä aikaa. :)
Oh. :O Arvaa, minkä kirjan löysin juuri eilen illalla ilokseni vihdoin kirjastosta? Tuo on kiinnostanut siitä asti, kun sen muistaakseni viime kesänä bongasin kirjakaupasta Lontoossa, nyt se pääsee junalukemiseksi kotimatkalle. Ei ehkä niin tunnelmallinen lukuympäristö kuin sinulla. :D
ReplyDeleteOo, kumma sattuma! Mullakin taitaa tän kirjan loppuosasta tulla bussilukemista kun lähden kotipaikkakunnalle käymään, junakin on tunnelmallisempi lukuympäristö. :D
DeleteI too have this book and I adore it! A part of me wishes I could tear the vintage photographs out of the pages so I could frame them on my wall but that would ruin such an amazing book! Some day I may buy another copy so I could do just that! I absolutely love the last ghostly picture of you, how did you create such a spooky effect?!
ReplyDeleteHere's a video you may find very interesting not to mention help your imagination run even more wild when reading the book! It's some extended footage from when the author, Ransom Riggs, explored a bunch of old dilapidated buildings for footage for the book trailer! It's fascinating stuff! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VM5ikr2rwY&list=UUQRQ9X4Y_lFbDrSftP_vNDw&index=2 ~♥~
But you can always scan the pics and print them in high quality? That's what I do when I wish to have a print of some illustration in my frames. And thanks, I didn't really create the effect, that's just the way my camera captured the frames. I just tweaked the exposure time. ;)
DeleteI've actually seen the video before, it's really great. I love the atmosphere in those abandoned houses!
Tuo kirja täytyykin käydä nappaamassa kirjastosta pikimmiten :) Näyttää sen verran mielenkiintoiselta. Nykyään mua kiehtoo vaan enemmän ja enemmän kaikki vanha aika, viktooriaanisuus, kaikki hiukan synkeä ja creepy... ja täten kysyisinkin, että olisko suositella jotain sentyyppistä romaania? Plarailin blogisi kirjatagia läpi mutta ajattelin että helpompi kysyä näin suoraan, kun haluaisin nimenomaan jonkun romaani/novellityyppisen kirjan, en esimerkiksi runokokoelmia. Että jos löytyy ehdotuksia, niin otan ilolla vastaan :)
ReplyDeleteKannattaa käydä nappaisemassa! Näin äkkiseltään tuli mieleen Brontën sisarusten romaanit, kuten Humiseva harju ja Kotiopettajattaren romaani. Niissä on romantiikkaa, vanhaa aikakautta ja myös synkkää puolta, itse tykkään ainakin kovasti. :) Ja Edgar Allan Poen novelleihin kannattaa ihan ehdottomasti tutustua!!
DeleteThe book looks amazing. Definitely thinking about buying it :)
ReplyDeleteIt does look amazing! Totally worth the pennies I invested in it :)
DeleteTuo on aivan ihana kirja! Oli pakko lukea se taas vähän aikaa sitten uudelleen ^_^ Ja ne kuvat, oih! Olen ollut aikeissa tehdä kirjasta postauksen, mutta aina se on vain jotenkin jäänyt :D
ReplyDeleteHihi, sama kävi mulla! Meinasin tehdä postausta heti kirjan saatuani mutta kummasti sekin vain unohtui, niin vaan käy joskus. On kyllä ihana kirja! ^^
DeleteI've started reading it a few days ago! And I'm really liking it :)
ReplyDeleteps. love your pictures!
Thanks Elisa! :)
DeleteÄäää, on pitäny kans lukee toi jo pitkään! Ei saa sit paljastaa mitää!
ReplyDeleteHih, no en paljasta! Haluutko lainaan tuon? Kun ei mulla tuossa enää kauan mene. :)
DeleteI'm currently reading this, too, but I left it at my boyfriend's place so I have to continue after christmas. Photos are enchanting, but I think the narrative drags - though I'm only in the beginning so can't really say.
ReplyDeleteIf I can recommend a book, I think you might enjoy Florence and Giles by John Harding. It's a descendant of Henry James's famous ghost story Turn of the Screw, but still independent.
I've come to the conclusion that the text is entertaining and worth reading, but not something overly great. But it's fairly good, especially when paired with those photos. :) But I haven't finished the book either, so it's hard to say how the text develops.
DeleteAnd thanks so much for the tip, I'll definitely keep that book in mind!