25 December 2012

Day 24: Yule night

I'm absolutely too overwhelmed with joy, fatigue and effusive plates of food to come up with anything spectacular for today's calendar, so I'll leave you with possibly the most heartbreaking scene in film history. It's also the film I must watch every Yule Eve, no matter how long I need to burn the midnight oil. My cheeks resemble waterfalls every single time I see this enchanted piece, at the first times I used to sob in the best parts but nowadays I start already at the titles. But there's nothing bad about weeping at something so beautiful, something that reaches deep down and plays your heart in it's own special way.

But now my eyelids are seriously starting to feel like lead, so I've got a long date with the Sandman ahead. Good night to you all, and sweet dreams. ♥


  1. Happy Yule!
    This film is one of my favorite and it's true that this scene is really an heartbreaking scene...! So beautiful, even with the years, this film is one of those who has to be in our filmography

    1. Happy Yule to you too! It's definitely one of my favourites from Burton, such a great love story.

  2. Everytime I see a scene of this movie I automatically think about the +18 version of this movie. D:

    1. Oh no, I really don't wish to see that.. :/ There's just some things that are better to be left in peace.

  3. Hyvää Joulua to you! Thank you for the December blog calendar, it was a nice idea and a great pleasure to find something new here every day!

    1. Hyvää joulua! :) And I'm so happy to hear that you've enjoyed this calendar! It was a fun experience!

  4. Hey girl! Last night I watched This Beautiful horror Movie called Livid (orig. Livide). The beginning was kind of boring, nyt the last half included moths and ballerinas! I thought you would maybe Like it, I myself was inspired to draw again. :)

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely check it out when I get the chance. :)

  5. Olen nauttinut kovasti näistä sinun joulukalenteripäivityksistäsi! On ollut todella ilahduttavaa seurata päivästä toiseen, mitä oletkaan keksinyt millekin päivälle. Tuntuu, kuin olisit raottanut verhoa elämääsi ja me lukijat olisimme päässyt kurkistelemaan ihmeellisyyksiä enemmän kuin ennen. Toivottavasti jaksat ilahduttaa meitä vielä pitkään! Hyvää alkavaa vuotta, olkoon se täynnä luovuutta, kaninkoloja ja oivalluksia.

    1. Voi miten ihana kuulla! Ja kaikin puolin hymyilyttävä kommentti, kiitos <3

  6. Minäkin tulin vielä erikseen kiittämään joulukalenteristasi, loved it immensely! <3

  7. This movie, my childhood. This moment... Magic
