Today's calendar treat is a vanity case but also a requested post; my lipstick collection. (Or the ones that I managed to find, I didn't explore all the hidden pockets of my bags.) Ranging from the deepest reds to the dark plum shades to a creamy black, and apparently there's even one pink mistake. A crazy little flamingo amongst cardinals and blackbirds. And one highly glittery bullfinch.
My favourite shade right at this moment is Ruby Woo, a bright matte delicacy from MAC. It's dry as a desert wind but I like to defy my lips' drying nature and wear it anyway. Do you have any special lipstick favourites? I'd love to hear recommendations from cruelty-free brands!
Nyx have alot of colors to choose from. and they are cruelty-free:D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip! I'm definitely going to look into their selection :)
DeleteI agree that NYX is amazing. Snow White is my all time favorite red, I pick it over my bevy of MAC shades all the time.
DeleteYou need to check out Lime crime`s lipsticks. They are vegan and cruelty free :)
Or maybe Nyx!
Thanks for the tips! I've browsed through Lime Crime's selection many times but haven't made any orders yet, I'll surely keep it in mind for the future (when the current lipsticks run out). Sadly they have only a couple of reds and it's impossible to test if they fit me, but Red Velvet sure looks amazingly good! The pastels on the other hand.. not really my thing. :D
DeleteNice collection :) I'm not sure whether you already have it, but I LOVE MAC Russian Red!
ReplyDeleteRussian Red is what I use the most! It's there in the frontline next to Ruby Woo. :) But sadly I heard that MAC is no longer a cruelty free choice, so I'm trying to find some substitutes.
DeleteHave you already found sth? I made a discovery that I have to share with you :) Do you have access to the brand IsaDora? If yes, you should check out the Perfect Matt Lipsticks 05 Femme Fatale and 03 Red Carpet.
DeleteYou should check out Makeup Geek's lipsticks. They have one called Elegant which is a dupe for Russian Red. :)
ReplyDeleteOh thanks so much for the tip! I'm so glad to hear there's good substitutes for Russian Red, it's the shade that I use the most. I'd stick with it but I just recently found out that MAC isn't a clean brand anymore. :( I hate it when companies change their policies!
DeleteI loved that with glitters!
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad I'm still poor to buy Nyx ... Here in Brazil, imported products have a very high value.
Changing a little: your new tattoos are wonderful!
Beijos, sua linda :}
The glittery one is from StarGazer, it's great for Christmas and burlesque events. ;) But you need a coat of red lipstick underneath, since it only applies glitter on your lips, not the red hue.
DeleteI know the feeling, imported goods are pretty expensive in Finland too. But have you tried ebay? I just browsed it and it seems that NYX lipsticks are quite cheap in there, yay!
And many thanks! <3
Ihania huulipunasävyjä! ♥ Ittelläni ei taida olla kuin yksi käytössä oleva huulipuna, miusta oikeiden värien hankkiminen on hankalaa. Kiva ois vaihtelun vuoksi välillä kokeilla muutakin, näyttävät nimittäin tosi kivalta meikissä. :>>
ReplyDeleteKannattaa kokeilla, piristää mieltä aina kummasti kun sutii vähän punaa huuliin. :) Parilla eri sävylläkin pääsee jo aika pitkälle kun niitä voi sekoitella mieluisaksi.
Deleteihanaaaa, kerranki suomalainen joka osaa hyvin enkkuu! ja kosmetiikkapostaukset on aina tervetulleita:)!
ReplyDeleteAi, onpa mukava kuulla, kiitos! ^^
DeleteEhkäpä tuo pinkki on niin sanottu kardinaalin munaus ;). Olisi hauska nähdä kuva jossa sinulla on sitä huulillasi, koska sitä on hankala mielessä kuvitella (en ainakaan nyt muista nähneeni kuvaa sinusta ihan pinkeillä huulilla).
ReplyDelete:D Ostin tuon pinkin punan itse asiassa white trash-bileisiin, eli ei ihme jos ei hirveesti ole käyttöä ollut. Joskus sitä voisi kyllä kokeilla ihan tosissaankin, eiköhän sen jotenkin yhdistelemällä saisi näyttämään kivalta!
DeleteOh, Black Orchid! Ostin omani oikeastaan sinun inspiroimana, mutta sitä on todella vaikea saada näyttämään huulilla tasaiselta, vaikka upea sävy onkin. Tuo sen vieressä oleva MAC näyttää lupaavalta myös!
ReplyDeleteKannattaa ottaa rajauskynä apuun, yleensä laitan Black Orchidin alle MACin Nightmoth-kynää ja hyvin pysyy! Hyvällä pohjustuksella puna näyttää tasaisemmalta. :) Tuo viereinen MAC on nimeltään Hang Up, mutta se on todella cream sheen sävy ja näyttää myös helposti epätasaiselta, yleensä käytänkin sitä punaisen päällä tai kynällä värjättyjen huulien päälle.
DeleteThat Mac Ruby Woo looks beautiful! I've never tried a matte lipstick do you find they stay better throughout the day?
ReplyDeleteYes, they do stay on much better than the creamy lipsticks. :)
Deletemy favourite lipsticks are styletto and chinchilla from lime crime and russian red and rebel from mac :)
ReplyDeleteWow, Chincilla is such a cool lipstick! Very bold, it wouldn't suit me but I love the looks people create with that. :) I'd love to try Styletto, but the black I'm currently using (Make Up Store's Dawn) is pretty great too.
Deletestyletto is the best black lipstick i've ever had.
Deletefor sure it's always difficult to apply black lipsticks good.
but it's better than others.
why do you think chinchilla would not suit to you?(iam very paleand i have black hair and it looks more lilac than grey on me; i also thought it wouldn't match to my skin, but i totally felt in love with it)
i also like lime crime's lipstick taste( vanilla related to mac^^)
sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand me :D
Oooh, I'm happy to hear they're vanilla flavoured! I love the scent in MAC lipsticks.
DeleteI don't think I'll ever buy chichilla, mostly because I simply think it wouldn't suit me. It's more a matter of taste than a matter of my colouring. But it would definitely be fun to try it! :) By the way, thanks for the styletto review, I'll have to remember that when Dawn runs out.
I like it so much on your face ! Eyeliner is fun, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks! :)
DeleteItse käytän pääosin luonnonkosmetiikkaa ja satunnaiseen huulipunailuuni Santen punat on olleet mainioita, suosittelen testaamaan! :)
ReplyDeleteKiitos vinkistä! :) Pitää katsella jos niitä voisi testailla jossain, yleensä luonnonkosmetiikassa on meikkien puolella ollut mulle se probleema että sävyt on liian naturelleja eikä pigmenttiä löydy tarpeeksi. Mutta ehkä Sante on poikkeus!
DeleteI LOVE lipstick, especially during autumn and winter =) My favorites are Catrice After work wine (http://tinyurl.com/cbeonlk), Golden Rose lipstick nr. 124 and 70 (dark dark burgundy and even darker plum purple), Flormar long wearing lipstick L10 (http://tinyurl.com/ck78oj3), Rimmel Cutting edge (http://tinyurl.com/cx2fdd6)and Deborah Milano Atomic Red Matte 05 (dark blood red). I love them all! :D
ReplyDeleteSweet colours! :>
DeleteLime Crime is definitely my fav! those last for about 6 hours even when eating or drinking. I like it how theyre really moisture and dont dry out lips.
ReplyDeleteOh pwease next day post about your tattoos! *bows* pretty please :)
I've heard so much about Lime Crime that maybe I should finally order something! But I'll try to wear these lipsticks out first before buying similar shades. But Poisonberry looks very tempting and I don't even have a bright purple lipstick, hmmm... ;)
DeleteAnd I'm sorry honey but I'm not sure yet if I'm going to make a tattoo post. Not in very detailed shots at least, they're very personal to me and it would be awful if someone decided to nick the design. But we'll see!
I love lipsticks, even just looking at them :) I guess we've never seen you wearing the pink one.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, MAC is NOT cruelty-free as it belongs to Estee Lauder that was sued recently for misinforming its clients and hiding information about animal testing. Tom Ford also belongs to EL... (I hope it's not the only company in the whole world that has Black Orchid-like lipstick in its offer!) At the same time two other companies were sued for the same reason - Avon and Mary Kay. And recently Revlon was discovered to have been engaged in animal testing.
You can check here: http://www.mediapeta.com/peta/PDF/companiesdotest.pdf
For c-f companies: http://www.mediapeta.com/peta/PDF/companiesdonttest.pdf This one is fortunetely longer! :)
There is also a Polish forum where girls are constantly creating and modifying their list. The list includes an English introduction:
It says that your Finnish Lumene is OK :) Have you tried any lipsticks or other cosmetics of this brand? How do you find their quality?
On the green list we have Polish Inglot that resembles MAC when it comes to the number of shades. You can see: http://inglotcosmetics.com/ - it's not an advert! I haven't tried their lipsticks.
There's something bad going on that so many brands starts animal testing, mostly because of the Chinese market :( But I still believe that we vote with our money and each single choice matters. So I said 'never again' to Avon and many other testing companies, even if I liked some of their products very much. Besides, there's something fascinating in discovering new brands. And cruelty-free companies often produce more natural cosmetics which I like.
End of the sermon. Nice blouse!
Thanks so much for the more detailed information! I wasn't fully aware of the whole bad business circling MAC, I've always been told that they're cruelty free and just recently found out the new information. And I only heard about the Chinese market thing, which is so sad and dirty that I can't even deal with it. It's scary how many companies succumb to the Chinese laws nowadays. I still remember how awful it was when Body Shop sold it's soul to L'Oreal, it was my favourite company for years and years and suddenly I couldn't buy from them anymore. :/ I got a gift card there about two years ago and that's the last time I've used that company. Luckily, there's always substitutes.
DeleteThat Polish forum seems to be very helpful, thanks for the link! :) There's sooo much mixed information in the internet that it's hard to find reliable sources, I don't count Peta as one of those since their lists have sometimes been mistaken.
I agree with you 100% that each consumer (oh how I hate that word) votes with their wallet and each individual can make a difference in these matters.
PS:I bought the pink one for a white trash party! But I guess I could give it a try on a normal day. :) It's actually from Lumene, and the quality of their products is pretty great.
It's really difficult to stay updated on these things. Mary Kay had a wonderfully pale foundation and my favorite tubing mascaras were from Estee Lauder / Clinique, and now nothing's safe... So it's either mascara smudging all over my face or animal testing :(
DeleteI know it's difficult, things change so fast and it's hard to keep up with the lists. :/ But I'm certain there's an equivalent product for each favourite, it just requires a lot of research and experimenting. I'm sure you'll find another perfect mascara :)
DeleteI heard that PETA is not always regarded as a reliable organisation, but I don't know why exactly. What kind of mistakes do you mean? Did they put some testing companies to the cruelty-free list once?
ReplyDeletePETA has had some foul play in the organization, if I remember correctly it had something to do with how they used their funds, and many animal activists don't really like or trust the company. It's often considered a two-faced organization. And their list has had some errors or missing companies, but I guess that's just normal as there's so much mixed information out there. :) But I do check PETA's list too from time to time, and usually just google more information about some company if I'm not entirely sure.
ReplyDeletei would like to know if it's possible to publish your first photo on my fan page about pin-up. your blog will be linked too. if you re ok ,i just need your name or your nickname.
Regards from France
Hi Dorian, I guess it's ok. :) As long as you link it back to me. And you can use my nickname, MothMouth, there.
DeleteVoi kun sitä itse vaivautuis käyttämään enemmän huulipunaa, tälläkin hetkellä ovat niin koppurat, et puna näyttäis varmaan aika kauheelta, enkä lisäksi omaa (toistaiseksi) kaunista suoraa hammasriviä, johon huulipuna varmastikin kiinnittäisi huomion, joten ehkä opettelen sitten joku päivä oikomisen jälkeen. :)
ReplyDeleteSitä mun piti vielä kysyä, että levitätkö punan siveltimellä vai suoraan tötsästä vai jotenkin muuten? :)
Voi kuule, ei mullakaan ole nykystandardien mukaan täydellinen hammasrivi! Omistan hammasvaon, mutta tykkään siitä itse eikä se ole koskaan estänyt punan käyttöä. :) Kuivien huulien ongelma ratkeaa kuorinnalla, suosittelen myös levittämään neitsytkookosöljyä niille niin tulee ihanan pehmeä lopputulos.
DeleteYleensä olen niin laiska että laittelen suoraan vaan tuubista punan huulille. Sivellin on ihan kätevä jos haluaa erityisen hyvän lopputuloksen mutta kyllä ilman sitäkin pärjää!
Oi miten upeita huulipunia! Black Orchidia havittelen itselleni se on vaan niin <3. Tummanpunaiset, verenpunaiset ja luumun väriset vievät aina sydämeni. :)
ReplyDeleteManic Panicin punia suosittelen, en ole ihan 100% varma onko tuon merkin meikit eläinkokeettomia, mutta hiusvärit on ainakin googlettamisen perusteella.
"Vampire red" ja "Vampire" sävyt omistan punista ja punaisen huultenrajauskynän ja voin sanoa että ne on ainakin näillä kuivilla huulilla toimineet todella hyvin. Sanoisin että jopa paremmin kuin markettipunat. Kylmiä punaisia on niin vaikea löytää. :/ Ostin nuo blackgroup.fi -sivustolta, eBaystä löytyisi varmasti halvemmalla hinnalla.
Black Orchid on kyllä kiva sävy, käytän sitä tosi paljon! Monista eri lähteistä olen aina lukenut että Manic Panic olisi täysin eläinkokeeton, ja yksi puna multa löytyykin kyseiseltä puljulta(uskomattoman kirkas punainen Marilyn). Manic Panicin huulipunissa on vaan mun mielestä vähän ikävä maku, jotenkin teollinen. :/ Vampire Rediä ajattelin ehkä joskus vielä kokeilla!
DeleteI have just found you're blog! So glad you're into CF cosmetics. My favorite red lipsticks are so far: Illamasqua Sangers and Sleek Vixen. I also LOVED Revlon's Really Red although they're not CF. And I also think MAC sells in China, so that doesn't make them CF either.
ReplyDeleteNice to hear that! I've been on the side of cruelty free products from a very early age. :) And oooh I'd love to try some of those Illamasqua products! I've seen so many good reviews about them! And sadly, yes, MAC has expanded it's market to China and therefore is no longer cruelty free.
Deleteomg what a tipfeler - "you're a blog" LOL. sorry, English is not my first language :D Illamasqua had AWESOME lipstick, you should definitely check them out. Box is also famous, it's the Ruby Woo in Illamasqua's range :)
DeleteHaha don't you worry, I'm not a native speaker either. :) Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely keep this brand in mind for future purchases!
DeleteHahaha I found the pink pop-up rather curious because the shade looks gorgeous. I have a big crush with http://portlandblacklipstickco.com/ lipsticks because they are very moisturising and have the biggest colour pay off. The Have Blood red and Undead red but I'm wearing my black shade to death this winter, seems the season.
ReplyDeleteThank for the link! Looks very tempting :>
DeleteI don't know if you can get this brand in Finland, but I absolutely love Alva lipsticks. The color range is quite small in comparison to other companies, but both the lipsticks and lip glosses are vegan, organic, highly pigmented and extremely long-lasting. (I also own some of the Equinox mineral pigments, but it seems they're not on the website.)
Love, Momiji
Thanks for the tip Momiji! I haven't heard of this brand before and I doubt that they sell it here, but I'll keep it in mind. :)
DeleteHello!! :)
ReplyDeleteAbout 2 months ago I discavered the brand Inglot.They have a big variety of lipsticks with really beatiful shades and are very economic (here in greece they are 11 euros). You can shop online,so here's the link http://www.inglotcosmetics.com/
hope you like them ^^
Forgot to say the more important >.< inglot cosmetics are cruelty free :)
ReplyDeleteA cruelty-free brand I recommend is Sugarpill Cosmetics :)
ReplyDeleteA really good luxury, cruelty-free brand is Hourglass Cosmetics. (I hear that their liquid lipstick is amazing!) You could also try Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics (OCC.) They do this really cool liquid lipstick called "Lip Tar", which comes in such a wide variety of shades, from bright blue to metallic black. Best of all, you can mix them to create different colours. My favourite is "Black Dahlia", a blackened berry-red. But if you prefer the traditional lipstick bullet, they may not be for you...
ReplyDeleteGolden Rose products are not tested on animals.They have amazing stuff, i recommend their matte velvet( amazing shades, specially red ones) and ultra rich color lipsticks.Their cosmetics are very cheap, but high quality (yes it's possible xD).