Today's outfit with a woollen dress and kitschy bone hair clips, nothing extravagant since I only left home for some grocery shopping. The bone clips are icky and fun at the same time, sometimes a healthy dose of kitsch is needed. At least when it makes me feel like a cartoon character.

Judging from the way my head blurs and how my nose resembles a miniature waterfall, I think the flu germs are digging their way into my healthy parts. My spider sense says that the next few days will most probably include a lot of movies, dwelling in the dreamland and gallons of hot blackcurrant elixir, but I don't complain! After so many industrious days I welcome the flu as a healthy pause. I just hope the pause will pass quickly and not linger on for weeks..

I wore the bone clips also last night when we checked out Frankenweenie with a couple of friends. I've been waiting for this animation for over two years, and I'm glad it turned out to be so goood! I love Burton's work to death but honestly, some of his recent films haven't even nearly reached the former glory of his golden days of deep characters and bad (=awesome) special effects.
Stop motion animation however has never disappointed me in the slightest. Frankenweenie was such a beautiful wonder work of puppet art, filled with little hints to old horror classics. Mr Whiskers, my favourite character, is a little legend already. I mean who could resist a fluffy, psychic cat whose droppings are interpreted as omens? Legendary, says I.

Kudos to the choice of featuring the film in black and white, it created just the right atmosphere and feeling of the 1984's version. If you haven't checked out the original version, I strongly recommend it! In the video below are both of Burton's older films, the first one is my all-time favourite animation, Vincent. I'm sure most of you have seen both of them, but for those who haven't, I truly hope you'll enjoy them! ♥
Mr. Whiskers was also my favorite character.... and the psychotic looks of his pet mum (whatever name she had!?) Your dress looks gorgeous! Or maybe it's you that makes it look gorgeous...
ReplyDeleteI think she is called "Weird Girl". :D Or at least I didn't catch her name. And thanks so much!
DeleteTuo mekko on aivan upea! ♥ Ihanat leikkaukset, ja helmakin niin muhkuinen. ^^ Tosi kauniita kuvia siusta, ja kaunis meikkikin, ei voi muuta sanoa!
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos paljon! Mekon leikkaukset on kyllä ihanat, ja tuo villainen kangas lämmittää mukavasti talvella. Muhkua oli tyllihame vähän avittamassa. ;)
DeleteOnly shopping for groceries and looking so gorgeous with such a lovely make-up? Another reason to admire you even more! And when it comes to bones... a few days ago, I ordered a hair clip with black bow and a profile of human skull in the middle... yes we all need that healthy dose sometimes... :)
ReplyDeleteNah, it actually didn't take much time to create that make-up, and my hair was already like that from the night before so I had to fix it just a little. And a simple black dress is a super quick way to create a good outfit in a minute. :) A little fix of kitsch is good indeed, things shouldn't be taken too seriously!
DeleteI am a big fan of Mr. Whiskers myself! But thinking about it, who´s not? I mean, is the funniest 'character' in the move by far (if we can call it a character, it doesn´t even mew too much). I´d like my own kitties to be that creepy and hilarious, all the same time.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I watched the original verssion. But I think I do prefer this one. What about you?
Haha I know, he meeped like once or twice during the movie and was still so hilarious! Such a great character, I think those maniac eyes and the altogether fluffy weirdness were the thing.
DeleteI do love the original version and the new one too, they are very different so I couldn't decide between the two. The 1984 version is nostalgic and a product of its time, Burton's directing skills have obviously developed but I still like the old film! :>
Todellakin onnistuneinta ja aidointa Burtonia aikoihin! Aivan ihastuttava.
ReplyDeleteMietin kyllä leffan ikärajaa, k7. Neljävuotias pääsee katsomaan sitä siis vanhemman kanssa, mikä on minusta liian nuori. Riippuu toki lapsesta ja hänen kieroutumisasteestaan. ;)
Lempparihahmoksi nousi minullakin Mr Whiskers ja pallosilmäinen omistajansa. Myös fysiikanopettaja vetosi<3
Kihertelin penkissä iloisena siitä miten onnistunut leffa oli, ihania pieniä huumoripläjäyksiä siellä täällä. Fysiikanopettaja vetosi muhunkin, erityisesti kiherrytti se kohtaus missä mies lyttäsi vanhemmat kokouksessa. :-D "Ladies and gentlemen. I think the confusion here is that you are all very ignorant. Is that right word, ignorant? I mean stupid, primitive, unenlightened!"
DeleteOlet ihan oikeassa, pari kohtausta saattaa kieltämättä olla ihan liian pelottavia noin pienille naperoille. Toisaalta itse tapitin tuon ikäisenä Hopeanuolta ja lentäviä karhunpäitä enkä silti ole hirmusen kieroon kasvanut. ;) Tai no, en menisi vannomaan, hehe. Kuitenkin hirmusen ihanaa että lapsille näytetään tällaisia synkempiäkin vaihtoehtoja, kaikki lapset kun ei todellakaan nauti MyLittlePony-glittermaailmoista ja väripläjäyksistä. :)
Supercute outfit and the makeup is flawless! :) Now I'm really longing to see Frankenweenie! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! <3 I take that as a high compliment since your make-up seems to be always extra flawless by looking at your pictures. :) You've got great make-up skills lady!
DeleteAnd you should definitely go see Frankenweenie, I'd sure like to go see it again!
Wow , you look amazing:X
Thank you Elise!
DeleteJälleen kerran on pakko kehua asuasi! Se on aivan ihana <3 samoin sun meikit :)
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos hurjasti! :>
DeleteHello there,
ReplyDeletereally wish the flu (if it comes) to past very quickly! None likes to be sick for weeks!! Btw as always i admire your outfits and ideas of dressing yourself and your make up in those pics, phenomenon! <3 Taking care of our appearance, even if we are going out for a little!! Nice!! Also, i loooved the Frankenweenie 1984's version and i will wait for the animation to see it, but Vincent was for me above all!!!
Thank you Magda, I hope so too! Right now I'm on the bottom of the sofa sneezing my nose off, but it'll pass. And thanks so much for your lovely words, you put a wide smile on my face! <3 Vincent is my fav animation too, I hope you enjoy the new Frankenweenie. :)
DeleteHey, I'm still waiting for watch Frankenweenie, cause here when I live the movies take a big time for come. Lovely and funny bones, I buy in internet bones hands but I never seen this beautiful bones clips before, You look amazing.
ReplyDeleteLove your make up.
Wild Foxx.
The Finnish premiere date was postponed too, but the most important thing is that it finally came here. I hope it will come soon where you live, I'm sure you'll like the film! And thank you for your kind words <3
DeleteOotko muuten huomannut, että BPAL:lla on Limited Editiona tuoksu, joka on nimetty Talvikuuksi? :--0 http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/limited.html
ReplyDelete(Ihan sivun alalaidassa. Ilmeisesti julkaistu aiemminkin samalla nimellä ja siitä tuo vuosiluku perään...?)
Oma ilme oli lähinnä o_____o, on meinaan ehkä pakkohankinta... :D
OHHOH, mitäs ihmettä! On kyllä täysin livahtanut tietoisuudesta, kiitos linkkauksesta. :D Pikkasen kyllä harmittaa kun olisihan tuo hieno hankinta mutta ei ole ehkä varaa parfyymeihin tällä hetkellä, ääääh. Kerro sitten oliko hyvä tuoksu. ;)
DeleteOh thank you! It started out with much more red but somehow I ended up covering most of it in black. I hope you enjoy Frankenweenie, and I'm pretty sure you will. ;)
ReplyDeleteItse olen jo vuosia ollut sitä mieltä, että Tim Burtonin ehdoton magnum opus on Beetlejuice. Mitä ajatuksia kyseinen elokuva herättää?
ReplyDeleteBeetlejuice on ehdottomasti yksi Burton-suosikeistani, ihan mahtava leffa! Siinä on dialogi, näyttelijävalinnat, musiikki ja visuaalisuus ihan kohdillaan. Se on myös ensimmäisiä Burtonin luomuksia mitä näin lapsena, muistan vieläkin miten jännittäviä hiekkamadot ja kuolleiden maailma olivat, ja ovat toki yhä. :)
DeleteItse näin kyseisen pätkän kuukausi takaperin Irlannissa :) Oletko ikinä ajatellut matkustaa Irlantiin? Tää paikka vois sopia sulle tai itse ainakin oon ihan koukussa ;)
ReplyDeleteIhan ehdottomasti Irlantikin kutsuu vielä joskus! Siellä on erityisesti sellaisia luontokohteita jotka haluun vielä varmasti nähdä. :)
DeletePs. Näytät ihanalta! :) <3
ReplyDeleteYou are one stylish lady! I adore your clothes, make-up & tattoos. :-) Yours has fast become one of my favourite blogs.
Thanks so much! :) So happy to hear you enjoy my blog!
DeleteTiedän, että kuulet tätä liian usein mutta olet kyllä aivan jumalattoman kaunis. ♥
ReplyDeleteOtan sen aina yhtä valtavana kohteliaisuutena! Kiitos ♥
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ReplyDeleteI use Sugarpill's Love+ eye shadow. It's a VERY intense shade. :)
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