Yesterday's pretty casual outfit: spine heels paired with Black Milk pants and a second hand dress that I've been living in most of the summer. The two swords by Blood Milk have also only rarely left my ears.
But now for some beaming good news, the best ones this week!
I'm going to see DEPECHE MODE in December!

I owe my sweet sister one for getting two tickets for me and the significant gentleman by my side! Depeche Mode is definitely one of our mutual favourites and the last time they were in Finland I was left with no ticket and a crunched little heart. I hope nothing will make me miss it this time!

I've been dancing to my favourites a lot this week and like they sing; I just can't get enough. ;) I tried to gather a song list here, but the list started to resemble a Top 50 list so I had to stop. They just make too many bloody great songs, so I guess for now I'll just tell my absolute fave song from them. And that is hands down Nothing's Impossible.
It really mesmerizes me every single time I hear it, I love this song so much. It's also in my all-time top five song list! I'm sure there are some Depeche Mode fans in my readers, which one is your favourite Depeche song? Are you attending the Delta Machine Tour?
Beautiful, love the shoes. I haven't seen Depeche yet, my favorite song is Stripped.
Thank you Avy! Stripped is a fine song. :)
DeleteMinäkin ennätin nappamaan lipun ja vitsit miten odotankaan keikkaa! ♥ Ja tosi kiva asu, itsekin olen himoinnut noita Black Milkin legginssejä, toisessa kuosissa tosin. :)
ReplyDeleteKiva kuulla että sait lipun, ei tosiaan malta millään odottaa! Ja kiitos asukehuista. :) Mulla on toisetkin kalsarit tuolta firmalta, ne on vaan pikkasen villimmät niin en ole vielä osannut niitä yhdistellä asuihin.. eikä ne ole oikein yhtään mun tyyliä mutta tykkään niistä silti hurjasti!
DeleteTämä ei nyt tähän liity, mutta olin lukevinani joskus, että olisit mennyt katsomaan Nick Cavea Flow'hun? Sehän taisi olla tänään, olitko paikalla? :) Itsekin olisin mennyt jos olisi sattunut hieman parempi taloudellinen tilanne tälle kesälle... Harmillista :(
ReplyDeleteEn ikävä kyllä lopulta päässyt sinne kun tuli niin huonoon saumaan, harmittaa vieläkin aika palavasti. :/ Toivotaan että Nick tulee pian uudestaan soittovierailulle, ja tällä kertaa festareiden sijaan jollekin klubikeikalle!
ReplyDeleteI am so fucking jealous! They toured through germany too but I couldn't effort Tickets, they were just too expensive.
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that! :/ The tickets were a bit salty but I just had to get them this time. Enjoy the Silence is great, a classic!
DeleteAi että mä en kestä, oot ihan mielettömän täydellinen naine. Hiukset, kasvonpiirteet, meikit, vaatteet, kaikki ♥
ReplyDeleteVoi apua miten ihana kommentti! <3 Kiitos hurjan paljon, en osaa oikein muuten vastata tähän!
DeleteI've seen Depeche Mode last month in Germany and it was amazing! Saw them for the first time and loved it! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing im thousands of people singing a song that you love and now very, very well :)
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, hard to imagine someone wouldn't! ;) I can't wait to see them!!
DeleteLoving your spine heels!
ReplyDeleteI've never seen Depeche Mode live.
I'm so envious of your outing and hope you have an amazing time : )
My favourite DM track :: Personal Jesus.
Oh - and I love Blue Dress too!
Thanks, I love them too! I wish you could see them live someday!
DeleteYou know, Personal Jesus is one of my love's faves. :>
I have seen Depeche mode 2 times so far, and I plan to experience them again and again :) I highly recommend it to everybody, they really are superb!
ReplyDeleteI've seen them on Valentines day couple of years ago, and this year, couple of months ago.
It's so hard to pick a favorite song, mayyybe I could say I feel you - love that guitar riff and that sex appeal - but then again they have so many great songs (e.g. Hallo which blew my mind when I heard it live)---- okay I'm officially jealous now :)
I believe you that they're great, simply can't wait to see them live! ^^ Valentines Day's concert sound absolutely marvellous, it would be a perfect date to share with a beloved one.
DeleteThere's definitely some sex appeal in I feel you, but then again they add it to so many of their songs which is great. ;) So hard to pick a list of favourites, they just have too many good songs!
Beautiful pants!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Depeche Mode songs are probably In Your Room, Damaged People & Precious ♥
Thanks! Damaged People and Precious are such great songs, but oh my how I lovelovelove In Your Room. <3 Definitely one of their greatest in my opinion!
DeleteI'm a big fan of Depeche Mode for over 15 years, and each of their album and every tour is for me a small celebration (black celebration). Concert in Warsaw, which was in July, once again confirmed my belief that I love this band great love. Delta Machine, the weaker the previous two albums, is now in my top five, and the songs sound great live. In February, another concert, this time in my native Lodz. I wish you great fun during the concert.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I wish you enjoy your coming concert too, although I'm sure you will. :) So many have bashed the new album but I think it just took a few listenings to really sink in, and I think it has some seriously good Depeche songs! One of the things I love about DM is how they can evolve and still sound like themselves, it's a gift to be able to do that.
DeleteI love Yours elegant, ethereal and dark style. So gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Poland <3
Oh, thank you so much! <3
DeleteI love your shoes and outfit! I'm so happy for you that your going to see Depeche Mode live..
ReplyDeleteThank you Michelle! ^^
Deletemy favourite is absolutely Never Let Me Down Again. I missed their concert a few months ago in my country, hope you enjoy the great talent of Dave and Martin!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'm sure I will! :) Never Let Me Down Again is great, I really like it too.
DeleteOh, the pants are gorgeous, Black Milk does have some real jewels. Blood Milk, too. <3
ReplyDeleteThank you, I really like these pants too! It's funny how much Milk I seem to have on me although I have none in my diet, heh.
DeleteStunning, I love the shoes. Depeche Mode, I am jealous! It'll be a blast. Beautiful blog as well. (:
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
Deleteoh lord, where are the spine heels from? I LOVE them *.*
ReplyDeleteI ordered them from Arrogant Minnie over a year ago, they might still have them!. :) The original design is by DSquared2.
Deletethanks a lot! I know the original ones, but the price tag is waaay out of my league :(
DeleteI hope you don't mind me asking buuut I had my eyes on those leggings for the longest time and I kind of wonder what they fit like and if you're wearing something else underneath them to make them a little less see-through. I read they're sheer but yet in your pictures they don't seem transparent at all?
ReplyDeleteThey are transparent! So if you don't want to reveal too much you can wear shorts or tights underneath them. I usually wear these with long shirt or short dresses so they'll cover up the hips area and I get easily rid off the transparency problem. :) The fit is pretty loose I think, usually I wear size M in bottoms but these are S and fit just fine, the fabric stretches.
Delete...Walking in my shoes :P
ReplyDeleteOh I love it too!
DeleteI hope you enjoy their concert in december! I saw them last june here in Berne, and it was a fantastic concert. My all time fav song is Black Celebration and Precious too.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Good, good songs. ^^
ReplyDeleteKiitos tästä. Olin missannut koko uutisen! Mäkään en oo aikaisemmilla kerroilla päässyt ja nyt oli vielä lippuja jäljellä. Tilasin samantien.
...jos joku lyhyenläntä hippiäinen kyylää sua siellä, se saatan olla minä :D
Voi ihana hippiäinen! :D Saa tulla juttelemaankin! Ja tosi ihana juttu että sait lipun näinkin myöhäisellä vinkkauksella!
DeleteHi! I don't mean to sound rude but I've seen that Vainglorysinner and you have almost the same things in your blogs. Not talking only about the design, but the contents. I remember to read one of your posts and it was about your childhood garden and next I was reading the same thing at her blog (with days of difference).
ReplyDeleteAgain I didn't mean to offend or bother, but it is quite a thing. Personally I love your blog and discover her through the comments, anyway, it's just an observation. And I thought a lot before leaving my comment, I tried to write to her but she doesn't have that option.
Good luck and hope she can understand what I meant.
Hi hon, you don't sound rude at all to me. It seems to bother many of my other readers too, I have noticed this similarity on her blog since you're at least the tenth person who has contacted me on this and asked me if I've noticed.
DeleteI can't say it feels nice to see almost identical posts (or layouts), but I try not to care about these things too much so they won't crawl under my skin. I just do my thing wholeheartedly and hope people find the original source of inspiration. :) We seem to have a lot in common and many similar interests but I do admit it feels weird to see the exactly same things that are on my blog over again. Feels odd and I don't always catch the point in reposting them, but I guess it's a free world after all.
At least on my part the similarities are coincidental, but I do believe that I should contact her on this. She seems like a sweet person and I truly hope she won't take it the wrong way!
I'm digging those leggings! I am a big Depeche Mode fan and saw them in America several years ago. Unfortunately Dave Gahan was ill and the concert had to stop way early. It seemed like it was only after a few songs. I would love for them to come back. It was when they were touring for Playing the Angel. My favorite song would probably have to be The Things You Said. 2nd place goes to It's No Good. 3rd Place...The Sinner In Me. It was hard to choose #3...so many great songs on Playing the Angel. It was ridiculously hard to even pick 3 songs - no way I could pick one favorite overall...they have so many wonderful ones. :)
ReplyDeleteOh no, I'm sorry to hear it was such a short concert! But luckily you managed to hear a few songs at least. :)
DeleteI agree, it's definitely hard to pick favorites although I have that one special song above all. I think your bunch is a really good one, I simply can't stop listening to It's No Good (and the music video is too funny) and The Things You Said is also in the top list! Playing the Angel is definitely one of their best albums , it sounds well balanced and has some true gems in the tracklist. <3