12 November 2013

Nothing moves but ghosts along the road

Oh no, it seems I'm not able to post about the adventures of Berlin yet..

.. Because I'm off to Budapest today! Some wild little traveling spirit has inhabited my body, so the road calls me again. The bag is all packed and ready to go, camera is loaded and I've got my new (thrifted) walking boots on. I shouldn't be back until 23rd day and have no idea if I have access to the internet during this time. I wish you all a lovely time, I hope I'll have some good stories to share when I get back! 


  1. Oooh my God! I live in Budapest! :D
    I hope you'll have a great time (and if God is merciful I 'll have the chance to see you when you are walking on the street :D:)

    1. Budapest was wonderful! Did you see me by any chance? :)

  2. Omg, hope I'll see you around and you'll love it here!! <33

  3. You are such a beauty :)
    Have fun in Budapest.
    Hope you can visit lots of interesting places and see many beautiful things :)

    1. Aww, thank you! I had a great time there. :)

  4. Hungary, my home ^^ I hope you will have a really good time there :)

  5. Hungary is my neighbour country! I hope you enjoy your time there. :-) I was wondering whether you could tell us more about the connection between Finnish and Hungarian language. You speak many languages, so I figured you might know more. I've learned they come from the same "language family" but they're completely different, there are no similar words. And no other language except these two belongs here. Is it somehow right?

    And btw, heavy boots are the most comfortable shoes I can imagine. I love the steady safe feeling I have when wearing them. :-)

    1. They are from the same language family, but they're still completely different. I think there's less than 200 similar words, so not much. Many times I thought someone spoke Finnish but it was in fact Hungarian, so the pronunciation has similarities but the words are different. I didn't understand anything there. :D

      I thank my luck for finding those boots just in time for this trip! I would've probably died if I had to wear high heels for the whole trip, haha.

  6. Safe travels and enjoy yourself. :) Btw, is that one of those walking elk passports? :D

    1. Yes, it is! It took me a little while to realize the little motion picture they added there :D

  7. Oh, come to Budapest? *-* Have a good time here!

  8. Hungary = trip of my dreams! :) Loving this blog more and more.

    1. Hehe! Hungary was exciting and different, I hope to see more of it someday!

  9. Do you have Tumblr? :)

  10. Toivottavasti oli mukava reissu, kävin itse Budapestissä kesän lopulla ja tykkäsin tosi paljon. Ruoka on maukasta ja ihmiset olivat ystävällisiä, asiakaspalvelu mm. ihan eri juttu kuin Suomessa, oli aikamoinen shokki kun palasin Turkuun.. Hymy on nimittäin ilmaista ja itse ainakin annan kotimaassa aina tippiä niin ravintolassa kuin baarissakin jos palvelu on hyvää, mutta se harvemmin on. Iltaisin Budapest on hurjan kaunis kaupunki vanhoine rakennuksineen, minkä olet varmasti huomannut. :) Odotan innolla valokuvia ja matkakuulumisia!
    - Julia

    1. Oli mahtava reissu! Budapest on jännittävän monikasvoinen kaupunki, kaunis ja rappioitunut samanaikaisesti. Hyvin mielenkiintoinen paikka. :) Mä hymyilen kovasti myös ja pidän ystävällisestä asiakaspalvelusta, harmi että se sattuu olemaan Suomessa niin harvinaista!

  11. You give me such a fresh breeze of inspiration everytime I read your blog! Have a safe trip :)!

    1. Oh my, thank you! I'm always happy to inspire :)
