23 January 2014


It occurred to me that some travel adventures are still in my sketch files! Haven't shown you stories about Budapest or Transylvania (oh yes) yet, now have I? How wicked of me. Well, I'll continue with some photos and feelings regarding Budapest, a city with two sides. I went there to see my friend Laura, the gorgeous lady in the photo below.

The guard dogs of Budapest. Anubis, times two.

At first impression Budapest felt like a city of sleepwalkers. I can't really explain why, maybe it was due to the grey weather, maybe something deeper. Budapest also had a distinct scent of its own, something I haven't encountered in other cities. 

I was really excited to see the city, entering new places feels like unwrapping a massive present with surprises inside! Turning around new corners, hearing the language that feels somehow familiar but you still can't grasp anything (all I remember is kicsit fekete), visiting a bar in the ruins of an old building, receiving the kindness of strangers in trams and most of all; having adventures with a friend. A constant faint fluttering of happy moths in the stomach.
Bullet holes, a common mural.
Wine, not blood, I swear. ;)
At the antique market, wearing antique glasses. 
It was a real treasure hold, I got the horns, the bracelet and the medical bottle from there.
I wish I could've stuffed that dreamy couch in my pocket too, but there's only so much that hand luggage can contain!

I can't say that I know the city at all based on the scarce days I was there, but I did sense a certain edge. Mostly attached to the core of the city soul, but it was also very visible at some parts. The bullet holes in the faces of old buildings and the decaying mortar told tales of the past, and I really enjoyed the way the city wasn't too clinical. It felt like life feels, a little banged up but still beautiful. I could easily see other gothlings feel cozy there, in the middle of the tarnished buildings and hints of lovely murkiness in the air. And I would be lying if I said I didn't equally enjoy the cheap wine and delicious falafels.

The place called "The road that leads to nowhere".

I hope I get a second adventure with Budapest some day! So much was left unseen.


  1. Amazing! I was there once, but I was only 12 or so and I don't remember it completely. I hope I'll visit the city soon. Love it's old European style and architecture.

    1. You should visit it again if you wish to, things and experiences always change so much as you get older. I love the architecture too, I only wish my town could be even fraction as pretty as Budapest is!

  2. What a gorgeous, mysterious city. x I'm crazy about the anubis guard dogs.

    Amen Fashion †

    1. I adored those guard dogs as well, the way they're sculpted looks so cool!

  3. Ah Budapest! Its such a beautiful city. I like how faded and dusty it is. Grand too. And the Hungarians are melancholy and nostalgic people.
    I wish I could have spent more time there to fossick in the lanes and find things. Family visits usually mean you visit family! And coming from Australia meant every minute had to be well spent. I'd love to buy an old apartment on Vaci Utca and renovate it. They are so much like the french apartments with their parquetry floors and high ceilings but so much cheaper.

    1. Faded and dusty is a great way to describe it, and I agree with the other notions as well. So cool that you have family abroad. :) And you're right, the apartments are crazy cheap! Moving there feels a little tempting at times, with the low price of food and living. Nothing like Finland, everything is so violently over-prized here.

  4. Sohvakuvan peilissä näkyy kummitus :> Nämä sinun matkakertomukset ovat niin ihastuttavia, kertovat enemmänkin kaupungin sielusta kuin tavalliset turistipostaukset.

    1. Mikälie kummitus siellä kuikuileekaan, hih. Ihana kuulla että matkapostauksille löytyy ystäviä! Mieluummin tosiaan kerron omista tunnelmista kussakin paikassa ja miltä alue ja kaupungin sielu tuntuu, kuin että antaisin suoranaisen selonteon matkasta. Se ei vaan tunnu omalta tavalta, vaikka kysyttäessä toki antaa mieluusti vinkkejä. :)

  5. Upeita kuvia Budapestista ja muutenkin tosi hyvä postaus. Mekin vierailtiin Budapestissa ekaa kertaa joulukuussa. Tykättiin!

    1. Kiitos paljon! Mukavaa että piditte kaupungista. :)

  6. Kuvissasi on todellakin rutkasti enemmän sielua, kuin monilla muilla! Kiitos tästä(kin) postauksesta ja mielikuvamatkasta :)

  7. Koit Budapestin kyllä täysin toisin kuin itse tein :) Tosin, siellä vieraillessani lämpötila oli +40 astetta mikä aiheutti aika tuskaisen olon. Elokuut Euroopassa ovat helteisiä...

    1. Huh, kuulostaa tukalalta! Mä tykkään eniten matkustaa harmaaseen talviaikaan, jolloin lämpötila ja ympäristö on itselle niin mieluisan ankea. :D Vuodenaika vaikuttaa aika suoraan siihen miten paikat kokee, en ihmettele että monelle muulle Budapest on hyvin erilainen kokemus!

  8. As a Hungarian, I can tell you that Hungary is full of sleepwalkers. It's because most of the people are so depressed and hopeless, they lost their faith - this is my opinion, this is what I see everyday. Sad, but true.
    BTW, nice photos, I loved them :) !

    1. Thank you! :)

      And it's really interesting to hear you say so. We both got that feeling in Budapest so good to hear we didn't just made that up in our minds. It's sad - but coming from another melancholic country I do understand it.

  9. How, thanks for sharing this unique view of budapest. I love - i know i've said it before - your aesthetic sense...

    A Strangeness in me Blog

  10. You can bite my neck any time you like. I love sad cities.

    / Avy

  11. I've always wanted to visit Budapest, it seems such a fascinating place with endless stories to uncover.

    1. Oh, you should visit it! I felt like I only saw a few stories, there's so much more to uncover.

  12. Wow, the last pic is stunning! I definitely have to go there some day. As you mention the language, I heard in a lecture that Suomi and Hungarian are the only two languages in Europe that are completely different from the rest of the languages (in EU), which I find really interesting since they are so apart from each other. I'd imagine that you had no difficulty in understanding..haha!

    1. Thanks! Suomi and Hungarian are almost completely different, so naturally I had no idea what people were saying. :D I heard there are some words that are basically the same and the pronunciation feels so familiar that it was easy to mistake it for Finnish at times.

  13. Thank you for sharing these. I love your words, "like life feels, a little banged up but still beautiful." Perfect.

  14. Kasvatatko ottista pois ku et oikeen pidä sitä enää? :)

    1. Juu, näin kävi vahingossa. On ehtinyt venähtää jo aika pitkäksi mutta enköhän taas pian leikkaa sen takaisin. :)

  15. Olen lukenut sinun blogiasi niin kauan kun olet kirjoittanut, RAKASTAN blogiasi, Sinun blogi saa minut vaan niin iloiseksi ja hymyilemään. :) minulla olisi sinulle muutama kysymys 1) tykkäätkö viellä Tim Burtonin elokuvista tai muutenkaan Tim Burtonista?: sinun blogissasi lukee todella harvoin mitään Timistä, 2) käytätkö enään punaista huulipunaa 3) missä on Punainen ja valkoinen ydistelmä? Mutta Jatka samaan malliin, Ihana blogi ja muutenkin olet todella kaunis <3

    1. Voi kiitos paljon, ihana kuulla! Kiitos myös kauniista kehuista.

      Tietysti pidän yhä Burtonin elokuvista, erityisesti vanha tuotanto on mieleeni. Kirjoitin blogin alkutaipaleilla enemmän herran liikkeistä mutta se on jäänyt, ei vaan tunnu siltä että haluaisin aiheesta enempää kirjoittaa. Käytän myös edelleen punaista huulipunaa, ja punavalkeat raidat on jääneet vuosien varrella pois.Tyyli ja ihminen blogin takana kun muuttuu alati, niin blogi kokee samalla luonnollisesti muutoksia. :)

  16. Mahtavia kuvia! Ai ku pääsis itekki ulkomaille taas pitkästä aikaa ♥

    1. Kiitos! :) Ei kun vain reissua suunnittelemaan, matkailu on parasta!

  17. Wow, what beautiful photos! Budapest is truly an amazing place ... I hope to be able to travel there one day!

    Bloody kisses :*

  18. Eino Leino: A magyarokhoz

    "Ki a vad Haynaut kiheverte,
    S nem lett tatárrá, sem törökké-
    Hiába ölik azt a népet,
    Mert az él és győz mindörökké.
    Az szétszakítja lelke láncát,
    Ha szeme szent álmoktól szépült
    S babérral teli utját szeli,
    Mert akarata ércből épült

    Hullámzik még az aranykalász,
    Zug még a pásztor harsány kürtje.
    Cicázik még az esti széllel
    Szép magyar lányok barna fürtje.
    Él még Rákóczi: éjszakánkint
    Csillan sisakja bús forgója,
    Riadója zúg, komor felhők
    Ormain leng lobogója.

    Hiába versz a szívre vasat:
    A vér mindig a vérhez tapad!
    Hiába kötöd guzsba habját:
    A Duna soha ki nem apad!
    Lehet gátakat rakni elé,
    Lehet vezetni új mederbe,
    De ki sírt akar ásni neki,
    Cseberből maga jut vederbe.

    Tenger után kiált a folyó,
    Felhőt űznek a szilaj szelek.
    Tudjátok meg, jó testvéreink:
    Nálunk is jártak gyilkos telek.
    Söpört nálunk is a bomlott orkán
    Väinö utjára ikrás havat,
    Nálunk is döngette jégeső
    A kék-köntösű ezer-tavat.

    Jöhet vizözön, - fujja a dalt
    Délceg népetek nótás ajka.
    Királyfiakról mesél mesét
    Esténkint minden magyar dajka.
    S ha volt bál nálunk,ahol csupán
    A vén Télapó volt a vendég:
    Akkor Tokaj dús szőlőhegyén
    A ropogósat ropják mindég!

    Atyánk elve és anyánk nyelve
    Nem fagy jéggé az öles hóban,
    Sőt föllángol, mint éjszakánkint
    Rőt zsarátnok a fujtatóban.
    S ha majd eljön a marokszedés,
    Gyűjt a böngésző, mint a hangya,
    És megtetézve áll a tarlón
    Az aszag, kereszt és kalangya."

    1. Hurjaa, kun näyttää osittain vähän tutulta mutta enhän mä ymmärrä mitään :D Kicsit fekete!

  19. I am in love with your white face <3

    1. Oh, thank you! I share the same skin colour with ghosts.

  20. Minnuu hirvittää vieläkin kun siellä rautatieasemalla olin kuvailemassa ja pilimummo hyökkäs miun kimppuun ja koetti pölliä kameran. Onneksi oli ihana ystävä mukana joka huomas hyökkäävän mummon ja varotti minnuu! Ei enää sen jälkeen menty asemalle.. :P Mutta Budapest on iiiiihana! Ja niiden kierrepuolla on nomnomnom! <3

    1. Huii, et ole kertonut tuosta. :D Hurja mummo! Budapest oli kyllä ihana, mieluusti sen kokisi uudestaankin.

  21. I love it that you don't have butterflies in your stomach, but moths. That's just so you. ♥

  22. I just love the lip colour on your first picture of this post, what lipstick or lip-pen is that?
    Love from Sweden!

    1. The liner is Nightmoth by M.A.C, and the lipstick is Black Orchid from Make Up Store. :)

  23. I'm Hungarian, I live in Budapest, but I see it much more beautiful through your pictures than I do every day. Every place loses its magic if you live there long enough. Glad you liked it here.

    1. That is sad and true. Although some touch of magic can always be found in some things in the cities where we live in, no matter how fed up with them we might feel. :)

  24. Now I must add Budapest to my list of places to go.

  25. What awesome photos! I think I would feel right at home there myself. If I were there you would have had to fight me for that gorgeous couch. ;-)

    1. Haha, if only one could carry such things to the airplane, *sigh*.. And thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos!

  26. hello-i am from Croatia-and friend send me this link-couse you made photo of my sticker(skull lady)......awesome:) Mos Mislit

    1. Wow, that's so nice! I'm happy you stopped by, your sticker looks amazing. :)
