24 September 2014

Virgin Snow

Yesterday there was a plan of going for a walk and taking some outfit pics in the early autumn glow, but this happened instead. 
Oh, Finland. I was preparing myself for some Jack-O-Lantern season goodness, not Jack Frost!

Afterwards my boots were soaked with freezing slush and then the city's electrical grid crashed, typical Tuesday madness. It's amazing (and a little funny, I must admit) how lost people look when the modern commodities crash for even an hour or so. We're so surrounded by gadgets, as if the world around us didn't exist without the deities of smart phones and TV and the rest of their addictive pantheon. The joke is equally on me too, my daily film fix is close to being what insulin is to a diabetic and that's pretty alarming.

Otherwise the week has been extra busy, I've been happily working on a few clothing print designs. Which has sneakily led me to sketching just for myself too, drawing feels so good again after a pause. The last time I painted was for a group show in June, so my nerves are itching for a new project! Maybe I'll get something started this week, I can almost hear those empty canvases rustling in the attic, waiting to be tainted like virgin snow.


  1. Wow snow! I hope it melts soon and you can get back to Jack O Lantern season!

    1. It did melt in just a matter of days, the pumpkin season is back on. ;)

  2. What a great picture, combining both autumn&winter tones.

  3. Crazy early winter! The white snow against the red leaves is beautiful.

    1. Thanks! It is crazy early, but I think it snowed around these times last year too.

  4. I love that picture! Even though I seriously dislike snow. >.< Maybe I'll get lucky and winter will just not happen this year...

    1. Thank you!
      Oh, what's wrong with snow? I'm usually crazy for it, as it makes everything so beautiful. But the slushy, wet snow, I hate that too.

  5. it snows *-* it should be a pleasant surprise to leave and to find snow for the road. . . I say that because I never saw closely snow, Brazil is very hot and it never snows :/ ... Do you have some account in the instagran? it would like you a lot to folow you on there *-*

    1. Brazil sure doesn't have any snow in the forecast, let's hope it doesn't get to that point with the climate change! But you could always travel to see the snow, it's truly something to experience.

      I do have an Instagram account, but haven't used it in ages as my phone threw me out of there and I couldn't recover my password. :D But I'll try to get it running again, in the meantime I keep it hidden.

  6. Läpimärät buutsithan ovat tunnetusti kutsuhuuto uusille kengille. ;) Tällaiset käveli aamulla vastaan ja tulit mieleen. http://www.dollskill.com/ouija-ankle-bootie.html

    1. Yih, en kyllä noita popoja ostaisi, vaikka kuosi onkin hyvällä aiheella kuorrutettu ;)

  7. I hope to see some posts with new drawings. What have you been working on?

    1. We'll see :) I've been working on some print designs and matryoshka dolls, and just randomly sketching for myself.

  8. Oh, snow!! It's a lovely photo anyway :)
    Tell me more about your prints, do you print clothes and sell or do you draw the prints for another company?

    1. Thank you so much!
      I don't design prints for my own projects (at least not now), so these prints were all commissioned by another company. I've made clothing fabrics and prints for Cupcake Cult and Vixxsin so far, many of them have already been published. ^.^ Love making them!

  9. Tampereella ei olekaan vielä ropissut paljoa hiutaleita, kuulemma jotain hituloita on jossain bongattu. Upea kuva, lumi on niin kaunista ja maagista, etenkin hiljalleen sataessa. ♥ En kyllä yhtään tykkää räntämöhnästä ja loskasta ja siitä, kun loppuu kivojen ja nättien kenkien kausi. :'(

    Halloweenia/shamhaita odotellessa! ^____^

    ~ Frillycakes ~

    1. Onneksi täälläkin suli pois, niin paljon kuin ensilunta rakastankin niin mun puolesta syksy voisi jatkua puoli vuotta. :> Uusi, puhdas lumi on aina kauneinta, loskasta tuskin tykkää yksikään sielu, yh ja hyi.

  10. Oh snow already! But the photo is beautiful!

  11. Upea, niin kuin aina!

  12. Ihanan tunnelmallinen kuva! Jään taas innolla odottelemaan postauksia noista printeistä, se ouija-kuosi oli ainakin niin upea. ^^

    1. Kiitos paljon! Ouija-printti oli vain yksi monista joita olen tehnyt, olen vaan ollut asiasta aika hissukseen. Mutta eiköhän niitä työnäytteitä vielä enemmänkin nettiin eksy. ;)

  13. Pakko sanoa, että tämä on yksi harvoista oikeasti laadukkaista blogeista, mitä olen onnistunut löytämään. Koukuttavaa.

    1. Kiitos mielettömän paljon ihanan rohkaisevasta kommentista! <3

  14. Vieläkö asut Joensuussa vai joko muutit pois?

    1. Asun vielä Joensuussa (tosin en välillä vietä täällä viikkoihin aikaa), muutto on ollut jo vuoden tekeillä mutta ilman vakiduunia on harmin vaikeaa liikahtaa. Mutta tää on vallan leppoisa ja edullinen tukikohtakaupunki! :)

  15. Ihana kuva, todella kaunis! :) Mie just ihmettelin, kun vieläkin lunta on pihalla ja on kuitenkin vasta syyskuu! Tosin muistan, että joskus lapsena lunta satoi miun ja toisen pikkusiskon yhteissynttäreillä joskus lokakuun alussa. Meillä kun on vuosi ja viikko ikäeroa vaan. :)

    1. Kiitos paljon Vivian. :) Viime vuonna tuli muistaakseni näihin aikoihin myös lunta, olin silloin pohjoisemmassa ja yössä satoi ihan pienet kinokset maahan!

  16. Amazing picture!
    x Dawn // wickedlypleasant.blogspot.com

  17. Snow and all that orangeness in the trees? How far from Helsinki do you live? I'm in the capital and it's still mostly green still, and quite above the feezing point. Can't wait for our temperature to get to yours! :)

    1. I live in the eastern border, and further up in the north, I think it's about 450km from Helsinki. It's always colder here in the so-called Wolf Border, and most of the trees are already blazed in orange and yellow. I hope the colours will reach Helsinki soon!

  18. Picture perfect, as always! Lovely!

  19. I used to have an umbrella like that - well, three! But I've broken each one in sequence :( I currently have them all in a box, hoping to get a Franken-brolly out of them!

    I wish the weather here would skip all the gales and sideways rain and go straight to snow! I much prefer snow.

    1. Oh noo, I broke mine too the other day! But I also fixed it with a few tweaks, so it's not gone just yet. I love the design and couldn't part with it anymore, I hope you get your Franken-brolly done :)

      Snow is gone already, but instead we have a pretty autumn weather here again, yay. I enjoy wind and rain too, except for the days when they get violent and mess up my fringe and skirts and everything. Those days I kind of wish wind was an entity so I could slap it. :D

  20. I don't know if i missed it it another comment, but where did you get those boots? They are fantastic <3
