11 November 2014

Hairesis maxima est opera maleficarum non credere

Post Halloween Greetings from Salem! Or any other place where the sickly puritanian hysteria took root, cutting away the lives of innocents.

First I was going with a more complex costume, but then I found this vintage piece hanging in my closet and went with it. (The noose however wasn't hanging in my closet, I'm not that desperate.) It's not historically accurate nor does it deviate much from my usual look, but I liked it anyway. I'm itching to try the same costume idea again, but as a "burned at the stake" edition. Anyway, I had a great night and my guests were sublime as ever! I forgot to take any pictures with all the fun I was having, but we had a visit for example from the Queen of Hearts, Wicked Witch of the West and even a Soul. 

I wish the Halloween season could have gone on for longer, but I'm sure the horror dose will fuel me for some time. Did you have a nice Samhain? Any parties or costumes you'd like to share? :)


  1. Simple, yet creative!
    It's a great idea for a Halloween costume :)

  2. That is a gorgeous dress! I always like your photos on your blog

  3. Nice costume, though it reminds me of suicide. :l

    1. Thanks! And no wonder, noose does carry a suicide stamp on it. :/ But I didn't mean it to be a suicidal costume, just an executional one.

  4. Tyylikäs asu ja tuo mekko on aivan unelma! Vintage ♥
    Tuo on muuten niin totta, kun on menoa ja meininkiä ja hauskuutta riittää, ei muista ja ole aikaa räpsiä kuvia. :P

    Samhain/halloween/kekri meni hieman ohi jatkuvan sairastelun vuoksi, vaikka aattona juhlistettiinkin kissakahvilan avajaisia myöhään yöhön. Poltettiin kynttilöitä ja oli ihana kissa-kurpitsalyhty takapihalla ja oltiin mukavasti pikkuneidin kanssa.

    Rovio-teemaa innolla odotellessa..mutta pakko kertoa, vaikka asu onkin aika kekseliäs tyylikkäässä yksinkertaisuudessaan, niin itseä nykyisin hieman ahdistaa hirttosilmukat (mitä muuten käytetään paljon komediamielessä hyödyksi viihteessä), koska perheestä yksi on tällä tavalla elämänsä päättänyt..

    ~ Frillycakes ~

    1. Kiitoksia, mekko on tosiaan aika ihana! Vähän haastava yhdisteltävä tosin kun se on puhvihihojen lisäksi maksipituinen, mutta tähän asuun kävi hyvin. :)

      Oon varmaan maailman huonoin bloggaaja kun järjettömän harvoin muistan ottaa juhlimiskuvia, mutta en vaan jotenkin halua sotkea hyvää fiilistä leikkimällä paparazzia. Ja unohdan aina muutenkin! Ani harvoin muistan kaivaa kameran esiin. Mutta ei se haittaa, jotkut muistot on ehkä hyvä pitää vaan itsellään.

      Ja voi ei, se ihana kissakahvila Tampereella! Pitää muistaa joskus käydä siellä kisuja paijaamassa. ^^ Enkä todellakaan ihmettele jos tällainen asu ahdistaa läheisen kuoleman vuoksi, mulle se toi mieleen vain oikeudenkäynnin ja teloituksen, tarkoitus ei siis tietenkään ollut huumorimielessä viitata itsemurhaan.

  5. Oooh ihana mekko. <3 Rakastan tuollaisia puhvihihoja hulluna muttei ne oikein sovi mulle. :/ Rintava ihminen näyttää helposti sitten leveältä kuin ladon ovi.
    Mitä materiaalia mekko on, osaatko sanoa?

    1. Mekko on kyllä kiva, erityisesti pidän noista kauniista napeista ja mekon tekstuurista, puhvia voisi sen sijaan olla pikkasen vähemmän. :D Kangas on aika paksua ja kestävää, sanoisin että on puuvillaa johon on sekoitettu ehkä vähän modaalia tms.kuitua?

  6. I like the idea for costume :)
    I came here just to tell you that it`s exactly three years since I follow this blog. In my top 5, definitely takes 1st place and will remain so. :)

    1. Thank you so much Rose Marry! I'm happy to hear that :)

  7. Miten saatkin karhean hirttosilmukan näyttämään niin ihastuttavalta asusteelta :')
    Joskus yksinkertainen on parasta, tässä tapauksessa se pätee.

  8. Nice outfit, but it makes me think are you depressed!

    1. Oh no! Well I do have the natural tendency for very dark moods, but I'm never ever suicidal.

  9. you look so....dead :D love it :)

  10. Waah, that dress! Très jolie! (might steal that costume idea next year if you see no objections ^^) Isn't Salem's history just morbidly fascinating? I've been there once with my family for vacations. There is a graveyard with very ancient tombstone, the actual resting places of the people accused of witchcraft where was carved their name, the year and the way they died. The whole town has a very... ghostly feel to it. It's impossible to feel 100% alone, there's always that weird sensation.. hard to explain. But I was surprised to not find a sing tombstone that said that the person had been burned on the stake. Most were hanged or squished to death with rocks. Just another gesture of love, tolerence and compassion from the schyzophenics with that common imaginary friend. -_-
    Oopsies. Rambling. Err.. love the makeup! Were you wearing anything on your lips?

    1. No objections at all, go ahead! I'd love to visit Salem, the history is very fascinating, it's crazy how vulnerable people are to mass hysteria. Your story about the town doesn't even slightly diminish the temptation to visit it, I think I NEED to experience that place! :) I love how you describe it, I know that feeling with some places.

      I tapped a small amount of dark purple lipstick in the middle of my lips and left the rest of the lips pale, it creates a nicely dead look!

  11. That was a simple but super-nice costume! Really creative, I think ♥
    I never find the chance to get dressed on fancy costume during Halloween, as it is my relationship anniversary!
    This year my fiancé and I went otu for dinner as usual and then visited a goth party run at an absinthe house. Really accurate for Halloween, I guess. This is what we did:


    1. Oh how wonderful, warm congratulations to you both! ♥

  12. Aww, this dress is fantastic! And you look so pretty in it :>

  13. Tenebrous and wonderfull! ♥

  14. Very simple costume, but very effective!

    I went as a Day of the Dead Catrina---found a vintage black and white hand-embroidered Mexican smock and built a costume around that. Halloween is always the best time to thrift shop here in the US :)

    1. That sounds so cool Tilda! I'm sad that Halloween isn't a big thing here in Finland, but it's growing each year. :)

  15. Onko kaikki hyvin, kun olet kadonnut lähes kokonaan blogimaailmasta? Melkein tässä jo huolestuu..

    1. Ei mulla oikeastaan ole kaikki hyvin, mutta uskon että tulee vielä olemaan. :)

    2. Ikävä kuulla :( Oletko sairas, vai muuten vain elämä potkii päähän? T:toinen huolestunut

  16. Lovely. Can you do a makeup tutorial on your look?

    1. It wouldn't be much of a tutorial, I just made a little more natural makeup and added dark circles under my eyes, contoured my cheekbones and added a dash of purple on my lips, and added some light highlights of white powder on my face to make the look more dead. :) And of course used black and purple eyeshadows to make the strangulation marks on the neck.

  17. Hello! My name is Lana and i'm from Ukraine. Unfortunately i don't have my own blog, but i often come here just to check your new posts :) I accidentally found your account about a year ago and since then you've become my favorite blogger. My style and interests are very similar to yours, but you are my main inspirer, honestly! I'm so in love with your photos, paintings, lifestyle and other things you make! I think it's so fantastic - to be someone who inspires so many people!

    In conclusion, I wish you all the best in your life! Let all your dreams come true! ^___^

    1. Hello Lana, I'm so happy to hear you enjoy my blog! It's always a huge honour to hear if I've managed to inspire in any way. Your comment made me smile, so thank you. <3
      I wish all the best for you too!

  18. I love this blog, You're so beutiful and inspiring. Your style is perfect. Greetings, sanderstje.wordpress.com
