17 December 2012

Day 16: Dirty mind and crooked spine but heart is pure

My apologies for the much belated 16th calendar piece! I was imprisoned by errands, a long train ride home and bottomless fatigue and didn't manage to make it in time. But that only means there's two posts for today! This mishmash of text and photos includes today's outfit and the ingredients for my creative things at the moment.

shirt & skirt  ~ second hand (the shirt originally from Lip Service)

Today's attire is one of my most-used casual choices, the silk shirt I'm wearing is definitely one of the dearest pieces in my wardrobe. Sharpened nail paint is my fav manicure at the moment, but as always, it too will soon be destroyed by the art paints I'm using. 

And about the paints, I'm finally started working on a little project I've been anxiously looking forward to execute! The following things are the fragments of the process; the thrifted frames are the base for it, green rosebud tea is the elixir of work and zen peace and the songs are something that will most likely echo on the background as I paint my days away. 

I love female vocalists who either have a very mellow, smoky voice or sound like they're about to jump off the cliff while at the same time tearing their hearts away from their chests. Chelsea Wolfe is the cream of the crop in both. I kindly thank the reader who linked her to me!


  1. Jessus, oot varmaan maailman kaunein nainen mihin oon tähän mennessä törmänny.

    1. Hui, en oikein tiedä miten tähän vois vastata! Kiitos ihan älyttömästi, punastuttaa tämmöiset hurjat kehut. :')

  2. Huh, erityisesti tuo viimeinen kuva sinusta on aivan mielettömän upea! :)

  3. I'm looking forward to see the finished paintings, and you look stunning as usual!

    1. Thank you so much! I should get these painted for Christmas, so you'll probably see them after that. :)

  4. Your outfit is very pretty. And what a fabulous manicure!

  5. Oot kyl niin tyrmäävän upea nainen! :) Ja ihana toi manikyyri, taidan yrittää ens kerralla lakatessa vähän kopioida... :3

    1. Apua, kiitos ihan älyttömästi! <3 Kokeile ihmeessä, suosittelen käyttämään teippiä tuossa prosessissa kun sillä saa helpoiten nuo terävät kärjet. :)

  6. I have a random question to you! What kind of lenses do you use on your camera? 50mm or something like that? greetings <3

    1. Usually I use 50mm lens, but also an old and slightly malfunctioning 18-135mm. Not the best lenses out there, but they're as much as my budget can handle right now. And the main thing is I can shoot with them! :)

  7. Oh my god! I love that shirt of yours so much! I want to buy it from you! :P

    Well seriously, I think it wouldn't fit me because you are so petite. Guess I have to find one of my own... if I'll ever be that lucky! :D

    1. Oh, I'm not very petite. That shirt is medium, but it fits many sizes (S-L) because it's so loose. I hope you get lucky on ebay or some other second hand site! :)

  8. You look absolutely gorgeous! Also, I love your tea set and photo frame – my favourite style.

    1. Thanks so much! That's my favourite tea cup <3

  9. You're like a gothic version of Angelina Jolie - a better version of her :)

    1. So I said one day - Mothmouth often looks like Angelina Jolie. And please, Moth, don't disagree with us :)

    2. Ladies, I'm speechless. And overwhelmed, that is such a HUGE compliment! Thank you both so much <3

  10. Sulla on täydelliset huulet!

  11. Go ahead! I recommend using sticky tape in the process to get those sharp edges. :>

  12. Oot niin uskomattoman kaunis :)

  13. Wow, thank you so much! Don't know what to say. I feel like blushing when reading these comments. :')

  14. You are just so perfect in every way - I almost wish to discover some flaw, but still in waiting... :D

    1. No one's perfect honey, that's what makes us human. :)

  15. Hey, I think your natural tip colour is very lovely, I like it even more than you wearing lipstick!

  16. Oot mielettömän kaunis ja sulla on upea tyyli, oon saanut siitä tosi paljon inspiraatiota omaankin pukeutumiseen :)

  17. Voi että miten ihania postauksia onkaan jäänyt välistä, todella kaunis pusero! Ja sinä olet niin upea :)
    En ymmärrä miksi lukuluetteloni jättää välistä aina juuri sinun kirjoittamiasi uusimpia postauksia, kuitenkin kaiken sieltä aina tsekkaan niin en ole voinut silmin ohittaakaan. Käyköhän näin muille? :o

    1. Kiitos paljon Sara! <3 Kumma juttu, kukaan muu ei ole sanonut samanlaisesta viasta, mutta en kyllä ihmettelisi. Tuntemattomia ovat Bloggerin tiet, täällä on ihan ihme bugeja vähän väliä.

  18. You hair looks divine! I cant wait to see what will your project turn out! I really love the atmosphere of this post. Truthfully, it has an elegant vibe that can only come from you ♥

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words! <3
