10 December 2013

9: Travel treasures

Shopping often feels too tedious and time-devouring when the adventure mode kicks in, but second hand treasure hunting is an adventure in itself. So, although I don't usually feverishly circle around stores while travelling, something always seems to make its way into my hand luggage. 

On my November journeys I tried to find some vintage dress treasures but didn't manage to find anything I really liked. Those garments are such things that come to you by luck, and this time luck eluded me. But I stumbled on these lovelies instead, most of them are from Budapest's antique market (like the things in the first photo) and Berlin's Mauerpark. 

Old bones, the prettiest hand-cut medical bottle, used Der Kleine Vampir books to improve my fading German skills, anatomical tote bag, and a bracelet that screams Finnish folklore and druidic rituals. Imagine my surprise when the security check didn't stop me at the Budapest airport, after all I had black lips, a Baphomet shirt and animal bones in my bag.


  1. Oi, Pikku Vampyyri on niin ihana ♥

    1. Niin on! Ei ole lapsuuden jälkeen tullutkaan luettua sitä. :)

  2. Aw, der kleine Vampir. <3 I didn't know you had any (if fading) German skills, did you learn it at school?

    I really love the bracelet, I would have gone for it, too. When on vacation, I also have usually no interest in shopping, but those markets and little stores you unexpectedly stumble upon are the best. I have found some of my most treasured souvenirs at such occasions. :)

    You really got through the security check with those pointy antlets in your hand luggage? Remarkable, the Hungarian security staff must have had a good day. :D

    1. I used to study it for about six or seven years actually! But as it often happens with languages, when you don't use them regularly they start to rust. But I'm glad I understand it pretty well, although I'm shy at speaking it, and forget some vital words when I need them the most.

      I'm exactly like that with shopping, I have no interest in the usual chain stores but when I see something I like I have to take a closer look. And second hand shops and vintage boutiques are nice, but often too time-consuming!

      And yep, I got easily through in Hungary! In Berlin I had one of those antlers in my luggage and the guy at the x-ray desk had a priceless look on his face, but he still passed me easily through. :-D

  3. Der kleine Vampir. I loved it!

  4. Add-ons for the cabinet of curiosities! (actually adding it to my wishlist)

    1. I'm going to need another cabinet soon enough! ;)

  5. Had to laugh at that last sentence :D Also, I had those books as a child (I'm german), I've always loved Der kleine Vampir!

    1. I still can't believe they let me go that easily! I was so sure they would stop and examine me thoroughly, but nope, I only had to take my boots off. :D Der kleine Vampir was popular among Finnish kids, too! I used to read them at the local library back then.

  6. Oih, sinäkin löysit Pikku Vampyyri -kirjoja ^__^ Ja olet näköjään ostanut samanlaisen kassin kuin minä kesällä :D

    1. Ai sinäkin löysit noita, hih! En ole vuosiin lukenut niin nappasin divarista pari mukaan! Ja mikä sattuma kassinkin kanssa, miten voi olla! :D

    2. Joo :D Mä löysin Pikku Vampyyristä sellaisen neljän kirjan-yhteispainoksen parilla eurolla :)

    3. Oi vitsi, hyvä löytö! :) Nuo oli ainoat mihin satuin törmäämään, eikä ole edes perättäiset osat.

  7. der kleine vampiiiiiiiiiir ♥ i listen to tapes of it when i was a child :)

    1. Oh, that brings back some memories! Sadly I didn't have any cool der Kleine Vampir tapes but I listened to some He-Man tapes a lot. :'D

  8. Really nice! Such awesome stuff!

    x Dawn

  9. Muistan kun katottiin Saksan tunneilla Pikkuvampyyri tv-sarjaa :D se oli iha huippu silloin. Kirjoja taisin peräti yhden lukea.

    1. Eikä, voi miten ihanaa! Meidän ala-asteella Saksan tunneilla opettaja kuuntelutti Rammsteinia ja laittoi lukemaan sanoituksia, tuollaista opiskelua pitäis olla kouluissa paljon enemmän. ;)

  10. Upeita juttuja oot löytänyt <3

  11. you are stunning! :)

    kumpa joskus törmäisin siuhun joensuun keskustassa! piristäisit päivää! :)

    1. Aww, kiitos paljon! Pyörin keskustassa aina kun vaan satun olemaan kotosalla, etköhän joskus tule vielä muhun törmäämään. :)

  12. ei hitsi mikä flashback - luin kaikki Pikku Vampyyrit mitä saatavilla oli, ala-asteella, ja aina kun tuli uutta niin luin sen heti. Muistan alkupään osissa olleen juuri noita samoja kansikuvia!! Tää meni just siihen samaan kategoriaan kuin Kreivi Duckulakin x) äiti sai tuhahdella aika paljon mun vampyyrijuttuja. Ala-asteella jo tosiaankin, ja vielä silloin 90-luvun alussa sellaista kiinnostusta on pidetty ehkä vielä pahempana kuin myöhemmin saati tänä päivänä... ;D
