8 March 2014

Helbf14 outfit

Hello there, I've been lost in time and space for a while. Here's a look from last weekend's Helsinki burlesque festival, brought to you by my camera phone, so the quality is what it is. The theme for this year's festivities was Tropical Tornado, not the easiest theme when you glance at my wardrobe's oh-so colorful view, so imagination had to try some little magic tricks here and there! But venomous insects and black velvet nights are very tropical, right? 

(the spider in the hat is a gift from Bodyjewelleryshop, other things are old second hand purchases and DIY.)

I didn't have a photo pass for the festival and there's only so much a phone can do, so instead of photographing I concentrated wholeheartedly on enjoying the brilliant shows and working. We had a part in taking care of VIP lounges with my friend, felt so nice to help even a little. I wish I could come up with something else than simple words like "amazing" or "awesome" to portray the stage numbers, but you'd have to see them for yourselves to catch the magic. Loads of respect for the performers, so much love and creativity had been poured into those acts and it showed.

Each year the festival gets bigger, but still somehow succeeds in maintaining a warm atmosphere. Madly imaginative costumes and beautiful, beautiful people. I can't even begin to think how many exotic hair flowers were on the venue this year, but I sure thought about counting them at one point! So glad for meeting some of my readers there, I hope to see you there next year as well! 


  1. Venomous critters do strike my mind when thinking tropical-- so in that sense you're right! heheh
    You're beautiful (and deadly), as usual ;)

    1. Thanks so much Mari! I thought so too, jungles are swarming with all things deadly. :)

  2. hot and classy as always! :)

  3. You look beautiful like always :) And the pictures are high quality, do not demand too much perfection from yourself!

    1. Thank you! You're right, it's silly to demand too much from myself but I do like to keep photo quality at even some proper level. :)

  4. Oijjoi! Mahtista että pääsit tommosta touhuileen! :D
    Nättinä olet ollut ja kiva nähdä vähän veikeetä hymykuvaakin. ;)
    On muuten tosi kiva joskus keskittyä vaan tapahtumaan, kun tuntuu, että liian usein se menee kuvien räpsimiseen ja ihan yleinen oleskelu jää vähän vähemmälle, ei ole yhtä rennosti.

    Ite aina missaan nämä, kun on sellaiseen aikaan, ettei ole varaa juosta Helsingin suunnalla koko ajan. No, ehkä ensi kerralla. On kyllä niin sellainen juttu mihin on pakko päästä! <3

    ~ Frillycakes ~

    1. Thihi, kiitos! En vaan osaa omasta mielestä yhtään kuvissa ellei se tule tuolleen iloisen spontaanisti. Joillekin on suotu missihymyn lahjat, mulle ei. :D

      Mä jotenkin yleensä jätän keikka- ja bilekuvailut nykyään vähemmälle, täysi läsnäolo ja tapahtumasta nauttiminen on paljon tärkeämpää puuhaa. Toki muistoja on hyvä napsia, mutta pelkkä dokumentointiin keskittyminen tuntuu surulliselta.Ja burleskibileissä on aina hauskaa, kannattaa ehdottomasti tulla joskus! :)

  5. Jälleen kaunis asukokonaisuus, tappavat hyönteiset toimii teemaan täydellisesti! Näin teidät useaankin otteeseen lauantaina mutta en kuitenkaan kehdannut tulla moikkaamaan joten tyydyin ihailemaan etäältä. :)
    Mieletön show, vuoden tauko tuntuu kovin pitkältä.

    1. Voi kiitos paljon! Aina saa tulla moikkaamaan ;) Burleskijanoaan voi onneksi sammutella pienemmissä tapahtumissa näiden suurien välillä!

  6. your makeup is so pretty ^^

  7. you are so so so beautiful *------*
    and bangs again, it's so perfect!

    1. Thank you so much sweet Nayara! It seems I'm unable to live without bangs for very long, they always reappear. :)

  8. Oh you look amazing as always. I love that spider decorated hat, it's gorgeous!

  9. Did you cut your hair? Looks nice :)

  10. Adorable and beautiful photos, you look wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

  11. Ihanat asut teillä jälleen! Ja ihana oli burleski tänäkin vuonna. :-) Ensi vuonna uudestaan.

    1. Kiitos Pihla! :) Ensi vuonna uudestaan, ehdottomasti.

  12. Oh, so bright, spring pictures) They delight the eye. Especially after your long absence;)

    1. Hehe, thank you! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, or something like that. :> But to be honest, it's hard to blog nowadays, when my computer is three steps away from destruction.

  13. you are so beautiful. Your outfit is gorgeous

  14. I have missed your blogs so much! Your photos and style are always beautiful.

    1. I have missed my blog too! :( I just need more time and a new computer to get back on the track.
      And thank you for your sweet words!

  15. Please, can you tell me which false lashes do you have in this photo?
    you are georgeous as always ♥

    1. I wear mostly Red Cherry lashes, but I can't remember the precised number of those lashes, sorry! But I'm sure they can be found on eBay. And thank you <3

  16. i really, really like your haircut.

  17. I can say with all property of those who live in a tropical region, you hit beautifully on it! Here, the tropical nights are so dark and beautiful ... and also with some insects. Gorgeous outfit!

    1. Thank you, so nice to hear that! I had to get a darker approach on the subject, as the usual tiki things and bright florals aren't really my thing. ;)
